Haslingden derives from Hazeldean or Valley of the Hazels. It lies 19 miles north of Manchester in the County of Lancashire. A area at one time noted in particular for its Stone, it also played a big part in the Woollen and then later Cotton Industries from the 18th and through the 19th and early to mid 20th Century... It is steeped in Local History and can also boast to have one of the most beautiful Natural Valleys around, where thousands come and visit annually
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Old Advert for Cordingleys....
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Swinnel Brook - In the late 19th and Early to mid 20th Century, it was probably the Towns most important asset....
"Those becks that sent that gin to bloom,
This is a map I did in the 80s showing the approximate route the Swinnel Brook takes, and also to summarize its very importance to our local community, especially so in the 19th and 20th Century, providing water to keep our many mills running and in doing providing employment for the many. (Thanks to John Simpson for kindly checking over this map in the 80s and also for making some additions at the Sunnybank/Albion Mill end)
During the 50s and 60s there where many naturally open areas of the Swinnel, as I remember the 6ft wide brook bore much beauty with areas along its route showing off it's long flowing mosses and various chickweeds wavering backwards and forwards within its fast currents, also marigolds a plenty. There where also areas of the brook where we would catch "Sticklebacks and "Bullheads" and put them in jam jars, also but rare we actually caught "catfish", even brown trout was seen now and again, and sometimes we would fish the calmer, more settled waters of the lodges, of which some bore perch and roach and most of them had good stocks of goldfish (or golden orfe). It wasnt that the lodge owners allowed fishing, you had to do it quite "sneakedly" from parts they could not see you!!
From leaving Hazel Mill it then did a 45 degrees and turned South going directly down to the far NE corner of Worsley Park, where it then makes another full 45 degrees and comes west again to the opposite NW corner of Worsley Park, here it again goes at 45 degrees South and heading along the park almost parallel with the road. After some 75 yard it then went under the main road and came out the other side into what was (a large open field area where W.H. Shaws coal merchants used to store their small 3/4" coal chippings which where used to keep the local factory boilerhouses going - they would access this area from Brook Street. The area these days are large corrugated warehouses or units and part of the Hud Hey Industrial area). After crossing under the road heading West for a further 100 yards, it then turned 45 degrees East for yet another 100 yards and here met up with the underground culvert, beneath Brook Street of which also other waters joined up here which had originally collected from high up and further along the Cribden Moor and also from the Duckworth Clough Areas, (Before reaching here (Brook St), and on its way down to here water was also collected within the two further lodges which were for Duckworth Clough Mill. The lodges are still there today and up until about 15 years ago they did contain some beautiful large Carp.) and these waters routed down Duckworth Clough Road and then under the main Blackburn Road (at Worsley Park entrance), and continued via Brook Street, where here they joined up with the Swinnel).
Its worth noting that the water course has been altered from its original course here (near Albert Mill lodge entry), where it used to run straight under the railway track to the other side, and then continue flowing along the South East boundary of Martincroft Farm until it reached the Station area where it then went underground and crossed under the Station and over to the SE side, coming out and showing itself to the East of North Hag Tunnel). And the brook came into view yet again, where it came out from the culverts at the junction of Donkey Row (Bridge Street), and before long (after only maybe some 20 yards) it again dissapeared under the Commercial Mill, alongside the boilerhouse (this area was then the main route into Carrs and called (Commerce Street).
Below is some work carried out by Peter Gidley (received 19th March 2014)
![]() |
Map of Swinnel (P. Gidley) |
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
The Old Conservative Club, John Street.
And this is a photograph (left) is of the actual Stone Laying at the "New Conservative Club in John Street. The photo on the right was the feature in the stairwell. The new club was built in 1909 and was demolished in 1997.
We are thankful to Mr. Fred Scott who took these photos shown below only days before the Club was demolished. (Click over photo to enlarge).
And here below is the more recent Haslingden Conservative Club in the premises of the Old Co-op Bank on Bank Street... Since writing this, the Club has now finally closed its doors on New Years Eve 2009.
I have recently added (1st Feb 2011) this fabulous early day article kindly sent in by Jackie Ramsbottom on the move of the Haslingden Conservative Club from George Street to John Street. (please click over article once to enlarge, then click over again to supersize)

Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Recollections from a Graner - Mrs. Ada Barlow (Nee Nuttall) 1906 - 2000....
My mother- in- law who died at 94 in 2000 wrote a little history of her Haslingden Grane family in 1971. Thought you might like an excerpt.
There may be a copy of her “book” in Helmshore mill’s records. I feel Chris Aspin may have known something of it. I realize there is a lot of conjecture here but years do tend to fly by and my memory’s flying with them!
…”the traffic in those days was mostly horse-drawn. There were big drays drawn by carthorses, and carriages and traps and of course the funeral horses with their black lancer plumes, Dr. Stewart, our doctor, stuck to his horse and trap to the end of his days. Dr. Harrison (always known as Dr. John), was the first to have a car in Haslingden. We all used to turn out to see him pass. May Day was a great day; all the horses were dressed up with paper flowers and little straw bonnets on their heads. Manes and tails were plaited and they were plastered with shining rows of horse brasses.
We had a variety of street criers. There was the Bellman who wore a long coat and rung a bell. People used to rush to their doors when they heard it. He relayed news items of the day. There was a fish seller. He carried a basket with his fish in and scales flung over his shoulders to weigh the fish. Also a muffin man with a basketful of muffins. He rang a tiny bell.
There was an organ grinder who ground out his tunes from his barrel organ. He had a monkey on his shoulder. Then there was a man with a performing bear: children used to rush out with their halfpennies to these two, then there were German bands.
At dusk the lamplighter appeared with his long pole turning on the gas- lit street lamps. I was in my teens before with got electric in the house.
The gypsies used to come frequently. We had the Suffragettes delivering pamphlets and talking in the road, mostly on Saturday afternoons. All this I watched with great interest behind my little garden gate. Dad used to call me Mrs. Pankhurst..
Vine House ( Warburton’s) was then in its heyday. The gardens were lovely. They employed 2 full-time gardeners and a coachman. They were famous over a wider area for their grapes and orchids. About this time George V and Queen Mary (1911?) had heir coronation. I walked in the procession which assembled in Marsden Square. I carried an outstanding basket of flowers made for me by one of the gardeners. One little girl pinched one of my roses. I was very affronted………….
Regards, joan b.
And here are more excerts from Ada Barlow (sent in by Joan on 24th Dec 2010)FROM ADA BARLOW 'S (nee NUTTALL) More excerpts The Barlow Brothers.(All born 1884-1880)
"There was a dyed in the wool Tory in Helmshore called Owd Brandwood. He was standing for the council. In those days elections were really rip-roaring affairs. It seemed he kept pigs and on voting day one of the pigs was painted blue. It made headline news and is still talked about today. No-one knew who had done it. The first time I heard about it was when I was at school. We were being told how we "breathed" through our pores. The teacher said,"Remember how the Tory pig died at Helmshore just because they could not remove the paint?". Well you've guessed it. It was the work of the Barlow brothers. They were Liberals."
"A rag and bone man used to come to the village and it was his custom to call in the pub and leave his donkey and cart a little higher up the road tethered to a gate. He had the shock of his life one day. His cart was on one side of the gate and his donkey on the other. Once again the Barlows had been at work. They had taken the donkey out of the shafts and stuck the cart on the other side of the gate and were in hiding watching the fun. They were still at it when they moved to Blackburn road, Haslingden. They had some white mice and let them run into the walls of the house. Very soon the neighbours were complaining of black and white mice.Just imagine what a handful they must have been for grandma."
"Haslingden market was very well-known in those days.People came from far and near. The stalls ran all down Deardengate near where the Big Lamp stood. There used to be a big marquee where they sold black peas and hot pies. Saturday nights it was full of customers eating their pie and peas sitting on forms which ran along the sides of the tent. The bulging bottoms were just too much for the Barlow scamps, they ran along outside jabbing with a large hat-pin.Alas, the old market was scrapped to make way for a market hall which proved to be a white elephant. The allure was the old stalls which traded until very late, lit by napthaline flares.
One Barlow brother,Frank used to organise family outings and holidays. One year they all went to Ireland and stayed in a farm near the Giants' Causeway. The farm must have been pretty primative. Some of the rooms were divided by thin curtains. Frank's sister,Ruth and her husband shared a "room" with a curate and his new wife. They guessed they were honeymooners and put health salts in their 'jerry'. Luckily they had a sense of humour and enjoyed the joke with them!"
These lads were possibly born in Hollin Bank or Helmshore. Does that count them out as true Graners?
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Haslingden Grammar School.
Here below we have a more recent School "Girls hat badge" from around the 1960's, kindly supplied by Alison May (nee Heywood)
There was a ceremony involving the badge on your first day at school designed to make you "feel welcome". The senior boys would seek out the new first formers in the playground prior to the start of their first day. They would borrow your cap and repeatedly smash it against a wall until it resembled a piece of shrapnel brightened by the occasional fleck of enamel. If you were luck they would then give it back, if you wern't you had to retrieve it from a recently flushed toilet bowl.
The cap was also the source of a few after-school detentions for me. If we met one of the teaching staff in the street, school rules required the boys to hold the peak and "doff" their cap. The girls wore the same cap badge but on a sort of straw, trilby type hat that was mainly navy blue with a couple of dark red bands (school colours). The boys cap was also navy blue with a dark red cross. The badge was also worn on the breast pocket of the blazer.
Here we have a full school photo (kindly supplied by Ian Paterson) and I think it is from around the 1940s to early 1950s.. (click over photo to enlarge)
The Grammar School also used to have its own Magazine called "Ex Montibus"... here is a example:
And here are two photos of the Sixth Arts, the first one from 1959 - 1960 and the second photo is from 1960-1961: (Click over photos to enlarge)..
Here is a old postcard showing the school and the Ebenezer Church
Here is a old photo of Haslingden Grammar School Cricket Team from 1949:
Here is a photo from Christmas 1931...
Showing the old Grammar School with demolition work across the way |
A lovely old postcard showing the "New Technical School" and also the Ebenezer Baptist Church. |
Clifford Hargreaves has kindly sent in the following photos of the Old Grammar School prior to and during demolition... (Click over photos to enlarge) Also Andrew Bridge has kindly sent in a further 19 photos of the Grammar School prior to demolition and during. PLEASE CLICK OVER THIS LINK TO CHECK OUT ANDREWS PHOTOS.
And here is a photo added on 26th Nov 2010 of the Annual Sports Day presentation on June 20th 1928.
1932 Sheet 1 |
1932 Sheet 2 |
1932 Sheet 3 |
1932 Sheet 4 |
1932 Sheet 5 |
Haslingden Grammar School Group Photo - May 1947 Sheet One |
Haslingden Grammar School Group Photo May 1947 Sheet Two. Irene Barnes is on Row 4 from the bottom and 13 from the left (or 3rd from right) |
Haslingden Grammar School Group Photo May 1947 Sheet Three. |
Haslingden Grammar School Students May 1947 Sheet Four |
Haslingden Grammar School 1947
Pupil and Staff Photo plus some notes kindly supplied by
Arthur Keown - Ex pat from Devon. The Photo above has been divided into four separate photos), which is a student photograph from May 1947. He believes it is the first photo after WW2. You can see that the girls are in uniform, whereby the boys are dressed in all kinds of clothes depending on the "coupons". (Please click over the photos to enlarge)
Arthur who is now 82 years of age has also asked "If anyone knows whether or not there is an Association of Old Pupils belonging the old Grammar School?"
Arthur Keown and Clifford Hargreaves and also Clifford's sister have all kindly send in the names of pupils and staff which they remember on the photograph.
Sheet 1.
Back Row: left to right (number in brackets denotes how far the pupil is along the row).
Geoff Boocock (5), Donald Wilkinson (9), Brian Towler (11), John Trickett (12), Derek Ashton (13), Arthur Keown (14), ? Scott (15), John Edmondson (16), Peter Docherty (17), Jimmy Tomlinson (18), Richard Crankshaw (19), Danny Morris (20), Alan Ogden (21), Derek Mortimer (22), Alan Bennett (23), Jimmy Catlow (24), Norman Whitaker (27), Gordon Robinson (28), Alan Morris (29), Raymond Leigh (30), Alan Cockerill (31), Jack Ayrton (32), Ronnie Holland (33), Clifford Hargreaves (34), Derek Pilkington (35), Peter Taylor (38) Neville Holt (40), Sydney Gill (41), John Winter (45), Ronnie Bury (47), Albert Winter (48) Brother to John, Desmond Mulderrig (53), Noel Alsop (55), Nigel Egerton (60).
6th Row from front:
John Hoyle (1), Florence Green (6), Watson Fuller (9)
5th Row from front
Barbara Tarrant (3), Florence Green (6), Marjorie Hoyle (7), Pat Lee (12), Glenys Boothman (13), Warburton (14) Just a note here, that Arthur has Glenys at No 14, but there appears to be some confusion in deciding which row one or two of the girls are actually on.
4th Row from front:
Peggy Ormerod (1), Jean Hargreaves (4), Ida White (11).
3rd Row from front:
Jean Haworth (3), Stephen McIntyre (5) Eric Fowles (6), Clifford Grime (7), Kenneth Parker (8), Douglas Pilling (9), Ben Ramsbottom (10), Mr. Paul Fox (History Teacher) (12).
2nd Row from front:
Doreen Adlum (3), Jean Heap (4), June Fisher (5) Jean Price (8).
Front Row:
Raymond Hill (9), Clifford Bell (10).
Sheet 2.
Back Row (row 7), Richard Crankshaw (3), Danny Morris (4), Alan Ogden (5), Derek Mortimer (6), Alan Bennett (7), Jimmy Catlow (8), Norman Whittaker (11), Gordon Robinson (12), Alan Morris (13), Raymond Leigh (14), Alan Cockerill (15), Jack Ayrton (16), Ronnie Holland (17), Clifford Hargreaves (18).
Row 6 (from front)
Colin Beresford (4), Chris Aspin (13).
Row 5 (from front)
Vera Berry (3), Joy Hutchinson (7), Joan Constantine (11), Jean Hoyle (15).
Row 4 (from front)
Irene Camm (7), Jean Hodgkinson (8)
Row 3 (from front)
Mr. Hindle (3) Chemistry teacher, Mr. Hargreaves (4), English Teacher, Mr. Armstrong (6) French Teacher, Mr. Whittaker (7) Maths teacher. Mr. Brewis (8) Latin teacher, Mr. McTaggart (9) Art and PE, Mr. Lewis (10) Deputy Headmaster and Physics, Mr Sheratt (11) Maths teacher, Mr. Weston (12) Headmaster and Chemistry, Miss Addis (13), Senior Mistress and English.
Row 2 (from front)
Glenys or Joan Dean (3)
Row 1
Tommy Howarth (3).
Sheet 3.
Back Row (row 7)
Derek Pilkington (6), Peter Taylor (9) William Greenwood (10), Neville Holt (11), Sydney Gill (12), John Winter (16)
Row 6 (from front)
Gerald Sumner (6), Clive Barlow (8).
Row 5 (from front)
Kathleen Austin (9)
Row 4 (from front)
Helen Donaldson (6), Eddis Whitam (9) Beryl Austin (10), Alice Williams (13), Christine Burgess (14).
Row 3 (from front)
Miss Cronkshaw (4) English and French), Miss Waring (7) Geography, Miss Lees (8) French, Mrs. Weston (11) Chemistry.
Row 2 (from front)
Lorna Riley (4), Margaret Maden (7), Marjorie Eastwood (10, Margaret Senior (11), Audrey Haworth (12).
Row 1
George Dewhurst (6).
Sheet 4.
Back Row (row 7)
Ronnie Bury (5), Albert Winter (6), Desmond Mulderrig (11), Noel Alsop (13), Nigel Egerton (18)
Row 6 (from front)
Roy Haworth (5), Aquilla Ashworth (7), Gordon Barnes (15), Colin Mitchell (18)
Row 4 (from front)
Marjorie Whittaker (3)
Row 3 (from front)
Margaret Knowles (4), Betty Dewhurst (5), Gwendoline Massey (6), Nora Ormerod (8) Jeanne Ashworth (15)
Row 2 (from front)
Olive Revens (6), Joan and Glenys Dean (11), Sheila Cooper (14)
Row 1 (front row)
Donald Hoyle (8), David Whitam (9).
Other notes kindly supplied by Arthur:
Arthur Keown went on to be (Headteacher and Lecturer in Bristol),
Jimmy Tomlinson went on to be (Pharmicist),
Richard Crankshaw went on to be (Office Clerk),
Danny Morris went on to be (Surveyor for the City of York),
Derek Mortimer went on to be (a teacher),
Alan Bennett went on to be in (Town Transport),
Alan Morris went on to be a (P.E. Teacher).
Neville Holt went on to be a (teacher and later a professor)
Nigel Egerton went on to take over a pub (sadly died in middle age)
Noel Alsop always wanted to become a vet.
Alan Morris (29 back row) played cricket for Ramsbottom.
Derek Mortimer (22 back row) played football for Lancashire Schoolboys.
HGS pupils from Ramsbottom caught the 8.25am train from Ramsbottom to Helmshore to school.
Ramsbottom did not have its own Grammar School and pupils had to travel daily. (Thanks to Arthur Keown for this information)
On the 3rd row up from the front, starting with the 1st boy and moving from left to right is: Stephen McIntyre, Eric Fowles, Clifford Grime, Kenneth Parker and Douglas Pilling.
Third Row down: Girls - left to right (numbers in brackets denotes how far the pupil is along the row).
Barbara Tarrant (3), Florence Green (6), Marjorie Hoyle (7), Pat Lee (12), Glenys Boothman (14), Vera Berry (19), Jean Gorman (21), Gwen Buglar (22), Betty Hargreaves (23), Joyce Weston (27).
Other notes:
Gwen Buglar, elder sister of Lorna, died a few years ago.
Jean Gorman lives in Newton Abbot.
Joyce Weston lives in or near to Torquay.
Staff from left to right:
Fox - History (1), Hindle - Chemistry (3), Hargreaves - English (4), Armstrong - French (6), Whitaker - Maths (7), Brewis - Latin (8), MacTaggart - Art and PE (9), Lewis - Physics Dept Head (10), Sherratt - Maths (11), Weston - Headmaster (12), Addis - English and Senior Mistress (13), Cronkshaw - English and French (14), Weston - Science (21).
Paul Fox and Lewis returned from the War.
1947 (above)
1950 (above) I am grateful to Bryan Gudgeon for kindly sending in these student photos. 1952 (below) I am grateful to David and Irene Belshaw for kindly supplying this student photo and also for giving names where possible. Also to Joan Merrill, John R Edwards, Diane Schofield, Jack Pilling and Bernard Booth (one of the Rammy lot) also thanks to John Tomlinson for kindly filling in a lot of the names. If you want to enlarge the photos just click over the photo. But if you want superlarge or original sizes click here, select and click + in the right hand bottom corner, the more you click the bigger it goes!
added: John Tomlinson on 12th June 2015 HGS photo 1952 sheet 3. The teacher to the right of Mr. Stitt was Bob Scott who taught French. He left in about 1957 to go to a school in Keighley and later moved to Morecambe and taught at the FE College. He was brother in law to Miss Brunton who taught English.
HGS Student Photo 1952 Sheet 1 |
6th Row: Joyce Entwistle, ?,?,?, Jean Tattersall, Joan Harrison,,?,Barbara Sutherst ,Brenda Cox, ,?.
5th Row: ?, Jean Daniels, Barbara Tomkinson, Kathleen Warburton, Barbara C Nuttall, ?, Sylvia Cropper, Dorothy Heald.
4th Row (Half a row) ?, Winifred Nelson,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,Nancy Barnes, Beryl Hayworth, ?
3rd Row: Dorothy Haworth, Margaret Taylor,?,?,?,?Mavis Preston, Bessie Currie.
2nd Row:David Rostron ,?, Joseph Sumner, ? Ian Mason, John Daniels, Walter McDonald.
Front Row:Bryan Bridge, Peter Shaw, Roger Kenyon, Walter Green, David Belshaw.
1952 (above)
Haslingden Grammar School Student Photo for 1954
Photo kindly sent in by Jack Pilling on 12th January 2015 (Please Click over photo to enlarge)
1954 (above)
1957 - October (below)
1957 - October (above) I am grateful to David and Irene Belshaw, for kindly offering to name some of the above pupils. Also additional names given by John R. Edwards and also by Ian Edmundson.
1959 - September (below)
1959 - September (above)
1962 (below)
Back Row from left: 2nd Len Cockcroft 8th Barry Ramsbottom, 11th David Woodvine,
5th Row: 8th Spencer,
3rd Row: 13th Marion Boyson
3rd row from front: ?,?,Christine Howson, Margaret Woolley, Jean Griffiths,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?.
2nd Row: Winifred Heap, Denise Holden, Janet Spavin, Dorothy Johnson, ?, David Walsh, John Tomlinson, Deryk Mead, David Entwistle, David Hayhurst.
6th Row (back row) left to right: 6th Frank Hindle
5th Row: 11th Linda Foster,
4th row: 11th Shiela Nuttall
2nd Row: ?,?, Mr Winstanley, ?, Mrs Smith, ?, Mr Grimshaw, Mr. Thomas, Mr Pettit, Mr Stitt, Mr Fox.
3rd Row: 6th Christine Nuttall, 8th Christine Hayhurst ? 8th Beryl Taylor?
5th Row from the front:?,?,?,Lynn Haworth,Elizabeth Reece, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,13th Shirley Woodford,
2nd Row: Mr Stitt, Mr Fox, Mr Lewis, Mr Weston, Miss Waring, Miss Brunton, Mr McTaggart, Mrs England, Mrs Devine, Miss Biglen.
6th Row (back) from L to R: 4th Paul Frohnapfel
5th Row: 6th Susan Cocker, 10th Jean Howarth
5th Row from left: 7th Peter Marsden, 8th Ken Sedgwick, 10th Peter Greenhalgh
4th Row from left: 6th Geoff Ogden, 7th Brian Souter, 8th Ian Grindrod, 9th Stewart (Noddy) Bradshaw, 12th Billy Martin, 13th Cephus Carroll.
3rd Row from front L to R: 7th Lesley Barcroft, 8th Sherri Holden
2nd Row: ?, Margaret Ramsbottom, Patricia Mowat
HGS Student photo 1962 Sheet 7.
3rd Row (from front L to R) 7th Marjorie Easton, 10th Jean ?
2nd Row: Brian Arnold, Neville Greenhalgh, John Walsh, Keith Pilkington, ?, Carol Pilkington, ?,?,Joyce McFarland, Linda Duxbury,?.
With many thanks to Nicholas Daley of the Valley Cleaning Services whom has kindly sent in this September 1962 group photo of Haslingden Grammar School Pupils. Also a big thanks to Alan Saunders, Bill King and Derek Whittaker for supplying quite a lot of the names.
Because the photos are quite wide I have had to split each photo into 7 separate lots. PLEASE CLICK OVER THE PHOTO ONCE TO ENLARGE.
1962 (above)
1965 (below)

3rd Row from back: 9th from left is Jean Haworth
4th Row from Front: 2) Alison Butterworth, 3) Dorothy Riley, 4) Lesley Mason, 5) Elizabeth Sagar, 6) ?, 7) ?, 8) Susan Shaw, 9? Carol Kay, 10) Doreen Ashcroft
6th Row from Front 5) Lynette Rowell, 6) ?, 7) Linda Birkett.
1st Row from front: 1) ?, 2) Susan Driver, 5) Hazel Clegg
3rd Row from Front: 3) Elizabeth Ormerod, 4) Susan Nicholas, 5) Janice Brown, 6) Susan Deakin.
4th Row from Front: 2) Linda Duxbury
5th Row from Front: 1) Carol Kay, 2) Doreen Ascorft

"The photograph that I have been reviewing is that of the Grammar School in 1965. It was probably the last one to be taken at the old school but it is one of my souvenirs because I left the school that same year to study in London at the Imperial College. Since leaving University I have worked and lived in Switzerland and retired from Novartis in 2007" Alan Saunders.
Because the photos are quite wide I have had to split each photo into 8 separate lots. PLEASE CLICK OVER THE PHOTO ONCE TO ENLARGE AND THEN CLICK OVER IT AGAIN TO SUPERSIZE.
1965 (above)
1969 - May (below)
Haslingden Grammar School May 1969 Students - Sheet 4 (from left side) |
2nd row down from the top: Judith Evans, Deborah Hallworth, Barbara Stuttard, Collette McBaine, Deborah Worthington, Christine?, Jacqueline Tremble, Karen?, Wendy Crawshaw, Lynda Barker, Carole Ann Procter, Shirley Cookson, Susan Everett, Gillian Love, ?,?,Lynn Foden, Norah Tattersall, Lindsey Yates, Angela Bradbury, Jean Aspinall.
3rd row from top: Peter Edmundson,John Smithson,Martin Hall?,John Heywood,?, Stephen Ashworth, David Eastwood, Craig Papworth, Peter Farnworth, Geoffrey Oldfield, ?,?, Malcolm Ridings, Roy Flanagan, ?,?,Roy English, Alan Dixon.
2nd row from front (seated sixth formers) Alan Earnshaw, Mick Glover, Brian Read, John Davies, Malcolm Edwards, Alan Curtis, David Isherwood,, Robert Alderson, Alan Howarth, Geoff Harrison, Roger Hoyle, Cliff Hacking, David Ormerod. (sadly 3 of these last mentioned have passed on: Malcolm Edwards, Alan Howarth and David Ormerod.
4th row down - Lower Vith girls:
Susan Nuttall, Linda Bradshaw, Lesley Rothwell, Susan Mawdsley, Susan Wardle, ?,?,?,?, Laura Beavan, Jane Kirk, Carole Oldham.
5th row down
Lorraine and Pauline Roberts are standing behind Alan Earnshaw - identical twins one on each side of him. Then Carole hardie, Janet Kirby, Heather Jones, Elizabeth Haworth, Betty Richardson, Janice Darlington, Ann Stuttard, ?,?, Michele Cavannah, Susan Plaice.
Front row: Antrobus, ?, David Clegg, Green, ?,Stephen Hardman, Stewart Savage, Philip Casson, Paul Holt, ?,?, Neil Rothwell, Raymond Clegg, Nigel Billings,
Name contributions have been kindly offered by Carolyn Smithson, Adrian Bury, Alison May (nee Heywood) Ian Edmundson, Raymond Clegg and Dave Isherwood and If anyone else can place missing names to these photos it would be very welcome. If so please email me by clicking here.
1969 - May (above) (Click over photo to enlarge) The above 1969 photo was kindly sent in by Adrian Bury, and also a big thanks to David Murray, Cliff Hacking, Yvonne Malley (nee Holden) Kevin Green, Sue Whittaker (nee Nicholas), Tony Brierley for kindly updating some of the names.
1969 - October (below)
1969 - October (above)
1975 (below)
Old School Mews sign - built on the site of the original Haslingden Technical School (later Grammar School) |
Houses built on the site of the Haslingden Grammar School now called "The Old School Mews" |
A Original Corner Stone and a inscription stone built into the new wall surrounding the "Old School Mews". |
Haslingden Grammar School Choir Event
Names offered: Carolyn Lewer, Vivenne Butler, Shirley Woodworth, Sandra Kempson, Elizabeth Reece, Katherine Nuttall, Joanne Thornton, Kathryn Haworth, Linda Fister, maureen Wood, Tina Wissett, Susan Ormerod,Susan Cocker, Susan Alderson, Lauren Jade Haworth, Pat Killingbeck,Hazel howarth, Adrienne hindle, Maureen Eastwood, Lynn Jones, Carol Heap, Susan Sowerby, Ann Hargreaves, Vivien Butler, Rebecca Taylor, Hillary Taylor.
Photo: Kindly shared to us by Peter Fisher

Haslingden Grammar School 1967 (Click over to enlarge)
Photo: Kindly shared to us by Brian Uren
The photo dates from about 1967. It was taken in the old Annexe which was a two classroom block situated between the main school building and the next door chapel. The class is a 6th form geography group taught by Miss Waring:
Starting from nearest to the camera: Front row: Dorothy Lack, Susan ?, Sandra Kempson, Linda Foster, ?, Joan Harvey.
Second Row: Brian Uren, Phil Brown, Ian Seville, John Richardson, Vivienne Butler, Anne Davies,
Back Row: Peter Smith, Michael Dunnachie, Chris Chaplow.
Haslingden Grammar School - Grane House Hockey Team Champions 1949
Front Row: Normal Pickup, Shirley Greenwood, Joan Stiller, Eddiss Whittam, Beryl Austin
Photo: thanks to Joyce Snellgrove
David Barber, Ross Holden, Roger Hargreaves, David Walsh, Peter Booth, Ian Myatt, Barry Bowell, Peter Cronshaw, Alan Haworth, Gwen Holden, Christine Ashcroft, Joyce Heaton, Ann Burbridge, Brenda Heap, Anne Butterworth, Walter McDonald, Ralph Ormerod, Constance Rees, Adrian Pilkington, David Lewis among others.
rom Jack Cartier on 14th April 2021 - Hello Bryan, I've just discovered your blogsite and can make a small contribution: HGS photos: 1969 Sheet 1 - David Foster (Albert), Sheet 4 - Seamus Holden, David Clegg, Colin Green, Stephen Hardman, Stuart Savage, Phillip Casson, Paul Holt, Kevin Egan, ??? Green ?, Neil Rothwell, Raymond Clegg, Nigel Billings.
Also the following Speech Day programme (the very last)
Click over the programme to enlarge
Kindly sent in by Stephen Riley.
Kindly supplied by John Clegg
The above is the 1962 Haslingden Grammar School - Speech Day programme
Kindly supplied by John Clegg