4th February 2015
Information sent in by Roz Gladden
Hi Bryan, by chance while trying to find photographs of the above two pubs I came upon your blog and some info on both of them. I should explain.
My grandmother is the late Nancy Hoyle, who was the youngest daughter (born 1901) of William Hoyle (b 1855), who was the son of (bear with me) James Hoyle (b 1826). James and his wife Jane was the licensed victualler of the White Horse in Goodshaw for a number of years but sadly died at the relatively young age of 49 while still the licensee (1876)
It would appear that James's widows, Jane subsequently married a Samuel Smith and then they both went on to manage the New Inn. Prior to his marriage to Jane, Samuel had been a Calico printer and even on the first census after they married, although they were living at the New Inn, Samuel was still down as a Calico printer. I can only imagine that in those days women were unable to hold a licence in their own name.
I was fascinated by the fact that the New Inn used to be utilsed for court hearings.
I would be grateful for any info or photographs you may have. My late Mum lost touch with that side of her family many years ago so I don't have any contact with any Hoyle's that are living in Rawtenstall, Haslingden or Edenfield now.
Incidentally, it's a great blog!
Best wishes, Roz Gladden.
Research: Mawdsley (Wigan, Darmody (Wigan and Ireland), Hoyle (Crawshawbooth), Whittam (Crawshawbooth and Gisburn (Yorks), Frankland (Yorks)
Since displaying this email it has come to my notice that the "New Inn" to which Roz has mentioned above is NOT our Haslingden New Inn, and is actually the New Inn over at Goodshaw (1881) and so I have advised Roz to try and seek help on this elsewhere.
On 5th February 2016 Florence Walsh added:
With reference to the latest article on the blog -
There used to be two cottages attached to the New Inn,
Goodshaw. These were both lived in by my
father's family for many years. My dad
used to have hen cabins in the field behind. The family then moved to Blackburn
Road, opp Bob Gardner's, I think before the war. At the opposite end of the row containing the
New Inn, my uncle Jimmy used to have a car repair business.
Sorry it is not much but it is something as those cottages
have long gone.
Best wishes
14th September 2015 Information kindly sent in by David Middlehurst (Chorley) who is currently compiling a book on old Lancashire Bands. Here are one or two snippets on Haslingden and Rossendale Bands:
Rossendale bands
November 20th 1875 “BALL- On Saturday evening the
members of the Spinners and Minders’ Association had a ball at the Public Hall,
Regent Street, Haslingden which was well attended. The Popular Star Quadrille
Band played for dancing”
On January 8th 1910 “Miss Almond of Rawtenstall
held her annual juvenile ball in the Public hall, Rawtenstall. Mr. Cryne’s Band played for dancing”.
On January 6th 1912 “On Friday evening a grand
ball was held in the Assembly Rooms of Helmshore Liberal Club, when Moorhouse’s
Orchestral Band provided the music”.
On January 4th 1913 “SOCIAL AT ST.JOHN’S
RAWTENSTALL- There was a dance at St. John’s School on New Year’s Eve. Dancing
was enjoyed to the strains of Mr. Smethurst’s Orchestral Band”.
On January 4th 1913 “The winders and Beamers
employed at the Forrest Mill, Lumb held an enjoyable gathering at the Water
Council School on Saturday. Mr. J. W. Dugdale’s Band played for dancing”.
On January 24th 1914 “In connection with the
Irwell Springs Printing Company Football Club, a dance was held in the Assembly
room of the Bacup Liberal Club on Saturday evening. Mr. H. Goodenhough’s Band
(b. 1890) played for dancing”.
On January 31st 1914 “promoted by members of the
Rawtenstall Tuesday Football Club, a most enjoyable whist drive and dance in
the Assembly room of the Rawtenstall Liberal Club. Mr. T. N. Howarth’s
Orchestral Band”.
On February 7th 1914 “R.A.O.B ANNIVERSARY- “On
Wednesday, a tea and social was held in the Co-operative Hall, Haslingden.
There was a piccolo solo by Mr. W. Heap and a selection by the concertina band
under the conductorship of Mr. Brown. Mr. Harry Heap’s (born 1879) Band played
for dancing”.
On February 21st 1914 “The annual tea and social
in connection with the Haslingden Co-operative Society, took place on Wednesday
evening in the Co-operative Hall. Dance music was supplied by Radcliffe’s
Robinson’s Band
January 2nd 1904 “In connection with the Bacup
Primrose League, the annual dance was held in the assembly rooms on New Year’s
Eve. The dance music was supplied by Mr. Robinson’s Band”.
On January 8th 1910 “On Tuesday evening the
annual party in connection with the Bacup Co-operative Society employees, took
place. The music was supplied by Mr. Robinson’s Band”.
On November 29th 1913 “A gathering of eighty
people participated in a whist drive and dance, held in the Conservative Club,
Rishton. Messrs. Robinson’s band played for dancing”.
On January 24th 1914 “The Stacksteads and
District Junior Conservatives held a concert and dance in the assembly room of
the Workman’s Club. The music was supplied by Mr. Robinson’s Band”.
Warburton’s Band (Rossendale)
On January 8th 1876 “On New Year’s Eve, a public
ball took place in the Public-hall, Haslingden which was well attended.
Warburton’s Quadrille Band played for the dancing, which was kept up till
breakfast the next morning”. (Blackburn Standard)
On January 12th 1895, there is an advertisement
for Thomas Warburton, who ran a music shop at 12, Regent Street Haslingden,
specialising in Pianos and organs. Thomas was born in Haslingden in 1856 and at
the age of 15, he was a ‘cotton weaver’. In 1901, he lived at the shop premises
with his wife and six children. His eldest daughter Mary, was a music teacher
at the age of 18. (Rossendale Free Press)
On January 2nd 1909 “The dressmaking students
attending the dressmaking classes at Waterfoot Council School, held an
enjoyable dance at Victoria Hall, Waterfoot. Mr. Warburton’s Band from
Boothfield, supplied the music for dancing”.
January 8th 1910 “The Helmshore Liberal Club,
held their annual dance on New Year’s Eve. The dance music was supplied by
Messrs. Warburton and Coulton’s band”.
On January 15th 1910 “Last night, under the
auspices of the Newchurch and District Conservative Association, a
well-attended ball was held in the Victoria Hall. Warburton Brother’s Band
played for dancing”.
- On Saturday Warburton’s Band played for dancing at the above club from 7-10
p.m. The band included their full orchestra from Cloughfold.
On January 13th 1912 “the annual Juvenile Ball in
connection with the Conservative Club, Waterfoot took place last night. Mr.
Herbert Warburton’s band played excellent dance music”.
On 21st February 1914 “A benefit dance in aid of
Ernest Lea, who had been unable to follow employment for the last 18 months
(through ill-health) was held in the Victoria Hall, Waterfoot. Messrs.
Warburton’s Band played the music”.
Private Harry Knowles was from
Cloughfold, near Rawtenstall. He was a twenty nine year old father of three,
originally a carpet printer by trade, who earned a living as a quarryman prior
to the outbreak of war. He had played the violin in Warburton Brother’s
Orchestral Band and was probably involved with the musicians of the battalion.
He sadly died in 1915, during the war in France.
13th September 2015 Information on "Choppy Warburton" from Ann Regan
Dear sir, I have some information on the Warburton family, The father of Choppy was James Warburton , who married Harriet Birtwistle, They married at the parocheal church, Haslingden , on September 14th 1845, They had six sons, the eldest being James Edward (Coppy) born 1845, then George, next Elijah( my fathers grand father) next Robert, then Doctor, then Richard, I hope this is some help, Ann Regan
28th August 2015 Information request from Ray Warburton
wondered if you could cast any light on a couple of problems I’ve had
researching Warburtons in Haslingden. Two characters who appear in censuses and
give Haslingden as their birthplace don’t appear in any online parish registers
(LOPC, Ancestry etc.) as far as I can see. The were both born in the early
wondered if there were any nonconformist chapels in Haslingden which had
baptism records not yet on-line, but maybe held at Preston (Lancs Record
Office), or elsewhere.
The two
characters are a John Warburton who joined the Mormons and emigrated to Utah,
and James, the father of Choppy Warburton of running and cycle training fame.
Ray Warburton
Warburton Website: http://warburtontrees.net
RESPONSE: SUSAN WHITTAKER: I remember Cecil and Olive Warburton who lived down Grane Road in a lovely semi. Olive in particular was a pro active member of St James's Church. Sunday school teacher and the chorographer of the morris dancing troup. Every year she was the producer of the annual pantomine. They had two sons, Gary and unfortunately I can't remember the elder sons name. Don't know if this is the same family you are trying to trace.
RESPONSE: RAY WARBURTON: I have Cecil and Olive in my trees. They are part of a family that originated in Edenfield in the 16th century and their branch came to Haslingden quite late (early 19th century). They included a number of managers and (I believe) owners of mills, including Flash mill. Cecil’s father George Victor was born at Vine House.
RESPONSE: SUSAN WHITTAKER: I remember Cecil and Olive Warburton who lived down Grane Road in a lovely semi. Olive in particular was a pro active member of St James's Church. Sunday school teacher and the chorographer of the morris dancing troup. Every year she was the producer of the annual pantomine. They had two sons, Gary and unfortunately I can't remember the elder sons name. Don't know if this is the same family you are trying to trace.
RESPONSE: RAY WARBURTON: I have Cecil and Olive in my trees. They are part of a family that originated in Edenfield in the 16th century and their branch came to Haslingden quite late (early 19th century). They included a number of managers and (I believe) owners of mills, including Flash mill. Cecil’s father George Victor was born at Vine House.
11th July 2015 Information request from Norma Ashworth Chao (Florida USA)
Good Afternoon Mr. Yorke,
My husband and I are coming to Lancashire September 5 of this year. I am looking for my grandfather, William Shore who married my grandmother Jane Sutherst in 1903. Jane's parents were George Sutherst and Mary Ashworth. George's father, George Sr. was married to Elizabeth Tattersall of Haslingden UK.
This will be my second trip to Lancashire to find my grandfather, William Shore as he seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth after the 1911 census. My grandmother Jane Sutherst married him in Oldham in 1903. My father Wilfred was born in Preston in 1907 under the name of Wilfred Shore. When Jane came to America in 1913, she came as a widow. (No death certificate for him) When she moved to Florida, her name was Jane (Jennie ) Ashworth . My father, Wilfred's name changed to Ashworth as well. The obvious solution would be that she married an Ashworth but there is no evidence anywhere of that fact. Consequently, I grew up with the surname of Ashworth when it should have been Shore.
Genealogy is a strange and fascinating hobby and I have been doing it now for 10 years. Still no clue! Is there anyone you might be aware of who has knowledge of the Ashworth, Tattersall or Sutherst families that I might get in touch with? I would appreciate even the tiniest clue to follow.
Norma Ashworth Chao
Green Cove Springs, Florida
If you can help Norma, please email her at: normachao@yahoo.com
7th July 2015 - Snippett of information from Arthur Keown
Extract from Ramsbottom War News - Issue6- 1944
'I started at Haslingden Grammar School in September. There had been a frantic scrabble around for school uniform.
Compulsory, even though the war was on and clothes were rationed. I suspect a few in our family including grandparents
gave up valuable coupons to this cause. Starting secondary school clashed with harvesting the oats we had grown on the back meadow
and far pastures some 9 acres in all.' - Bryan Walsh Golinrod Farm.
Bryan, As I mentioned in my contribution, although uniform was compulsory, it was difficult to obtain and expensive. In the School s I have made
Photograph (1947), all girls were in uniform but not the boys. I think Clifford would agree with the this point.
21st May 2015 Snippett of information from Marie Ives
Marie Ives (21st May 2015) - Looking through an old notebook that belonged to her Great Grandfather. He was at one time a fireman in Haslingden.
He Noted that on May 25th 1885 there was a gas explosion at Haslingden Station, June 4th William Richardson and Joiners Shop there was a fire at 0830 am. In 1886 Holden Wood Mill burnt down at 10pm on the 17th ?
11th May 2015 Email request from Chris Faulkner
Dear Bryan, l have just stumbled across your web site regarding the property known as Hazelwood, 41, Bury Road. My name is Chris Faulkner, I bought the property in 2002 when it had been vacated by Hazelwood Nursing Home run by Dr Magoob and his wife Mrs Magoob. The property had not been very well secured and vandals,vagrants and drug users had been actively destroying the property from inside out, during the two years it was empty prior to my purchase. However, since I took over the property I have been refurbishing the interior as offices and meeting rooms. I moved my company Millwide Engineering Services Limited into the property in 2002 until 2010. The property is currently used by St Vincent's Home Care and Repair to administer their business in Rossendale.
I would be interested in any pictures of the interior of the house. As I mentioned I have been slowly refurbishing the interior trying as best as possible to be sympathetic to the style of the property. It would be good to see if my vision is in line with the past.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Regards, Chris Faulkner
(12th May 2015 reply) I have a bit of info about Hazelwood which I hope would be of use.
My mother was a resident of Hazelwood, where she eventually died (she died the weekend Mrs Magoob was attacked by one of the staff - August 1999). At first she occupied what I think must have been the principal bedroom. If I remember correctly, it was on the right hand corner if you looked at the building from the outside. It had wood panelling and there was a sort of panelled lobby across the entrance doorway. Presumably this would have been from the time of Dr Armistead and family or even earlier. Not much but I hope it may be of some use.
Best wishes
Florence Walsh (nee Clough)
18th March 2015 Email request from Anne Nicholl
Hello to you, my name is Anne Nicoll and I come from Accrington. My mother is 91 and she often tells us stories about the Astoria dance hall. Its where she met my Dad and they have many fond memories of the place.
She says that it was officially opened by Sir Ronald Cross and that she presented a bouquet of flowers to Lady Maureen Stanley on the day. She has never forgotten the ladies shiny shoes! I wonder if you know if any photos of the event exist and where I might find them.
Anne Nicoll
13th March 2015 a email request from Vaughan Riley
I was wondering if you could help. My Great Grandfather James Riley was the licensee of the Griffin during the 1920`s-30`s, he also owned some houses over the road. His brother was John William Riley who was the 1st Steward of the Irish Land League. If you could publish this on your blog and see if anybody has any photos or stories
yours sincerely
Vaughan Riley
8th March 2015 a notification from David Blanchard
Can anyone help David? When he was doing excavation work putting in a new drive, he found this fabulous bottle with the inscription William H Baxter, Haslingden Mineral Water Works and was made by Cannington Shaw and Co in St. Helens. There is a picture of a bird on it over a shield like design. We also found numerous other bottles and clay pipes, when we made a few enquiries we were told we are on the site of the navy camp for the railway, at the bottom of Roundhill Lane. CAN ANYONE PLEASE HELP WITH ANY FURTHER INFORMATION WHICH WILL BE APPRECIATED. THANKS DAVID BLANCHARD.
7th March 2015 a snippett sent in by Douglas Newton
HASLINGDEN CHURCH BELLS ( A letter to the Editor of the Bury Times Nov 8th 1859)
Sir, - I was surprised that our church bells did not ring on Saturday last, being the 5th of November, as I have never known them to miss on that day before. But what do you think our head churchwarden says? - that the ringers turned out of themselves. Now, I deny that; for last Easter-Tuesday but one he promised the ringers £8 for the year; but instead of that he paid them with £6. So they turned out on that account, and the bells have never been run since last May. If the incumbrance (I beg your pardon - the incumbent) has any influence in the matter, I wish he would use it. But I had forgot to say that our head churchwarden has him just under his thumb, so that will be of no use.
We have a splendid clock in the tower, which cost the inhabitants of Haslingden £275, and, like the bells has gone to rack and ruin for want of care. It is time the inhabitants of Haslingden besitirred themselves and appointed fit and proper persons to fill the office of church-wardens.
There has been an offer for £20 to be paid for two years ring, but our head churchwarden says they must not be rung this year. They must be his property; but I can say that when the bells came to Haslingden the head churchwarden promised £10 but he never paid it in, -- Hoping I am not trespassing too much on your valuable columns, yours,
JAMES CHOPPY, One of the Ringers and Big Drummer to the Haslingden Band,
Rock Hall, near Top o'th'Slate, Haslingden, Nov. 8th 1859.
3rd March 2015 A email from Fingland Dent (Reading Berks)
Dear Mr Yorke..
My interest in Haslingden over the
last 60+ years is due to it being the birthplace of my father and the home
of his parents for several years in the early 20th century. They lived in Grane
Road, close to the Methodist church building in a house now demolished due
to subsidence (23).
I am keen to discover if there are likely
to be any records of employees of the cotton mills at the bottom of Grane
Road, specifically J H Birtwhistle, who were the employers of some of my aunts
in the 1940's. I have already visited the Helmshore Museum with great benefit.
Where should I look for any archives that
may still exist?
Thank you for your kind help, I shall quite
understand if you are unable to assist.
Fingland Dent
28th February 2015 a family request
Norman Knight jnr |
We are desparately seeking photographs of my late brother Norman Knight jnr who used to live at Back Carr Mill Street, Haslingden. I do know that Norman appeared with the Rossendale Amateurs in South Pacific which was shown down at the Astoria. Also there may be photos about showing our Norman carrying the baton for the Haslingden and Helmshore Band. It would be really great if we can find any photos. Please contact bryan.yorke@sky.com if you can find any. Thank you Judith.
22nd February 2015 Email from John McGuire in Australia
Hi Bryan,
I am still following your blog with interest. I attend Kingston U3A twice a week and one of my classes this year in titled Victorian Britain. When we cover the potato famine I intend to present a talk covering
Victorian Haslingden, and perhaps its most famous Irishman, Michael Davitt. I guess I’ll be using some material from your blog in the preparation.
Now to the purpose of this note. I am preparing an itinerary for our next caravan trip up north. During the course of this I came upon a place name of Haslingden in the far west of Queensland a few miles north east of Mt Isa.
Further investigation has revealed that it is a district or locality in the county of Rochedale. County in this context is not like an English County but more of a local government area. I have searched for more information but can’t find anything.
The area around Mt Isa is rich in minerals particularly copper, lead, zinc and silver. But out where this parish of Haslingden is there is only many thousands of square miles of cattle properties. The ground is mainly sandstone, basalt and Siltstone.
Where did the area get its names from? A surveyor from NE Lancs or an immigrant prospector from Haslingden. Perhaps someone out there can provide a clue.
All the best and keep up the good work!!
John McGuire
BJY If anyone can help John with answers to any of this please let me know so I can pass it on to him.
Hello. I was wondering about the school photo that bill king sent in (SEE BELOW). There is a stuart jackson 3rd in second row from back. I think this could be my uncle. Stuart's sister was called brenda?. He also had a brother stephen. I hope i've got the right person. Could you help in anyway?. Maybe pass a message on or know where he might be now. Anything at all. Big thank you. X
Click over photo to enlarge |
Outcome: Sammy was put in touch with Brenda.
6th February 2015 Email from Arthur Keown
Hello Bryan,
It has given me much pleasure to see so many photographs of pupils of H.G.S over many years.
Clifford Hargreaves has made some excellent photographs of the outside and inside the old building. During my time as a pupil I always considered both the inside and the outside of the building to be attractive. Why was it demolished? Could you also tell me when H.G.S. became comprehensive. I understand that the new building is on the site of the old playing field.
Best Wishes
(BJY: added 11th February 2014) New information has come to light which susbstantiates the amalgamation year to be 1975 (and not 1973). For further details click here.
Also a kind contributor has added: The building on Bury Road after the HGS became part of the Accrington and Rossendale College and housed the Construction Department and also had lots of night school courses including Typing. When the Day and Night School closed its doors it was all relocated to Accrington.
(Marie Ives sent email in reply 6th Feb 2015) H G S amalgamated with H S M school in 1973 when my three children Bobby, Catherine and Susan) were transferred to Hassy High on the site of the old HGS playing fields.
1st February 2015 Email from Anne ClarksonIt has given me much pleasure to see so many photographs of pupils of H.G.S over many years.
Clifford Hargreaves has made some excellent photographs of the outside and inside the old building. During my time as a pupil I always considered both the inside and the outside of the building to be attractive. Why was it demolished? Could you also tell me when H.G.S. became comprehensive. I understand that the new building is on the site of the old playing field.
Best Wishes
(BJY: added 11th February 2014) New information has come to light which susbstantiates the amalgamation year to be 1975 (and not 1973). For further details click here.
Also a kind contributor has added: The building on Bury Road after the HGS became part of the Accrington and Rossendale College and housed the Construction Department and also had lots of night school courses including Typing. When the Day and Night School closed its doors it was all relocated to Accrington.
(Marie Ives sent email in reply 6th Feb 2015) H G S amalgamated with H S M school in 1973 when my three children Bobby, Catherine and Susan) were transferred to Hassy High on the site of the old HGS playing fields.
I would be grateful if you could put another request on the blog as this has been very helpful in the past and might be again.
I am seeking anyone having any knowledge of the wider family of Ann Gregson, born late 1790's/ early 1800's who married Thomas Clarkson and were believed to have lived within Accrington area.
I am still looking for living descendants of the siblings of Cornelius Hughes born 1845 in Ireland and/or his wife Alice Walker, hopefully some will still be in the vicinity of Haslingden or Accrington. (My Greatgrandmother was one of their children, Ann Hughes, born 1863 Accrington).
I am also trying to find more information on John Clarkson (approx 1820 -1877) and am trying to trace any sibling descendants plus the parents of his wife Ann Brannon (1826 - 1880).
Thanks again for your help, Bryan
Kind regards
Anne Clarkson
27th January 2015 Email from Michael Mullaney
Hi Bryan,
It may be worth mentioning that Mary Hindle was one of the rioters in 1826 who was transported to Australia all of which is noted in William Turners book "Riot".
Which is about the East Lancashire loom breakers in 1826 which should be available from most libraries.
I think Hindle Street was named after a "Hindle" who either built the houses or was a member of the group that did.
They were originally known as "Club Houses" as club members got together to fund their building.
Likewise the street names give nothing away... Hindle Street, Back Hindle St, Pleasant Street, Back Pleasant Street, Far Back Pleasant Street. Imagination is a wonderful thing!
There are three good pictures in the picture gallery of Hindle St.
25th January 2015 Email from Vicky Anderson
I was just doing a very random search for my grandfather Ross Hindle and found out that he grew up and was married (I think) in Haslingden. I google searched it and landed on your page only to find on your main page there is a street called Hindle Street! I do know that Hindle is quite a common name where you are but my grandfather did end up down here in Sussex where it is uncommon.
I hope you don't mind me emailing but I was so shocked and pleased to see the Hindle connection. Something to tell my children that there is a street with my maiden name in!
I will now have to research more!
Best regards
Vicky Anderson (nee Hindle)
Reply: BJY 25th Jan.
Hi Vicky, You are correct the Hindle name is well known in these parts. When I was growing up I lived in Hud Hey Road next door to the "Hindle's" which were the direct descendants of Jonas Hindle the Cotton Waste Manufacturer who had Lamberts Mill down in Carrs. In fact I remember even as a lad a Miss. Hindle and also a daughter of the same name who were the main shareholders in the Carrs factory. I think many years ago that the Hud Hey and Carter Place Hall area was perhaps the stronghold for the old "Hindles" family as well as the "Dearden's" who also lived on the other side of Hud Hey but that's another story!
Also I remember growing up and friendly with another Hindle family who came from down the Station area.
Sadly to report that Hindle Street was demolished to make way for the new central flats which now occupy the ground on what was Hindle Street. If you look through the photo albums on the blog and also the Haslingden St. James Church Lads Brigade blog you will find photos of Hindle Street showing the old stone setts etc.
Hope you find out more about your grandad and the Hindle name in Haslingden.
All the best,
10th January 2015 from Bryan Yorke
![]() |
Here is a map showing the area Oakenwood and shows the course of the road where Michael mentions in his earlier email. (Please click over to enlarge) |
9th January 2015 Email from Michael Mullaney
Hi Bryan,
Oakenhead Wood Old Road I would hazard a guess that it originated as part of the old and ancient trackway which were developed about the 17th century along which travellers and merchants with their pack horses would travel.
It was much easier to skirt along the terraces of the hillsides and only descend when you came to the place you wished to visit. As wheeled traffic emerged and then got larger with heavier loads the trackways moved down the hillsides onto wider and firmer
routes as indeed did the development of the town. Oakenhead Wood Old Road is a part of the system which circled around Cribden. If we accept that all old and ancient routes started and finished at the parish church, its easy to visualise how they went to and from Blackburn, Bury, Newchurch, Burnley etc. In this case, up Higher Lane, turn right along Slate on Cribden End Lane, at the cross roads now where the Halo is you had options, left onto Laund Lane towards Duckworth Clough and onto Huncoat, or straight on Cribden End Lane, which skirted Cribden and came down on Burnley Road Rawtenstall, or turn right again on Laund Road, fork left at Spout House, and the road now has a connection with Haslingden Old Road at Height End where it changes its name to Oakenhead Wood Old Road.
This continues originally onto Rawtenstall, past Jolly Hall and the Ski Slope and the cottages at Oakenhead emerging at what is now Holland Avenue, and would eventually have terminated at the church in Oakenwood, (St. Mary's Rawtenstall).
Alternatively, you would have been able to branch off and continue to Newchurch. Its possible that these trackways were the predecessor of the Kings Highway.
Properties sprang up along these trackways at random intervals and its assumed they were mainly involved with sheep and wool, as to just why the small hamlet of Oakenhead Wood came to be I know not, they may have originally been in the wool trade but its not so far to walk down the hillside to the new mills at Swany in Rawtenstall. In passing, people walked from Accrington to Crawshabooth to attend Goodshaw Chapel. To us this seems a long way to travel however, by going across the hills by these pathways its a relatively short hike, albeit a bit up and down!
6th January 2015 Email from Marie Ives
Cottages most likely called Spring Vale Cottages. I remember them as Canary Islands when I was young in Haslingden in the 1950's Marie Ives.
6th January 2015 Email from Kathleen Haworth
Hi Bryan
Can anyone remember the cottages which used to be near Springvale Mill Waterside? They had a name of an island as they were built on a strip of land by the waterside.I thought they called the site Canary Island but no one seems to know . Can anyone help? Kathleen Haworth
4th January 2015 Email from Michelle Bingham
Hello...I'm hoping you can help me I'm trying to find a doctor who trained at rossendale hospital in the 1969/70 ... He was from Mauritius. ..All I know is he was called Michael pande. .. not sure if this is the correct spelling...do you have any old photos of staff at the hospital? ...hope it is ok me emailing you. .. Thanks Michelle Bingham
3rd January 2015 Email from Chris Goldthorp
Hi Bryan,
I am trying to find some information on Oakenhead Wood Old Road, Haslingden. It's the unadopted road above the ski slope that runs a parallel to a Haslingden Old Road.
All I seem to get on searching is house selling info and a little on townships. I wondered if you might have any idea where I can look.
Many thanks
Chris Goldthorp
3rd January 2015 Email from Peter Booth
Hello Bryan,
I have just come across your excellent site and was particularly interested in the school photographs of 1957 and 1959 in which I am pictured. I found it particularly interesting to identify the members of the school 1st 11 football team from 1959 to 61 as it was the same team for two years. It was Ian Jefferson, Peter Dawson, Alan Moss, Peter Booth(self), Peter Cronshaw, Ross Holden, Roger Hargreaves, Dave Walsh, Barry Chester, Eddie Yarker, Neil Tann. This team was particularly successful during the 1960/61 season when we won 15 of our 20 matches.
I have lived in the West of Scotland for the last 47 years so haven't kept in touch with my old school friends but it would be great to hear from anyone that remembers me and those happy days. My brother Michael who also attended HGS still lives in the Valley at Waterfoot and he is also in the 1957 photo. There are also lots of other friends that I recognise in the photos particularly David Barlow, Michael Yates, David Hayhurst, Roger Benson, Keith Standing, Frank Ashworth, Bill Briggs, Bill Wise and many others.
I also recall your regular correspondent from Australia John McGuire arriving at HGS and it is good to see his memories.
Thanks for all your great work.
Kindest regards to all
Peter Booth
29th December 2014 Email from Michael Mullaney
Hi Bryan,
Just catching up with the query Re: Goodshaw Chapel.
My response was in order with the original query Goodshaw Chapel the records I referrer to are Anglican and not Baptist.
The two chapels are almost opposite each other and I wrongly assumed Peter was referring to the Anglican chapel it isn't until he later clarified Baptist that I identified the mistake.
Not sure where the records for Goodshaw Baptist are held however the last time I was in that area the chapel looked in excellent condition and I seem to recall that it could be accessed by appointment.
Apologies to Peter for the confusion.
28th December 2014 Email from Mrs. E. Clegg of Rathmell
I would be very interested in finding any historical information or images/photos regarding the owner of the BAY HORSE INN in Haslingden.
I believe my great grandfather could have been the owner Mr Dionysius Law in the early 1900’s, he was married to Maria Law and he brought her from Suffolk where she was a maid.
My mother’s name was Lillian Law – she had two brothers and two sisters who lived at this address.
Kind regards, Mrs E Clegg
Rathmell Yorkshire
(Ammended on 1st Jan 2015 from White Horse to Bay Horse which I am now advised)
(Ammended on 1st Jan 2015 from White Horse to Bay Horse which I am now advised)
26th December 2014 Email from Peter Barnes
Thanks for the help from yourself and Michael. My mistake was in trying
to look up ,Old Goodshaw Baptists. The records do of course come under
New Goodshawe Baptists. There does seem to be a great weslyan influence
in the Haslingden area, probably from John Wesley visiting the area.
Thanks for you and Michaels help .
Peter Barnes.
23rd December 2014 Email from John Oakley
Dear Bryan,
I wonder if you or any followers/members of your page could help me with information please? I am trying to find out more about the Rossendale Hunt. My Great Grandfather James Edward Taylor was Whip to the Harriers from April 1879 to December 1883, and then Huntsman from December 1883 to June 1907. I believe that the Master of the Hunt at that time was possibly a Major H.M. Kenyon. I would be grateful if anyone has any information about my Great Grandfather, or the Rossendale Hunt in general.
I found your page during the process of researching my Great Grandfather, and visit it regularly, it is a wonderful resource, and I wish you all the very best. Yours Sincerely, John Oakley.
23rd December 2014 Email from Shamsheer Qureshi
I am saddened by
the news that Mr Marshall - a former Headmaster of Haslingden High School - has passed away on Saturday 29 November 2014 at the
age of 87 at East Lancashire Hospice. He was a fine
man and excellent educator, who inspired respect and motivated pupils to
broaden horizon and be forward looking in life.
I was fortunate
to have him as my headmaster at Haslingden High and I am really inclined to write
an obituary on him, but my insufficient knowledge of him does not qualify me to
do so. I would ask someone who knew him personally as well as professionally to
pen a comprehensive obituary on the former Headmaster of Haslingden High, Mr
I pray for his soul
to rest in peace.
Qureshi – a former pupil of Haslingden High.
Hello again Bryan,
I have emailed a few weeks ago and your site was really useful in putting me in touch with a lady who could help me find out a bit about my 2nd Great grandfather, John Clarkson, who was born Preston 1821 and died in Haslingden in 1877.
I am now on the quest for some more information, this time trying to find out more about my other 2nd Great grandfather, Cornelius Hughes 1825 -1888. I know he was born in Ireland but lived in Haslingden. He was married to Alice Walker 1827 - 1911and their daughter, Ann, was my Great grandmother. They all lived in Accrington and Ann was a Cotton Weaver.
I know Ann had a number of siblings so if there's any failymembers desdendedfrom those siblings who can tell me about Cornelius Hughes and or Alice Walker, then I would be interested to hear from them.
Thanks Bryan.
Kind regards, Anne Clarkson.
19th December 2014 Email from Michael Mullaney
Hi Bryan,
Re: old records for Goodshaw Chapel - the original registers are held at Manchester Library in the local studies unit which is possibly most convenient for Peter
however, there are copies held on film at Lancashire record office, Preston.
Records look to start as early as 1699 and go through to 1899.
18th December 2014 Email from Peter Barnes
Hi Bryan.
I'm the Peter Barnes who has been researching my Barnes family history.
I live in Salford and youv'e helped me before.I'm a descendent, of Henry
Barnes born 1785, and Betty Nutter his wife. I'm researcing Betty
Nutter, who would have been my fifth grandmother. There is a record for
a Betty Nutter who was baptised at St Nicholas Newchurch Rossendale.
She was baptised in 1792. Her Father was a Willian Nutter and her mother
a Margret Lord. I Have not been able to trace William Nutter, in St
Nicholas records, but recently i came accross, a William Nutter
mentioned on a plaque at Goodshaw Old Baptist church. Rawtenstall
library have a few records and a michro film of some BMD, from
Goodshaw. But Manchester library and Preston records office don't have
the records. The old Goodshaw chapel is i believe now owned by English
heritage. William was born 1762 and died 1824 as is mentioned on the
plaque. So if you know whether there are BMD records for Goodshaw on
those dates, and if they still exist. Will you let me know. I believe
that at that time marriages had to be in church of England churches.
Peter Barnes.
12th December 2014 Email from Paul Schofield
Click over photo to enlarge |
Hi Bryan
My late Mother, Vera Schofield lived in Jubilee Court. There a gentleman gave a talk about the history of the postal service in Rossendale. After the talk he laid out some photos, my Mother was pleasantly surprised to see her Father in one. George William Hornung is fifth from the right in the attached photo.
From his looks it must have been taken before the First World War, in which he fought in the Lancashire Fusiliers. He is the elder brother of Albert who you have included in the War Heroes Blog. My Grandfather was a postman all his working life later in
Blackpool then Manchester. He and his family returned to Haslingden when their house was bombed in the Second World War. He and his wife were one of the first to move into the newly opened Greenfield Gardens in 1959.
As a foot note for those who might be wondering my Mother was the Domestic Science teacher at Haslingden Grammar School and later the High School.
Kind regards
Hi Bryan
Just been reading with interest your website on
Haslingden. I live in a large property called Sunnyside which was built by the
Halstead family so I am led to believe, I am very interested in the history of
the property and wondered if you had any information relating to
Michael Berry
8th December 2014 Email from Keith Burton
I was just preparing a
postcard picture to send to you and started looking through to see if you
already had it. I came across the pictures from Haslingden County Primary
School, sent in by Sam Westwell in 2012. They are dated 1952 and 1953. It was
strange to see a lot of faces that I recognised - especially my own sister, Jean
Kay Burton, now Wood. She lives in Accrington and has just celebrated her Golden
Wedding Anniversary last September. She is on the front row (4th from the left)
on the 1952 photo and is on the 3rd row (on the right just in front of Mr.
Ashburner) on the 1953. I can't guarantee that the dates are correct but she
will know. She will also be able to name a lot of the people. I have copied the
photos and will ask her when I next see her - or send them to her. She
doesn't have a computer, though some of her family do so she might find a way to
get the answers to you directly. I went to the same school but was 2 years
behind her. She went off to Accrington High School for Girls and I went to
Manchester Grammar School, at the same time as John Isherwood - the first time,
as far as we knew, that anyone had gone from Haslingden Primary School to MGS.
Did any more after that?
The postcard that started
this is attached. It is of the Central Council School - it became both the
Primary and Secondary Modern School. I don't think that I have sent it to you
already - it wasn't marked as such.
I have also attached a
postcard from, I presume, the First World War. It is of a pay day parade, and
most likely was in a building in Haslingden as the photo was taken by Arthur
Constantine. Which building? Anyone recognise the dartboard on the back wall? On
the back it says that it is a DLI Pay parade - but does that make sense? Can
anyone see and recognise a cap badge? I am not good on such things. I will
appreciate any help that can be given. The card wasn't used so I don't have any
dating material in the way of stamps or cancellations.
Keith Burton.
7th December 2014 Email from Michael Mullaney
Hi Bryan,
Thanks for the email from John Maguire. I am aware of the passage from John Dunleavy's book but it doesn't sit comfortable.
Lets consider the options for burials in Haslingden. Some but not all the dissenting churches and chapels had their own small cemeteries. It could be said that none had excess capacity to take in the high number of Irish Catholics, that's if they agreed too.
Also the dissenting churches and chapels without their own graveyard suffered the same as the Irish Catholics which is probably why they had their own, small as they might have been but reserved strictly for their own followers. Why would they accept Irish Catholics?
Quoting from Dunleavy "Most interments, however, took place in Haslingden church yard, though up to 1880 it was not possible to bury the dead there with the church's rites:" That indicates to me that from the earliest time the majority were buried in Haslingden parish church cemetery albeit up and until the Act of Parliament of 1880 it was done without any Catholic religious rites. As I understand it: The clergy would accompany the deceased and mourners as far as the gates and there all religious activity stopped. The body would be handed over to the verger and his men who would then proceed to the "grave" and complete the burial, which may or may not have taken place at that time. The mourners were turned away and not allowed to enter the graveyard or mark the grave. In the case of babies and very small children, they, with the help of a sympathetic undertaker or other suitable person would be slipped into a grave in which someone had just been buried, although the two events may have been several days if not weeks apart. The mother having no knowledge of exactly where her child might be buried, except that is was one of a very recent burial. After 1880 this was changed and you begin to see the Catholic clergy registering the burials in the burial books. But still no markers allowed. The Irish Catholics were seen to be heathen's and not Christian and unworthy of being buried alongside good English Christian stock. It could be said that most Irish would prefer to spend the money on a wake or other essential items, however, some must have wanted to place a maker as time went on many were establishing themselves as tradesmen and becoming richer than their fellow Irish. To the Irish the passing of a loved one was a great occasion and much was made of it. If we turn to St. James the Less at Rawtenstall, it did not have a large area into which the congregation could be buried it, like St. Mary's relied on the town cemetery in Rawtenstall. I guess that Altham was out of the question for most. So we come back to the original query, Where did all the hundreds of Irish Catholics get buried? If the Irish Catholic congregation was around 1000 in 1861 and up to 2000 in later years, that's not including all those who died in between and we consider that many lived in poverty and were prone to ill health and succumbed to early deaths, it would seem to me that under any stretch of the imagination that would have been a lot of burials and should have warranted a reasonable sized plot. If you enter the grave yard by Salem Street as you reach the top on the right is a small piece of ground, now being used for cremation plots, which is believed to be the "paupers grave". On reflection however it is remarkably small for the numbers we are contemplating. The lower end of the plot is well accommodating of graves with markers going back to the mid 1800s and therefore would have been in use at the period we are considering and could discount the larger area of that plot. The graveyard at St. James was extended several times over the years to accommodate the rising number of burials and Haslingden Corporation was remarkably slow in opening a new cemetery for the town. Is it possible that the "Paupers" grave gave way to one of the extensions?
7th December 2014 Email from John McGuire (ex pat Australia)
G’day Bryan,
I would like to respond to Michael Mullaney’s query regarding Irish catholic burials 1850-1902. (not 1920 as Michael states)
I quote directly from “Hasingden Catholics’ 1815-1965 by John Dunleavy.
“Provision was made for the burial of Catholics locally in 1902 when Haslingden Corporation opened Holden Hall cemetery and set apart a plot exclusively for Catholic use. Prior to this, burials had taken place in a number of burial grounds. Not a few are buried at St. James the Less, Rawtenstall , though on that ground being closed to outsiders in 1867, and with the nearest Catholic graveyard at Altham, Catholics were compelled to bury their dead in the public cemeteries of neighbouring towns, or else at Haslingden Parish Church. Most interments however took place in Haslingden church yard, though up to 1880 it was not possible to bury the dead there with the Church’s rites, in that year an Act of Parliament Permitted Catholic and Dissenting clergymen to enter the churchyard and perform a service in accordance with the desires of the deceased’s family.”
So Michael, there is no mass Catholic pauper’s grave. A pity really. We could have re-assemble the Time Team and got them on to it!
John McGuire
6th December 2014 Email from Michael Mullaney
Hi Bryan,
Just wondered, as St. James's was the official parish cemetery for Haslingden from its earliest time until the new town cemetery opened at Holden Hall about 1920 and the official burial ground for the majority of Haslingden folk
where was the hundreds of Irish Catholics buried between 1850 and 1920? Officially, they were not permitted to be buried in consecrated ground being deemed not Christians, its presumed they went into "paupers" graves, but realistically, the huge numbers involved
would warrant a huge piece of land being designated as a "paupers grave", which there doesn't seem to be any? All burials are recorded in the burial books but no location. In this enlightened age should it not be identified and marked?
5th December 2014 Email from Sam Westwell
Hello Bryan,
That brought back some memories. I think the gent was our headmaster Mr Halstead on the Haslingden Junior School Photos of 1952 and 1953. I'm Sam Westwell (top right). Your site brings back many memories of my childhood ( now 72 ). In the 1953 picture the teacher is Miss Brierly who lived with her sister on Manchester Rd opposite the war memorial, a teacher at the secondary modern. Incidentally their next door neighbour was Mr Senior the owner of the rope works at the bottom of Prinny Hill. I too used to visit and spent many a happy hour with Joe. He used to let me start the engine, it used compressed air, but he always stopped it himself. When the works closed around 1955 we tidied everything up and it was demolished, however I still have some rope that I made. I don't want to bore you as I could go on all day. My dad was the steward of the Con Club and his brother Leo had the Westwood Agency in Rawtenstall. We lived in Laburnum St next to the reed shop(a small factory making reeds and heralds for looms) and at the bottom I think the premises of Mark Barnes whose daughter was in our class at school. When I left school I worked for Wh Goods the electrical contractors. This brought me into contact with Harry Hardman and his daughter and his friend Sam? who both owned mills and Jack Cordingly, whose daughter is in both the school photos. If you still want me to name the faces or tell you of our exploits as " pillars of society" let me know. Hollands pies, steel bottoms and iron sides... Best Regards, Sam...
(I will also include this with the photo of the Students. thanks Sam.)
25th November 2014 Email from David Goble
Dear Sir
If it is not too much trouble, could I enquire if
there are any records, or other info on the above named special
constable. His medal has four clasps to it from the Great War
to 1949. This medal has been hawked around for the last six months or more. I would like to build
up research on a very special constable.
Yours sincerely
David N Goble
I am Sheila Mcconville Nee Mcintyre Loved the old photos and made me remember happy days at St Mary's Bury road does anyone remember Miss Spiers infant class coal fire large fire guard on cold days milk bottles on the guard warming for us when we arrived after walking from Syke also a swing to play on it hung from a chain in the middle of class room Health and Safety ?! Loved it Ll
14th November 2014 email from Anne Griffiths (nee Clarkson)
Hello Bryan, I have found your name through the Haslingden blog and wondwer if you can help me? I am researching my family tree and in particular I am now looking at my 2nd Great Grandfather, John Clarkson who was born in Preston in 1821 and died in Haslingden in 1877. My brother says he remembers our Granddad telling him that this man died in a brick kiln explosion in the Accrington brickworks in 1877. However, I can't find any records of this event. Is there anything recorded in newspaper or journals to substantiate this? Have you ever heard of an 1877 Brick kiln explosion in Accrington or Haslingden. How many others were killed in it I wonder?
Thanks for your reply. It is all interesting stuff. I subscribe to Ancestry.co.uk but can only get details of the date and location of his death. Thanks very much. Kindest regards, Anne Griffiths (nee Clarkson)
John Clarkson - Birth: 1821 Preston, Lancashire. Death: 1877 in Haslingden Lancashire Age 56.
Parents: Tomas Clarkson and Ann Gregson. Spouse and Children: Ann Brennan and Joseph Clarkson 1863-1940.
10th November 2014 email from Derek Whittaker
Both of my parents worked at Sykeside Mill and my mother is still
alive. Also she tells me that her mother was "summonsed" at Haslingden Court for
breaking a window there as part of the protest about loss of jobs in connection
with automating the mill's machines. If you pass my email to Hannnah I would be
happy to help.
Also would you have any ideas how I could track down any records of the
above court proceedings? I have tried without success.
Thanks for your
Derek Whittaker
10th November 2014 email from Michael Mullaney
Hi Bryan,
Re: picture of St. Marys football team sent in by Angus Lindsay.
Attached pictures of cup winners medal for Michael Doherty (third from left on back row) for 1939-40 1st Division Championship Blackburn and District Football Combination.
Don't know if that's the league which St. Marys played in? By all accounts Doherty was a very good player but died young.
A point to look out for is:
In Bacup cemetery a voluntary organisation, not just sure who, is placing identification plinths on graves of families who lost sons in the First World War with details of the solider who died etc.
I understand this is a free service and Haslingden, presumably Holden Hall and St. James's graveyard as well as independants are to be done next year.
Therefore any interested parties need watch out for details of what and how to get their relatives remembered in this way.
10th November 2014 email from Michael Mullaney
Hi Bryan,
Re: picture of St. Marys football team sent in by Angus Lindsay.
Attached pictures of cup winners medal for Michael Doherty (third from left on back row) for 1939-40 1st Division Championship Blackburn and District Football Combination.
Don't know if that's the league which St. Marys played in? By all accounts Doherty was a very good player but died young.
A point to look out for is:
In Bacup cemetery a voluntary organisation, not just sure who, is placing identification plinths on graves of families who lost sons in the First World War with details of the solider who died etc.
I understand this is a free service and Haslingden, presumably Holden Hall and St. James's graveyard as well as independants are to be done next year.
Therefore any interested parties need watch out for details of what and how to get their relatives remembered in this way.
1st November 2014 (a email from Hannah Zaman)
name is Hannah Zaman and I am a student at Clitheroe Royal Grammar School. At
the moment we are learning about the industrial revolution and we all have to do
a project on one mill each. I have chosen to do Sykeside Mill in Haslingden. I
was wondering if there was any information you could give me to help me with my
project or tell me who I could speak to for information.
20th October 2014 (A email from David Worsley - New Zealand)
Dear Bryan,
I am Henry's great grandson,
living in New Zealand. I have been sorting out some family heirlooms passed onto
me by my late father David Cecil.
I have a few items relating to his
mayoralty , a scroll, silver box on stand, photographs, 2 medals. Attached is a
picture of the coronation medal which is in mint condition.
I would like to get more
information on Henry and copies of any photographs, if any are still
Kind Regards,
David Worsley
![]() |
Alderman Henry Worsley's Coronation Medal issued when he was the Mayor of Haslingden Photo: David Worsley ( Alderman Worsley's Great Grandson) |
Hello, your site is
fab. Is it you that knows Jim Nuttall? He told me about the site. I am one of
the volunteers from the Museum in the Arndale in Accrington and have a great
love of local history.
I am an Accrington
lass, but, when a teenager (early 60’s) I used to go and visit a relative who
lived on Prospect Hill, so I do have some memories of the town. I vaguely
remember going to the cinema which you show on your site. I remember having
Chilprufe vests of all things, bought from a shop on the main road. Hee
I just wanted to tell
you that yesterday I went to the newly opened café The Dearden. It was lovely.
I will certainly make my way to go there again. What I also loved was they have
a super bit of old ACCRINGTON in there, a J W Bridge cast iron range. Its in
perfect condition and apparently they intend using it in the winter time, to
bake scones etc.
I once had my own
website, ACCRINGTON UNCOVERED, but alas, I didn’t have the know how to update
it, so it had to lapse. I still haven’t got over it! L
I will certainly
keep looking at your site – good luck with it.
![]() |
J.W. Bridge cast iron range at "The Dearden" on Higher Deardengate. Photo: June Huntingdon of Accrington Museum |
17th September 2014
Hello Bryan,
There used to be a tram car in the garden at Spout House which I used to
play in as a child when I visited my relatives. I understand that it was later
sent to a museum. I wonder if any of your readers might know which museum it was
sent to. I would love to go and see it.
I enclose a photo of Jim and Nancy (nee Ratcliffe) Butler and myself taken
in the garden at Spout House in about 1962. Nancy was my great-aunt. I remember
Jim used to play a homemade ukulele.
Best wishes
Jean Tomlinson
Reply) 17th Sept 2014 from Bryan Yorke. I would imagine Jean there is a good chance it may be in the Crich Museum at Derbyshire. This is the national tram museum where most end up...
Follow up on 26th September 2014.
Jean has managed to trace the tramcar to the Heaton Park Tramway Museum were it is awaiting restoration. Here is a photo of when it was in situ at Spout House.
If you would like to see all the photos relating to Tram No.23 please click here which will take you to the Heaton Park Tramway and then select "The Trams" in the left pane, then scroll down to Rawtenstall No.23 and click over the tram photo.
7th September 2014 (Email from Shirley Coyne)Follow up on 26th September 2014.
Jean has managed to trace the tramcar to the Heaton Park Tramway Museum were it is awaiting restoration. Here is a photo of when it was in situ at Spout House.
![]() |
Rawtenstall Tram No.23 in situ at Spout House |
Hello, I wondered if you could help me in trying to find a book that a man wrote, in which part of it included being an evacuee in Haslingden during WW2.
I'm sorry, but this is all the information I know regarding this book.
Kind regards,
18th August 2014 (Email from Cheryl Clarke)
am helping a friend with researching his family tree and we started discussing
the history of where he lives in Haslingden, which is where I'm hoping you may
be able to help or point me in the direction of someone who can!
friend lives at Warburton Buildings and he said there used to be a railway line
in front of his house which lead up to the quarry. I was looking online to see
if I could find any info or pictures of this and saw your website. I was
wondering if you had ever seen any info or pictures of this railway line or if
you know where the Buildings got their name from.
info you could provide would be very gratefully received.
thanks in advance
a quick response to an e-mail from Cheryl Clarke on how Warburton Buildings got
their name. I’m fairly sure it’s because they are off Warburton Street which was
named after the Warburton Family who owned Flash Mill (cotton mill) across Grane
Road and probably built the houses for employees.
11th August 2014 (Email from Larry Sagar)
Response from John Vizzard 21st August 2014.
An interesting site that might solve
Cheryl’s query about the quarry railway is shown here (Click here) and then click on the top left corner button (+) to enlarge.
Response from Alan Papworth 27th August 2014
Response from Alan Papworth 27th August 2014
Hi Bryan
I have just seen Cheryl’s enquiry. My family came to live in Haslingden in
march 1939 when my father took up a job in the Quarry. There was no railway to
the quarry then, all the stone being transported by lorry. I doubt very much
that there ever was a railway up to the quarry as it is a very steep slope.
However the railway line between Haslingden & Helmshore stations crossed
Grane Road Via a bridge (long gone) near Birtwistles factory and not far from
Warburton’s Buildings and this may have been the line in question.
Regards Alan
Response from Peter Samson 7th September 2014
Hi Bryan,
A mail from Cheryl thanking everyone for their help 28th August 2014
Hi Bryan,
for the info, I've passed it on to my friend. He is very interested in
everything you have passed on to me, he was especially pleased with the links to
the maps as he had previously bought a map but it wasn't as detailed as the ones
on the website.
again to you and everyone for all their help
Hi Bryan,
Just a quick note re Hutch bank quarry for your reader interested in the
railway their see attached pic of one of the two locos that worked their ,when i
have time will dig out further info on the two quarry systems the steep approach
to both quarries was traversed by an inclined plane, full wagons going down
attached to a wire rope wound around a large drum at the top of the incline and
then connected to the empty wagons going up the speed being controlled by a
brake applied to the winding drum.This system being used in many areas
especially north wales in the slate industry.
Best Regards Pete
![]() |
Ant locomotive from Hutch Bank Quarry |
Hi Bryan, Just one or two snippets of info about butchers shops.The shop at
Rising Bridge was opened up after the war by a butcher called Roland Brown, he
was followed by Harold Dobson and then by Tom Pimlott who owned the shop for
many years. The butchers shop on blackburn rd was a co-op with the co-op
grocers next door. The co-op also had butchers shops on Grane St and Holcombe Rd
as well as the one at Sykeside.You mention Jack Hartley as one of the butchers
in the Deardengate co-op,he was known as red Jack as their were two Jack
Hartleys working there the other one was known as black Jack,(based on hair
colour of course.
With regard to the picture of the rescue of Walter Cockeril you were right
in thinking that this took place during the earlier flooding.One of the would be
rescuers was Walter's youngest brother Alan assisted by Terry Southam who still
lives in the village.There four brothers in the Cockeril family the other
two,Fred and Jim both served in the army during the war and having survived the
d-day landings on the 6th of June Jim was killed in France on 11th of June
1944.Fred survived the war.
Hope this is of some interest.
Larry Sagar
(thanks Larry and I will include this information within the two blogs as well)
30th July 2014 (Email from Mrs Valerie Tomlinson)
Hi my name is Mrs Tomlinson and I live at Slate Farm Haslingden, I was wondering if you had any information about the goings on at slate farm meaning the ghostly goings on. I have heard rumours about people being murdered up here and I just wondered if you knew anything. I have seen things and have been told things and I just wondered if they are true. Thanks ever so much for your time Valerie.
16th July 2014 (Email and photos from Allan Bradshaw)
18th July 2014 is the 50th Anniversary of the Great Floods of Haslingden and Helmshore...........
Hello Bryan
As its approaching the 50th anniversary of the “Great Flood” on the 18th I would like to add these pictures to your Hailstones and Floods Blog.
I have also dug out a Flood Souvenir copy issued by the Telegraph the week following the flood which is in poor condition but I have scanned a few pictures and articles which I don’t think are on your blog.
Hope this is of some interest.
Allan Bradshaw. (16th July 2014)
3rd July 2014 (Email from Dave Twydell)
I have 'come upon' your incredibly detailed website relating
to the town. I have read through the site but unfortunately there appears to be
virtually no mention of the local town football club (formerly in the Lancashire
Combination). I am not a local but for over 20 years have researched former
non-League football clubs and/or grounds (countrywide), which I compile in twice
annual booklets entitled 'Gone But Not Forgotten' (now up to part 45!) I have
the bare facts of the club; played at Ewood Bridge, folded in 1998, founded ?
(around in 1905 at least, this club folded post-First World War?), presumably
resurrected post Second World War (leagues the team played in, etc. I have) Any
facts or photos relating to the club (I have some of the still existing ground
in its dilapidated state) would be of great interest. Another club, 'Stand
Athletic' took over the ground, but they folded, I believe in 2009 - anything on
Many thanks, Regards, Dave Twydell
" Dave we will be having a blog on the local Haslingden and Helmshore football teams very soon, but the current research and photographs I hold are purely from the historic view and relate to mainly Church or Factory football teams from the late 1800s to the early to mid 1900s"
I do have some photos of the Stand's ground somewhere which I will try and dig out and let you have them"
Hello Bryan,
I wonder if anyone remembers ma Devitt?. Who had shop at the top of Church
Street. She sold everything.
Her shop was lit up with a candle. You could buy a single cigarette and
light it up via a gas light on the wall.
A lovely lady. I bought many sweets from her. one night her candle must
have set on fire. she died
as her shop was gutted. I missed her and her shop. does anyone remember her
and her shop.
E Smith
20th June 2014 (Email received from Mrs. Edith Smith) Dear Bryan.
I have read with interest your blog.
I came to Haslingden around 1941/2. as an evacuee staying with a family
called Whittaker.
in a back to back house on m/c road. opposite Thomas Tattersall's wood yard.
on m/c road opposite
the Commercial hotel was a shop called Saddler Green. who made leather
goods for farmers etc.
He had a white horse in the window. He let me play on it regular. What
happened to the white horse?
I often wondered, I then moved to Carrs Village. and grew up there. part of
the Hazel Greenwood gang.
She was my best mate. I knew the church street people very well The Malcom's, Eddie went to France
I believe.I knew the Leonard's well and the Mahoney's.
I then went to rising bridge to East view. and now I live in Haslingden
Central Square what was Pleasant st.
Yours Mrs E Smith.
Hi Bryan,
The old Woolworth's Store on Bank Street was originally the Health
The Coop Bank after closing was a slipper works called Shoe Findings.
Who remembers the daring robbery at the Coop Bank one Sunday morning.
The robbery was seen taking place by young Hopkinson who was peering though
a window and who promptly went to the Police Station to tell the bobby.
Unfortunately, the police did not believe Hopkinson and it wasn't until
Monday when staff arrived that they realized their mistake.
The towns two cinemas, Palace and Empire. In the Palace the cheap seats
were at the front with the dearer seats at the back divided by a row of
Whilst in the Empire the cheap seats were at the back with two rows of
benches, extremely cheap and the dearer seats at the front again divided by a
row of paneling.
The benches were 7 pence and the seats 1 shilling. in front of the paneling
the seats were 1/3p and 2/3p. Harry Britland worked for many years at the Palace
as an usher and Mr Black at the Empire.
Two house on a Saturday night 6:30 and 8:30 local shops stayed open until
the second house started. Jonny Drivers newsagents did a good trade not only
with confection and cigarettes but with the Pink Special a pink sporting edition
from the Evening Telegraph. The Beaconsfield Street chippy did a good trade
after both houses turned out.
It was also funny to see a call out flashed onto the screen for any part
time firemen who were in the cinema to go as the siren was sounding to request
their attendance at the station, they needed at least 4 men to turn out. On
that score, whatever happened to the magnificent open fire engine Haslingden
had, it was called Merryweather or was the make a Merryweather.
Michael Mullaney
Hi Bryan.
Iv'e been in touch with you before, whilst following my family tree. My
name is Peter Barnes, and i,m descendent of James Barnes, the son of
Henry Barnes of Clough Bottom farm, born 1783. Thanks for the help from
both you and Jackie. I have since last contacting you, found the
will,(Preston records office), of another Henry Barnes born 1754, and
died 1815. He has the same Clough bottom farm address, so must be the
father of Henry Barnes born, 1783. Clough Bottom farm, is an isolated
farm lower down the valley, than Copy farm. So anyone from that
address must be from the same family.
Henry born 1754, married an Isabel Greenwood, who became Isabel
Barnes. She died in 1811. and had the same Clough bottom address. The
memorial inscription is "Isabel, UXOR of Henrici".
The father of Henry Barnes born 1754, also was a Henry Barnes. It seems
the name was passed on. I have copies of the will of Henry, born 1754
which i,ll post at a later date. I have a copy of a rent book, naming
a John Barnes living at Toddhall farm, presumibly about 1800. And would
be greatfull if anyone has any further information, regarding this John
Peter Barnes
29th May 2014 (Email received from Norma Albinson)
Dear Mr Yorke,
I have some memories of Haslingden.
As a very small child ( now over sixty !), we used to live in Salford and came regularly to visit
My mother who was evacuated with her sister to a gentleman who lived at 307 Blackburn Road.
He became my godfather . His name was Edward William James Moore and he was a teacher at the old high school. He was also a church warden at the church.
I only have vague memories of the chemist shop and the town square.
Remember as well the hill behind his house and climbing up it, it seemed very high!
The bus stop was almost out side the house and remember it seemed so big !
I think I have a photo somewhere, just a case of finding it !
He had retired by the time we were there in the 50's so would have been at the School teaching in the 1920/ 30, hopefully some one else will recognize the name and we can learn more. He used to take and developed his own photographs, this in the under stairs cupboard, remember the smell of the chemicals.
Now living in Liverpool at the other side of the UK.
The above photo was kindly sent in by Kathleen Haworth.
Kathleen is asking, does anyone recognize any relatives or persons in this photograph? The church History group (St. Thomas) would love to be able to put some names to it. If you can help please let me know on my email: bryan.yorke@sky.com and I will pass on details direct to Kathleen or alternatively let me have your email address and I will pass that on to her.
(9th May 2014) Email from Clifford Hargreaves in response to Joan Barlows request
(6th May 2014) Email from Peter Booth
My family originates from Haslingden & Padiham - although moved to the North East about 1895.
I have handed down to me a Silver Tea Pot belonging to my great great great grandfather Sidney Booth for services as Chairman of the Haslingden Gas Company 1848-1852.
He was owner of a small cotton mill, but appears to have fallen on hard times c 1860's (which was I assume due to the Cotton Famine).
His son who appears to have practiced in Padiham was Dr John Gregory Booth.Have you by any chance have come by any information on Sidney Booth.
Many thanks for your help
(27th April 2014) Email from Mike Ryan
Hi Bryan,
Looks like the Club Secretary brought before the bench was my granddad. I remember the house on Rosewood Avenue well. I think I have a photo of him somewhere. I remember going to Clubs in the 70's when the same practice of "signing in" was carried out. The doorman may as well have written ditto in the book.
(23rd April 2014) Email from ex pat Margaret West (Canada)
(15th April 2014) Email from Duncan Francis
Please could you tell me the name of the local newspaper that covered the Haslingden area during the Great War Period? I am trying to find details for Richard Barnes who was killed on 23rd October 1916. Aged 37 and husband of Harriet Barnes of 28 Sunnybank Street, Haslingden.
Duncan is researching the men with a connection to Ramsbottom who were killed during WW1 and the only reference he has to Richard Barnes locally was that he was formerly of Callender Street, Ramsbottom, but resided with his wife in Haslingden.
If you can help please let me know and I will forward details direct to Duncan.
Response kindly sent in by Jackie Ramsbottom (newspaper photo and cuttings)
(13th April 2014) Email from Joan B
Hi Bryan
I have found i'm related, to James Barnes, of Clough Bottom, or Copy
farm. Who's father was a Henry Barnes which i presume is in Grane. And i
also have a relation called Ralph Barnes, married to an Isabel Barnes.
Ralphs address is given as Todd Hall., at about 1800. I'm interested in
what Todd Hall actually was, and if there is any means or records, of
farm tenancy at that date.
Peter Barnes
(27th March 2014) Email from David Desforges
(2nd March 2014) Email from John R Edwards
(25th February 2014) Email from Stella Waters (nee Pilkington)
Hi Bryan,
I was born and brought up in Haslingden and my grandma and grandad Jack and Doris Pilkington had the cook shop on George Street in the 1950s and 60s. I am trying to find David and Elizabeth Grime, children of Clifford Grime who I think was a headmaster in the valley. I have their grandad Ernest's WW1 soldiers bible and I would like them to have it. Can you help please? Really enjoy your blog, recognize lots of faces and places.
Best Wishes,
Stella Waters (nee Pilkington)
(25th February 2014) Email sent in by Janet Pritchard (Australia)
Good Evening Bryan,
(21st February 2014) Email sent in by Mike Ryan
(14th February 2014) Photo kindly sent by John McGuire (ex pat Australia)
Hi Bryan,
(11th February 2014) Email from Michael Mullaney
(8th February 2014) Email from Allan Bradshaw (Helmshore)
Allan has kindly sent in this photo of the Haslingden St. Peters Scouts from c1958. I have also uploaded this to the Photo Album File.
(7th February 2014) Email from Mrs. N. Bibby
Dear Bryan,
I have had great pleasure in viewing your fantastic blog. Which included Haslingden St. James C of E School photographs.
Following the very recent death of my mother. I have been trying to gain some insight into my father Brian Matthews, childhood. However sadly he now suffers with Dementia, and cannot recall his past. So therefore I am trying to find photographs and seek any knowledge in-relation to himself and his older siblings. Perhaps I could then take up a topic of conversation with him. My dad was born in 1938 and lived on Birch Avenue, Haslingden for a number of years. He was born with abnormalities to both his hands. I believe he was a colourful chappie and was known to many in and around the local area. He very often talked fondly of those super moors surrounding Haslingden. He was the youngest of three siblings. He had a brother Roy and a sister Joan, who are both deceased.
It would appear that a school photograph posted in your blog dated between 1948 and 1949 could possibly contain a photo of Joan Matthews my fathers sister. Both Roy and my father Brian became amateur boxers in their late teens and early twenties.
I would very much appreciate any information that you could recall, if any regarding my fathers childhood and family.
Kind Regards
(1st February 2014) Email from Annette Barnes
Hi Bryan could you ask on your blog if anyone has a photo of the Rev Bernard H Lord vicar of St Peters Church Laneside he was there between 1946 to 1951 he is the only vicar we have no photos of . Any help much appreciated. Annette.
(1st February 2014) Email from Gordon Rae
Dear Mr.Yorke,
(26th January 2014) Email from Michael Mullaney
(25th January 2014) Email from Ex Pat - Alen Fielding (Queensland, Australia)
I remember from 9yrs. of age fishing for
two tiny species of fish ( "Sticklebacks" and "Redbellies") in the small
stream that ran by the collection of allotments by the rail line. The stream was
also infested by rather large brown leeches with yellow bellies, that would
attach themselves to your arms, hands and legs in a flash, given the
On a happier
note, I well remember our efforts to gather firewood for "Guy Fawkes Night
Bonfire", where various neighbourhoods always had their own local celebrations,
and the 'gangs' of kids from each locality would plan and carry out raids on
other firewood collections to augment their own. The Station rd. mob, that I was
a member of were particularly successful in this nefarious activity, even
playing "Hooky" if necessary on schooldays to facilitate the theft of wood
stored in walled-off back-yards whilst parents were at work, and other kids in
school. We stored our timber on-site on the grassy slope at the approach to the
railway station, which had only one possible way in and out to guard, and we
used to be on alert until 10.30 - 11.00 p.m. most nights once we had accumulated
a decent stack. Hazel Greenwood's mob were the most fortunate, as they had a
large old barn just off the far end of Commerce St., that was impregnable. I
know, - we tried to figure a way to breach it! I will call it a day for now,
but if you would like to have more of my ramblings, maybe from my time at
Aitken's mill at Irwell Vale and the restoration of the derelict building that
became the Lumb Mill, let me know. 'Bye for now, Alen.
(22nd January 2014) Email from Ex Pat - Alen Fielding (Queensland, Australia)
(22nd January 2014) Email and request for information from Ex Pat - David Tillotson (Arlington, Virginia, USA).
(Please click over photo to enlarge)
Dear Bryan,
(18th January 2014) Email and request for information from Jean Tomlinson.
Hi Bryan,
I think this photo is a parade of an East Lancs regiment when they received the freedom of the town in Haslingden but would love to have confirmation of this if any of your readers recognise it. My Grandfather, Albert Wren if 5th from the right in the line up.
Best wishes
Jean Tomlinson
from: Bryan Yorke (20th January 2014).
Jean, I think the gentleman who is first in the line is Mr. Giddings who had a lot to do with the Church Lads Brigade in Haslingden. Not sure but think the Mayor here is Councillor Tom Waller, and the gentleman holding the mace is Mr. George Worswick - The Mayors Attendant. I am not sure but the gentlemen behind the mayor could well be Alderman (but Councillor then) Albert Bussey.
(18th January 2014) Email from Jean Tomlinson
Dear Bryan,
I am sending a photo which I hope will be of interest to your readers. It was taken for the opening of the Haslingden Co-op shoe shop. I don't have a date but would be early 1960s I imagine. Sitting on the right is cricketer Vinoo Mankad and next to him is Stanley Matthews. My grandfather, Albert Wren is standing 1st left. Maybe your readers could add the other names. According to my grandfather, Stanley was playing a match that afternoon and offered my grandfather a lift. Albert declined the lift saying that he had already booked a seat on Mark Barnes coach.
Best wishes
Jean Tomlinson
(7th January 2014) Email from Robert Dobson (Ex Pat - Bournemouth)
Hello Bryan,
Just came across your blog and amazingly I'm in the 1969 photo as a ? I'm on the 3rd row from back in front of Jennifer Dickinson and 2 to left of Derek Warburton. I haven't seen this photo for many years and don't have a copy so your blog is providing a great service. Excellent.
I last went to a reunion probably 25 years ago or more and sadly have lost touch. I joined the Royal Navy and went to Dartmouth after A levels then did a degree in Dentistry at Guy's Hospital London . I have been in practice in Bournemouth for 32 years.
I am keen to know if there are any reunions these days.
Robert Dobson
(6th January 2014) Email from Jonathan Snowden of the Martins Bank Archive.
(16th December 2013) Email from Peter Sansom (Ex pat from Fylde)
Hi Bryan,
(11th December 2013) Email from Steve Bentley
(5th December 2013) Email from Kathleen Hogg (first email received 29th Nov 2013 and second email received 2nd Dec 2013, third email received 5th Dec 2013)
Email No.2 Thank you so much for your kindness, yes that would be great ,i have been with my mum all day as she had a bad fall on Friday night,she went outside ,in the dark and fell but didn't press her sos alarm it was lucky a neighbour found her ,i am just trying to think how to help her remember happy times ,i bought a photo album which had the word memories on the cover and that's what has given me the idea to do a 1 photo picture prompt on each place ,she told me today she started work at a slipper works in Rawtenstall but then did shopwork ,she lived opposite Green fields Gardens on Manchester road Haslingden,st marys church is where she got married she was in allot of shows at the public hall Haslingden and her brother Gerrard and Thomasmcintyre (deceased)played cricket for haslingden ,i presume this was in the 1940 s as mum was born in 1930 ,she talks alot about taking all hr ballet lessons and exams at a miss shipstones of Haslingden but stopped when she got married ,mum went to live in accrington then Oswaldtwistle from 1965 and was the founder of the saint marys Oswaldtwistle pantomime group in Oswaldtwistle until she had to retire ,i don't know if this information helps at all ,i have decided to just concentrate my picture book on from1930/40/50"s as i think they are the memories that mum likes to dwell on but gets confused,but her face lights up when talking about Haslingden in particular the war and post war years,i think these were her fun/teenage years and she loves singing all the songs associated with that ere thank you for your time ,i am sorry to have rambled on!!
So so grateful for your reply and help
Kathleen x
Email No.3 Hi Bryan I have managed to find 5 photographs out of the 42 , thank you very much , I am not computer literate so have no idea how to put a message on the blog page? would you have any of the children's St Mary's walking days photographs from about 1955 to 65? ,
(5th December 2013) Email from Keith R Lingard (Kent)
I have some memories of Haslingden.
As a very small child ( now over sixty !), we used to live in Salford and came regularly to visit
My mother who was evacuated with her sister to a gentleman who lived at 307 Blackburn Road.
He became my godfather . His name was Edward William James Moore and he was a teacher at the old high school. He was also a church warden at the church.
I only have vague memories of the chemist shop and the town square.
Remember as well the hill behind his house and climbing up it, it seemed very high!
The bus stop was almost out side the house and remember it seemed so big !
I think I have a photo somewhere, just a case of finding it !
He had retired by the time we were there in the 50's so would have been at the School teaching in the 1920/ 30, hopefully some one else will recognize the name and we can learn more. He used to take and developed his own photographs, this in the under stairs cupboard, remember the smell of the chemicals.
Now living in Liverpool at the other side of the UK.
![]() |
1958 First Communion St. Marys (Click over photo to enlarge) |
Here is another First Communion photo from St. Mary’s, with Miss Talty and Dean Purcell. It must be about 1958. As far as I know we were the last group to be taken by Miss Talty. I’m on the right of the second row from the front, behind George Mullaney and next to Carol Tuohey. On the far left of the front row are John Hogan and Michael Quinlan. I can’t remember all the names accurately, but I’m sure others can fill in. David Lamb is on the left of the second row, third left is Michael Atherton and next to him Jean Dickenson, who was born on the same day as me. Tony Gallagher is peeping through at the back. I can’t remember the next to him, but then there are Bernard Todd and Tony Flynn and (I think) Eddie Allen. In the middle of the back row is David(?) Molloy.
Mike Ryan. (Received 28th April 2014)
![]() |
St Thomas Church Choir, Helmshore 1924, presented by William Moorhouse. |
Kathleen is asking, does anyone recognize any relatives or persons in this photograph? The church History group (St. Thomas) would love to be able to put some names to it. If you can help please let me know on my email: bryan.yorke@sky.com and I will pass on details direct to Kathleen or alternatively let me have your email address and I will pass that on to her.
(9th May 2014) Email from Clifford Hargreaves in response to Joan Barlows request
Joan Barlow aks if anyone remembers the cycle trip
to the Midlands.
I was about 16 or 17 years old at the
I was friendly with Donald Wilkinson,( who sadly
died over 40 years ago aged 39) and who lived at 23 Coronation St. Grane Road.
On the very wet morning we we due to leave, he came up to my home on St. Peter's
Ave.and we returned to his house to decide when to set off. On going along
Deansgate in Machester my cycle wheels got stuck between the tramlines and I was
very lucky not to have an accident. The first hostel we stayed at was Delamere
Forest where we had to wash in a small stream. Donald had relations in Warwick
(which was as far south we went) so he spent the night with them.The warden
there was a grumpy old man and the food wasn't very good. We returned up the
east side of the country and we went to a cinema on the last afternoon somewhere
in Yorkshire before returning home.Clive was one of the group, but I can't
remember any of the others.
(6th May 2014) Email from Peter Booth
My family originates from Haslingden & Padiham - although moved to the North East about 1895.
I have handed down to me a Silver Tea Pot belonging to my great great great grandfather Sidney Booth for services as Chairman of the Haslingden Gas Company 1848-1852.
He was owner of a small cotton mill, but appears to have fallen on hard times c 1860's (which was I assume due to the Cotton Famine).
His son who appears to have practiced in Padiham was Dr John Gregory Booth.Have you by any chance have come by any information on Sidney Booth.
Many thanks for your help
(27th April 2014) Email from Mike Ryan
Hi Bryan,
Looks like the Club Secretary brought before the bench was my granddad. I remember the house on Rosewood Avenue well. I think I have a photo of him somewhere. I remember going to Clubs in the 70's when the same practice of "signing in" was carried out. The doorman may as well have written ditto in the book.
(23rd April 2014) Email from ex pat Margaret West (Canada)
Just reading your excellent information on Haslingden.
As a matter of interest we used to own Tomlinson's Bakery at 34 Manchester
Rd. We bought it from Tomlinson in the late 60s and moved out in the mid 70s. We
traded under the Tomlinson name, but when all the factories started to close
down and business dropped dramatically we decided to get out. We came to Canada
and have been here now for about 37yrs. My son was born in Haslingden and we
learnt to ski on the Rosendale ski slope. I was born in Accrington and my
husband was born in Nelson. My father-in-law was weaving manager of Hazel
Do you have any pictures of our shop in the 70s as we don’t seem to have
Best Regards,
Margaret West
(If anyone can help Margaret with a photo of her late shop it would be most welcome. Please let me know on bryan.yorke@sky.com and I will then pass any information directly on to her. thanks...... )
Thank you so much for that.
little tit bit--, Tomlinsons Bakery was well known for their Vannila
Slices, which always sold out, and we kept up the tradition.
will be over there in June for a visit. We will be taking lots of
pictures as not too sure if, or when, we will be back. A lot of things
have changed since we left and I know the row of shops where we lived
has changed dramatically. They were always well maintained.There was a
green grocery shop next door to us owned by two brothers, a high class
ladies dress shop, and Newsagents, are some of what I remember. The
Savoy cafe was on the other side of us, then the Estate agents.
the next block was Burgeses butchers where we got our meat for our meat
pies.I believe the son took it over when the father retired.
Best regards,
(15th April 2014) Email from Duncan Francis
Please could you tell me the name of the local newspaper that covered the Haslingden area during the Great War Period? I am trying to find details for Richard Barnes who was killed on 23rd October 1916. Aged 37 and husband of Harriet Barnes of 28 Sunnybank Street, Haslingden.
Duncan is researching the men with a connection to Ramsbottom who were killed during WW1 and the only reference he has to Richard Barnes locally was that he was formerly of Callender Street, Ramsbottom, but resided with his wife in Haslingden.
If you can help please let me know and I will forward details direct to Duncan.
Response kindly sent in by Jackie Ramsbottom (newspaper photo and cuttings)
![]() |
Private Richard Barnes of 51 Heys Street, Haslingden. (If you want a larger photo please click here and then go to bottom right corner and enlarge up to original. |
Hi Bryan
We've just had a phone call from our son who wanted to know what my husband remembered about a school trip to France in 1945 or 1946 when he (my husband) was 14 years old. We are now part of history! My husband can remember the whole trip cost £14. They stayed at the Lycee St. Louis in central Paris. He remembers crossing the Channel and arriving in Caen which had been heavily bombed (by us) during the war. Paris itself was still beautiful.They were accommodated in the school dormitories and were given strong black coffee in bowls for breakfast. Sweets were very difficult to buy and they were only allowed to get 2 or three each per pupil. He saw the Mona Lisa in the Louvre. Enigmatic she may have been, but she didn't impress him much at that age. I remember she had much the same effect on me when I saw her.
We wonder if there are still other ex-pupils of Haslingden Grammar School about who remember this trip and if they can help bring more things to mind.
For some reason at school my husband, Clive Barlow was known as Bill Bider; Don't ask why, I reckon it's just another old custom.
Further to your blog about butchers' shops in Haslingden ;we started married life in the flat above the butcher's at no.1 Poplar Street.We had a living- room cum kitchen, a bedroom, a downstairs scullery and an outside loo which we shared with the chap (Charlie) who ran the butcher's shop.
We were there several months then the next lot of newly weds took over. It was reckoned to be the most decorated flat in Haslingden as nobody wanted the previous tenants' decor
We then moved on to Rising Bridge and were friends with Alan and Margaret Birtwistle and their children who took over the butcher's. Their son is now a surgeon.
Margaret's brother,Gordon Dakin,my husband and other friends knocked down part of Haslingden railway station building and used the stones as foundations for houses that were being built at Baxenden.
Regards, Joan B.
(1st April 2014) Email from Peter Barnes
follow on: - A reply from Clifford Hargreaves dated 15th April 2014
Hello Bryan,
Just a few memories from this trip.
This was the first continental trip after the 1939-45
war at Easter 1947 (I was 17)and I think cost about £20 organised by a French
teacher Mr Armstrong (nicknamed Louis Armstrong) and he is on the 1947 school
We travelled by coach to Newhaven? and sailed to Dieppe?
arriving late evening and took the train to Paris.
As Mrs Barlow says we were accommodated in dormitories.
The toilet facilities caused amusement being large separate cubicles with just
two raised footprints and a hole in the floor.There where also separate showers
downstairs. During the night a man with a lantern came round the dormitory to
check if everything was OK.
I remember being a little short of French francs and
changing a 10/- note(10 shillings)illegallyfom a stall in the street after a
gendarme had passed by.
I had not taken a camera and bought one in Paris and
having to pay duty on my return the UK.
You could purchase a book of 5 tickets for the Metro and
providing you did not go beyond an interchange station you could travel
extensively.A group of us went beyond a last interchange station and as it was
near the Eiffel Tower we went to the top by several lifts and walked part way
down inside.
As a Metro train was appproaching a station a heavy metal
door gradually closed at the entrance to the platform and I almost got trapped
in one.
Hoping this will be of interest.
On a personal note,I was in the same school year as
Clive's brother,Alan who I think went on to work in banking in
Clive, who is on the 1947 HGS photo,worked in a mill
office in Waterfoot and may remember me as I worked for my father as an optician
at a branch practice on Burnley Road Waterfoot.
Kind regards,
Hi Bryan,
Just a few more memories from the Paris
On reflection I am not sure if we travelled to
Newhaven by coach or train as I have vague memories of changing stations by
underground in London.
A group of us went to a football match one
afternoon(Sunday?) and made loud comments on the state of play, only to be asked
at half-time, in perfect English by a renchman behind us, if we were enjoying
the game?
We had an organised trip to Versailles and also to
the Eiffel tower.There was a long queue waiting to ascend ,so we had the option
to wait, which would mean we missed the evening meal ,or return to our
One of the senior girl students met up with a
French pen-friend whilst we were in Paris and they married in the early
follow up email from Joan B (16th April 2014)
Hi Bryan.
follow up email from Joan B (16th April 2014)
Hi Bryan.
Please thank Clifford for his
Further to Clifford's personal
note: Clive's brother,Allan is still living happily and actively in
Jersey with his wife. His son and family live close by
We wonder if Clifford or any
other ex-pupils of HGS remember youth hosteling after the war and going
down to the midlands (Warwickshire) on their bikes minus ration books
and digging up and boiling potatoes to keep body and soul together?
(Just a footnote. Our grandson who was born and lives in France is on a school trip to Paris at the moment)
regards and thanks again
Joan b.
I have found i'm related, to James Barnes, of Clough Bottom, or Copy
farm. Who's father was a Henry Barnes which i presume is in Grane. And i
also have a relation called Ralph Barnes, married to an Isabel Barnes.
Ralphs address is given as Todd Hall., at about 1800. I'm interested in
what Todd Hall actually was, and if there is any means or records, of
farm tenancy at that date.
Peter Barnes
(27th March 2014) Email from David Desforges
hi Bryan,
Been looking at the Haslingden railway
station photos and having lived on Blackburn Road and using a short cut that ran
on to spring st can not recall having seen or heard what the tower was which is
on photo number nine but none on photo number four, do you know if it belonged to
the brewery and when it was taken down.
Forgot to say could you put the answer on the blog
site for me about the tower thanks david desforges
thanks David Desforges
Reply: from Bryan Yorke 27th March 2014.
No! I dont think you will remember it David, it was certainly not there when I used to walk past on most evenings going home from school and would cross over from the small steps at the side of the Church and go in front of the long row of cottages and then into Spring Lane. You are right the tower did belong to the Brewery (Baxters), but it was certainly demolished prior to 1952 as far as I can remember (4 years old and what a memory!). When you left the "spring" by the side of the workers club, and walking then in front of the Club and over the rough grassy demolitioned debris ground there used to be some cellars or underground shelters which partly contained dirty smelly bales of cotton waste, but also they gave you the impression they were air-raid shelters. Well I think that these were actually the cellars of what was that large tower you see on the very old photos. The main buildings of the old brewery were there for ages and used as a factory who bought and stored and sold old cotton waste bales. Long before they ever dreamt of the large estate (South View)
The tower was built in 1894 and demolished in
1938. (Thanks to Jackie Ramsbottom)
Hi Bryan
Musing times past, got to thinking about Church St. Haslingden, from The
Swan Hotel at the corner of Church St and Market Place to The Bird in Hand and
above, circa 1950. On the corner of Hargreaves St. was the home of John Mahoney
then across the junction there was a block of dwellings, which were previously
shops, occupied by (not in any order) the Malcolms – sons Alf,Bill and Wilf; the
Leonard’s family; Collier’s; Collison’s; and later George Berry ( who was the
King, to Willy Horan’s Queen in the September 9th 1950 Haslingden Carnival )
some years later George was hospitalised after a fire at home and died a few
months later of a heart attack.
Next to this block was the Bird in Hand public house, with Halstead’s
Butchers next door, after the ginnel.
On the other side of the street going up I remember The Trades Club,still
there; a Butchers shop ( the butcher had an Alsatian dog which would ran along
with him on his motorbike through the town). A general store up three steps;
Goldsworthy’s Herbalist; more houses and another general store. More houses in
one of which lived the Sevilles, with 3 daughters.
Then up to the lane leading to the Church of St James; some waste land and
the Union Club??
I’m sure my memory may have produced one or two mistakes, but I will
happily stand corrected.
John R Edwards
(25th February 2014) Email from Stella Waters (nee Pilkington)
Hi Bryan,
I was born and brought up in Haslingden and my grandma and grandad Jack and Doris Pilkington had the cook shop on George Street in the 1950s and 60s. I am trying to find David and Elizabeth Grime, children of Clifford Grime who I think was a headmaster in the valley. I have their grandad Ernest's WW1 soldiers bible and I would like them to have it. Can you help please? Really enjoy your blog, recognize lots of faces and places.
Best Wishes,
Stella Waters (nee Pilkington)
(25th February 2014) Email sent in by Janet Pritchard (Australia)
Good Evening Bryan,
I am from Australia and search for my ancestor's
parents his name is Private James Rushton he enlisted in H.M. Regiment he was a
weaver by trade, passed away on the 23/9/1815 age unknown. He didn't marry in
British India but had two children to a Native women, one of these girls a Mary
is my connection to this family as she married a Sgt. Edward Marsh in Bangalore
in 1822 he was from Kent England. I would love to fine James's parents I have
had a look on the Lancashire online web page but not sure if I have found the
right one or not. I am open for suggestions and any advice that you may care to
Janet Pritchard
(21st February 2014) Email sent in by Mike Ryan
Hi Bryan
I’ve just been browsing through the site and found lots of
memories of the 50’s and 60’s in Haslingden, especially pictures of my grandma
and granddad’s house in Pleasant Street, and the one they moved to in Hindle
Street, plus the row of loos. Lots of photos of St Mary’s, most just a year or
two older than me, but well known through church, football and later on the Land
League. Lots of people will remember my parents Tom and Maggie and sister
Maureen. It would be great of anyone could get in touch.
Mike Ryan
(14th February 2014) Photo kindly sent by John McGuire (ex pat Australia)
Some of St. Peters Scouts (photo: Pete Samson) |
Hope all well at your end.I have found another pic of cub/scouts wonder if
anyone recognises themselves, i can only remember one name and myself! Tony
Tomlinson on extreme left front row and me on extreme right about to have
another round of British Bulldogs, a very rough game, with few rules that would
horrify the health and safety wimps of today!
Another pic for the blog!.I would be interested if anyone could put names
to faces (both Tony and I lived in Rising Bridge at the time) if anyone
remembers us.
All the very Best
(11th February 2014) Email from Michael Mullaney
Hi Bryan,
If no one else has come forward with the information on the whereabouts of
Needless is the name of a farm Needless farm. Located not far from the other location of Mangholes. By way of Northfield Road to its peak, cross the Kings Highway onto a farm
lane which is a dead end and at the end is Needless Farm. Its not far from Sherfin in one direction and Croft Top Farm in the
(8th February 2014) Email from Allan Bradshaw (Helmshore)
Allan has kindly sent in this photo of the Haslingden St. Peters Scouts from c1958. I have also uploaded this to the Photo Album File.
1958 St. Peters Boy Scouts. (Please click over to enlarge) |
Dear Bryan,
I have had great pleasure in viewing your fantastic blog. Which included Haslingden St. James C of E School photographs.
Following the very recent death of my mother. I have been trying to gain some insight into my father Brian Matthews, childhood. However sadly he now suffers with Dementia, and cannot recall his past. So therefore I am trying to find photographs and seek any knowledge in-relation to himself and his older siblings. Perhaps I could then take up a topic of conversation with him. My dad was born in 1938 and lived on Birch Avenue, Haslingden for a number of years. He was born with abnormalities to both his hands. I believe he was a colourful chappie and was known to many in and around the local area. He very often talked fondly of those super moors surrounding Haslingden. He was the youngest of three siblings. He had a brother Roy and a sister Joan, who are both deceased.
It would appear that a school photograph posted in your blog dated between 1948 and 1949 could possibly contain a photo of Joan Matthews my fathers sister. Both Roy and my father Brian became amateur boxers in their late teens and early twenties.
I would very much appreciate any information that you could recall, if any regarding my fathers childhood and family.
Kind Regards
(1st February 2014) Email from Annette Barnes
Hi Bryan could you ask on your blog if anyone has a photo of the Rev Bernard H Lord vicar of St Peters Church Laneside he was there between 1946 to 1951 he is the only vicar we have no photos of . Any help much appreciated. Annette.
(1st February 2014) Email from Gordon Rae
Subject: Pike Law, Mangnoils, Needlass and Musbury.
Dear Mr.Yorke,
We are painstakingly researching a branch of my
family which has yielded a 150yr unbroken chain of bapts., marriages and burials
in the church of St. James, Haslingden, from about 1700-1850.
In about 1820 there are records of "abodes" in the
places named above (in "subject").
Is there a map or something that would show me
exactly where these places are?
I have searched in vain so far.
I received your website details from Michael ........... who has written to me re. a burial in St. James
in 1848.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Yours sincerely,
Gordon Rae
7th February 2014 - Four kind offers of help already, but please keep offering!
7th February 2014 - Four kind offers of help already, but please keep offering!
(26th January 2014) Email from Michael Mullaney
Hi Bryan,
re: butchers shops in Haslingden.
The Co-op had one next to its shop in Poplar St which was still active
until the 70's and there was one on Grane road opposite Gas St. well into the
There were two in Church St. Howorths, Tony Howorths dads at the bottom
next to Trades Club and one on the other side below the bird in hand pub
possibly next to Whitsides cloggers shop, I think the last shop to make clogs in
Haslingden, closed in the late 60's, although there was a small shop in Pine St
who did a few. Speaking of clogs, all the Co-op butchers shops attached to the
stores were originally cloggers shops such was the trade in clogs for the
workers, they changed to butchers as clogs gave way to boots and shoes and the
demand for meat increased. The Co-op slater house was behind the row of Co-op
shops on higher Deardengate its outbuildings have only recently been
demolished. It sat adjacent to the Co-op bake house and dry goods warehouse,
both large impressive buildings. Lower down Bell St was the Co-op stables,
later the garage and is still being used as a garage today. This building was
the old National School before the Co-op acquired it. As a youth of 14 I can
recall seeing the large wooden hot tub they put the slaughtered pigs into to
scaled them and shave the bristles before carving up and the old galvanised
water tank which stood outside in which they put the intestines to cure before
using for sausage skins.
Hope this adds to the bigger picture.
Michael Mullaney.
(I have also included this email directly into the Haslingden Meat Industry Blog)
(25th January 2014) Email from Ex Pat - Alen Fielding (Queensland, Australia)
Hi Bryan, thank you for your reply and
acknowledgement, I do hope that if any of my surviving contemporaries read your
blog they will get in touch with me, old age fosters nostalgia, particularly for
the carefree days of youth. I emigrated to South Australia in June, 1960, and
only managed an all-too-short return visit in 1988, during which I could not
make contact with more than a small handful of old friends and family.
I thought you may find interest in a few more memories of Carrs and maybe a
little of events connected to my days as an apprentice electrician at Thos.
Aitken Mill at Irwell Vale, 1946- 1950.
Swinnel Brook near allottments (Archived photo) |
The very large house behind the high stone walls in the middle of
the village was one of the residences I delivered papers to. It belonged to the
owners of Haslingden's two cinema's, the "Palace", and the more up-market
"Empire". They had a son who was I believe, a Captain in
the Parachute Regiment during the war, and a survivor of the abortive "Market
Garden" Operation, intended to secure the bridge at Arnhem, and commemorated in
the film "A BRIDGE TOO FAR".
The family was devastated a few years later when
his mother during a very severe winter (could have been 1947), lit a fire early
in the morning to warm the house, unaware that the water pipes throughout the
house (including the hot water system) had frozen solid. The poor woman was
unfortunately directly in front of the fireplace when the Back- boiler exploded,
killing her instantly. I'm sure any past residents of the village at the time
would remember this, it was a terrible shock for all at the time.
"Bonfire Night with Guy Fawkes" (archived sketch) |
(Alens email address and details kindly provided) - also filing this email in part under 1) Carrs Village Blog and 2) Bonfire Night Blog
(Photos: added from archive)
(Photos: added from archive)
(22nd January 2014) Email from Ex Pat - Alen Fielding (Queensland, Australia)
Hi Bryan, so many memories! I used to deliver the
morning & evening news papers to Carrs village for Tennants Newsagency on
Blackburn rd., directly opposite St. James's School, where I commenced my
education at the age of 4yrs. in 1935. We used to live in the "house" under the
Watch repairer's shop next door to the Newsagents at that time, but moved to 15
Delph St. by the rail station about 3 years later. The Tennant's were very good
friend's of my parent's, and needed a "paperboy" when I was 9yrs.old, so that
became my first paid employment, providing my pocket-money until I was 13, and
passed a few scholarships and chose to go to Accrington Junior Technical
College. Mr. & Mrs. Tennant had retired 2yrs. earlier, and a very nice young
couple had taken over the business, I thought the world of them and I was very
upset at having to leave thier employment, but it was far more sensible to live
in Accrington at my Grandparent's house while at college. Incidentally, my
Grandfather was the Landlord of the Robin Hood Inn at Helmshore when I was born,
and in those days the beer was in wooden kegs mounted on a row of trestles,
before I could walk, apparently I used to slide over the stone slab floor on my
backside with a tablespoon, and catch the beer drippings and drink it! I have
one or two photo's taken in those early years, one of them of my grandfather and
his four son's in the back garden around a keg. (2 daughters nowhere to be seen)
Grandfather was Fred Kenyon, and I believe a local history society (pre-1988)
located the ruins of the Family Residence situated between two of the Grane
Reservoirs, and used some of the old stonework to re-create the layout of the
original building, with a kind of "Lectern" detailing it's history. Presumably
the Kenyon's built the place, later selling it to another family sometime
before the surrounding farmland was aquired for construction of the reservoirs.
Unfortunately, I am 82yrs. old now, and it is highly unlikely I will be able to
afford a return visit, much as I would like to, so you have made it possible to
wander down memory lane in spirit! Many thanks. I do have a cousin still living
in Haslingden that I am in touch with by e-mail, but I believe my very good old
friend Alan Taylor died in a local nursing home a few years ago after he
developed dementia. Best wishes, Alen Fielding. (Alen has kindly offered his email and details)
(Please click over photo to enlarge)
Dear Bryan,
Thank you for your wonderful blog spot. I wonder if I could use your
auspices to search for some information. I was born just three doors down from
the Market Hotel on Marsden Square, and am thrilled to see all the photos and
information from your patrons that bring back so many memories.
I was wondering if anyone recognizes this photo. It is on the website of
the Accrington Junior Football League with the caption “Are you in this
picture.” My name is David Tillotson and I’m the tall guy next to the
goalkeeper. Martin Molloy is front row second from the left, but as for the
others I cannot remember. I would also be interested in hearing from anyone who
remembers the Marsden Square football team that joined the Accrington junior
league in 1958. There was a picture in the blue and white striped strip which
was lost to me many years ago.
David Tillotson
Arlington, Virginia, USA
(David has kindly offered his email details)
(Responses: 22nd January 2014 - A old friend got in touch with David.
Also a fabulous email from Martin Molloy (23rd January 2014) as follows:
Hi Bryan.
Will try to identify the players however can't guarantee the accuracy.Have only seen
2 of the players since the game in 1959. Match was Interleague team for Accrington Boys League v Burnley Boys Club 1959.
Top ?,?,?,Willie Millar ( Accrington Stanley),?,Tom Lees ( League Co Founder),?,?,?
Players in strip.
Top row. Colin Banks. Kevin?,?, Dave Tillotson,?,?,?
Front row. Alan Pilkington, Martin Molloy, Alan Herd,Tony( Tudge )Carr, Jimmy Haworth.
Got a photo of the first game played by Marsden Square at Great Harwoods ground. Will put the bones on it and send on later.Grand to hear from Dave. He played for Burnley F.C. Youth Team later. Also St. Mary's, Grane Villa, and Haslingden F.C.
Cheers Martin.
Martin Molloy has kindly sent in this photo (23rd January 2014):
Back Mrs. Metcalfe. Nora Harper. Paddy Toole. Joe Molloy. Tony Morgan. Mick
Riley. Tony Frost. Ned Harper.
Middle. John Toole. Colin Metcalfe. Martin Molloy. Alf Harper. Alan Lomax. Derek Whittaker.Steve Durkin. Jim Nuttall. Keith Lundy.
Bottom. Alan Durkin. David Harrison. David Tillotson. Stuart Harper. George Barlow.
Played at Great Harwood Showground Wood Street 1959. Team set up by Walt Metcalfe & Stan Gorton using money raised in a jumble sale run on East Gate near Walts house. Unfortunately Stan & Walt couldn't play any matches because they had passed the age limit. The Final at Peel Park ended 2 all. Alan Lomax got both goals. The replay at Back Lane, Baxenden,a field above Baxenden C.C. ended in our defeat. It was the Consolation Cup.
(David has kindly offered his email details)
(Responses: 22nd January 2014 - A old friend got in touch with David.
Also a fabulous email from Martin Molloy (23rd January 2014) as follows:
Hi Bryan.
Will try to identify the players however can't guarantee the accuracy.Have only seen
2 of the players since the game in 1959. Match was Interleague team for Accrington Boys League v Burnley Boys Club 1959.
Top ?,?,?,Willie Millar ( Accrington Stanley),?,Tom Lees ( League Co Founder),?,?,?
Players in strip.
Top row. Colin Banks. Kevin?,?, Dave Tillotson,?,?,?
Front row. Alan Pilkington, Martin Molloy, Alan Herd,Tony( Tudge )Carr, Jimmy Haworth.
Got a photo of the first game played by Marsden Square at Great Harwoods ground. Will put the bones on it and send on later.Grand to hear from Dave. He played for Burnley F.C. Youth Team later. Also St. Mary's, Grane Villa, and Haslingden F.C.
Cheers Martin.
Martin Molloy has kindly sent in this photo (23rd January 2014):
![]() |
Marsden Square Under 14s c1959 click over to enlarge. |
Middle. John Toole. Colin Metcalfe. Martin Molloy. Alf Harper. Alan Lomax. Derek Whittaker.Steve Durkin. Jim Nuttall. Keith Lundy.
Bottom. Alan Durkin. David Harrison. David Tillotson. Stuart Harper. George Barlow.
Played at Great Harwood Showground Wood Street 1959. Team set up by Walt Metcalfe & Stan Gorton using money raised in a jumble sale run on East Gate near Walts house. Unfortunately Stan & Walt couldn't play any matches because they had passed the age limit. The Final at Peel Park ended 2 all. Alan Lomax got both goals. The replay at Back Lane, Baxenden,a field above Baxenden C.C. ended in our defeat. It was the Consolation Cup.
Parade of the East Lancs Regt receiving Freedom of the Borough |
I think this photo is a parade of an East Lancs regiment when they received the freedom of the town in Haslingden but would love to have confirmation of this if any of your readers recognise it. My Grandfather, Albert Wren if 5th from the right in the line up.
Best wishes
Jean Tomlinson
from: Bryan Yorke (20th January 2014).
Jean, I think the gentleman who is first in the line is Mr. Giddings who had a lot to do with the Church Lads Brigade in Haslingden. Not sure but think the Mayor here is Councillor Tom Waller, and the gentleman holding the mace is Mr. George Worswick - The Mayors Attendant. I am not sure but the gentlemen behind the mayor could well be Alderman (but Councillor then) Albert Bussey.
(18th January 2014) Email from Jean Tomlinson
Dear Bryan,
I am sending a photo which I hope will be of interest to your readers. It was taken for the opening of the Haslingden Co-op shoe shop. I don't have a date but would be early 1960s I imagine. Sitting on the right is cricketer Vinoo Mankad and next to him is Stanley Matthews. My grandfather, Albert Wren is standing 1st left. Maybe your readers could add the other names. According to my grandfather, Stanley was playing a match that afternoon and offered my grandfather a lift. Albert declined the lift saying that he had already booked a seat on Mark Barnes coach.
Best wishes
Jean Tomlinson
Opening of the Haslingden Co-op Shoe Shop with Stanley Matthews and Vinoo Mankad. Mr. Albert Wren standing left at the back. |
Hello Bryan,
Just came across your blog and amazingly I'm in the 1969 photo as a ? I'm on the 3rd row from back in front of Jennifer Dickinson and 2 to left of Derek Warburton. I haven't seen this photo for many years and don't have a copy so your blog is providing a great service. Excellent.
I last went to a reunion probably 25 years ago or more and sadly have lost touch. I joined the Royal Navy and went to Dartmouth after A levels then did a degree in Dentistry at Guy's Hospital London . I have been in practice in Bournemouth for 32 years.
I am keen to know if there are any reunions these days.
Robert Dobson
(6th January 2014) Email from Jonathan Snowden of the Martins Bank Archive.
Hello Bryan,
I run Martins Bank Archive, which is
a physical collection of memorabilia, and also an online section which seeks to
tell the amazing story of Martins Bank up to the point it was eaten by Barclays,
- the online section has more than 1100 pages including one for each of more
than 900 branches. We are always looking for items, images and memories that
relate to Martins Bank, and in the last five years online, there have been
thousands of them. We also have an extensive collection - several thousand -
images of branches and the staff who worked there from the late 1800s to
I have been looking through the
fabulous Haslingden Old and New site this morning, and wanted to let
you know that we have images of each of Martins' two branch locations in
Haslingden, the first at the corner of Regent Street and Blackburn Road - this
was the Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank which became part of Martins in 1928, and
the branch stayed there until 1937 when it moved to the present 34 Deardengate.
There was also a Sub Branch at Sykeside, 365 Manchester Road, which opened in
1927, and closed in 1932.
If you visit our online archive
at www.martinsbank.co.uk and from the "Find a
Branch" section choose "A to Z" you will be able to view these branches, along
with our other outlets in Rossendale. If there are any images you would like to
use on your website, please let me know and I will send them to you. The only
proviso is that you must mention where they came from! I will also add a link
to your site on the Haslingden Branch and Sykeside pages.
Happy New Year!
Kind regards,
Jonathan Snowden
Martins Bank Archive
Still going to extremes to be
(16th December 2013) Email from Peter Sansom (Ex pat from Fylde)
Hi Bryan,
Wonder if anyone remembers Shepherd Brothers on Hud hey i served part of my
time as an electrician their with a guy called Ian Walsh he came from Accrington
and was nicknamed Maverick he was a good electrician and showed me the basics we
also had a electrician called Jimmy Johnson for a time before i moved on to
Porritts and Spencer at Broadway mill in Helmshore where i finished serving my
time i worked here with an old bloke called Eric Sumner.The manager of the mill
then was Harold Birch and one of the jobs we had to do one winter was to install
a power cable to the top of the chimney for a new illuminated sign which had
been erected by steeplejacks,the first time i climbed up the vertical steel
ladder bolted to the chimney was not much fun! but a great view when you got to
the top and how the wind howled down from those surrounding hills.Another
electrician who worked there and lived on Broadway was called Colin Holden also
he was the St johns ambulance man to.The weaving shed was at the time the
noisiest place i had ever experianced and lip reading was the only way to
communicate the woman weavers controlled 6 high speed looms each if i remember
correctly (and they were classed as semi skilled jobs!) it would be interesting
to see some young woman of today being able to do that job!,and they were 6 am
to 2 pm then 2pm to 10 pm shifts as well, long hard days sometimes when the heat
setting machine needed major electrical work (as it did frequently) we would
work 2 shifts right through 6 till 10 to get it back in service as soon as
If anyone remembers these factories or the people who worked in them i
would love to hear from them or see any pictures they might have i remember one
girl who worked in the weaving shed called Carol Griffiths she was a real
"looker" and turned heads wherever she went where are you now Carol?.
Porrits and Spencer became part of the Scapa Dryers group they had a big
old mill at Ramsbottom (Tups A*se) to but i never worked their although Eric
Sumner had worked their i believe ,before Broadway Mill was built.Does Broadway
mill still exist?,or has it gone the bulldozer route?.
Al the Best
I was searching the internet having noticed my Great
Grandfather named his Place of Birth as Helmshore on a census.
…just going from memory, his name is John(Jack) Bentley born
1867 ish Occupation Carter living in Bury 1911
Anyway.. I noticed Bentley House and Bentley Moss mentioned
in your Web site. I wonder if you have any more history about Bentleys in
Thanks for your time reading this in the first
Steve Bentley
(5th December 2013) Email from Kathleen Hogg (first email received 29th Nov 2013 and second email received 2nd Dec 2013, third email received 5th Dec 2013)
Email No. 1 Hi Bryan
I have been on your website looking for some photographs.
I am trying to do a memory album for my mother for her xmas present , she
is 84 and has dementia.
My mum was born and brought up in Haslingden , she was born in Deardencroft
,Haslingden ,then shortly after her birth my grandparents moved to Manchester
road Haslingden , opposite greenfield gardens .
Mum lived there until she was married at St Mary's church Haslingden
I am having difficulty in finding photographs ,such as St Mary's church
processions particularly ones in the late 1950's or 60's as my elder sister was
may/rose queen , I cannot remember the exact date .
I Also would like anything to do with pantomimes/shows that St Mary's did in the
public hall in the 40's and 50's , . and how the war affected Haslingden.
if you could point me in the right direction for info and photographs this
would help me with my little memory album . I know a small and simple put
together album could put a smile on mums face , she talks about the past but
does get confused ,and seems lost so I was thinking that each page of the album
could have just 1 picture of something she could recall and which would remind
her of what she is talking about should she forget what she was talking about ,
if that makes sense , I am also trying to find out about fashion pics and sweets
and grocery items , also what was showing at the pictures , if you have the time
to point me in any direction ,oh that would be good ! , i have books from the
library but its difficult to source Haslingden ,
My mum was called Mary Mc'Intyre she was born in 1930 and she married Tony
O'Connor ,
If you could help me I would really appreciate it,
Many Thanks
Kathleen Hogg
Email No.2 Thank you so much for your kindness, yes that would be great ,i have been with my mum all day as she had a bad fall on Friday night,she went outside ,in the dark and fell but didn't press her sos alarm it was lucky a neighbour found her ,i am just trying to think how to help her remember happy times ,i bought a photo album which had the word memories on the cover and that's what has given me the idea to do a 1 photo picture prompt on each place ,she told me today she started work at a slipper works in Rawtenstall but then did shopwork ,she lived opposite Green fields Gardens on Manchester road Haslingden,st marys church is where she got married she was in allot of shows at the public hall Haslingden and her brother Gerrard and Thomasmcintyre (deceased)played cricket for haslingden ,i presume this was in the 1940 s as mum was born in 1930 ,she talks alot about taking all hr ballet lessons and exams at a miss shipstones of Haslingden but stopped when she got married ,mum went to live in accrington then Oswaldtwistle from 1965 and was the founder of the saint marys Oswaldtwistle pantomime group in Oswaldtwistle until she had to retire ,i don't know if this information helps at all ,i have decided to just concentrate my picture book on from1930/40/50"s as i think they are the memories that mum likes to dwell on but gets confused,but her face lights up when talking about Haslingden in particular the war and post war years,i think these were her fun/teenage years and she loves singing all the songs associated with that ere thank you for your time ,i am sorry to have rambled on!!
So so grateful for your reply and help
Kathleen x
Email No.3 Hi Bryan I have managed to find 5 photographs out of the 42 , thank you very much , I am not computer literate so have no idea how to put a message on the blog page? would you have any of the children's St Mary's walking days photographs from about 1955 to 65? ,
I have found my grandma Mary McIntyre on the Lourdes photograph ,that was
lovely to see , and I am sure my mum will know others which will give her so
much enjoyment being able to name them as she looks through .
Thanks again , its coming to a little but if anyone recognises her or her mother,(Mary formerly Dowd)Father (Daniel) brothers or sister name (Honora ,
Gerrard and Thomas ) they may have some info or photographs I could use. Your blog idea is a great way of finding old friends , Thank you .
I was at Saint Mary's Infant school from 1958 for about 4 years , but then
left to go to Paddock House Junior School , My Name was Kathleen Ann O'Connor
and my best friend from St Mary's school was Imelda O Rilley The local
doctors daughter but they left and went back to Ireland and I lost touch
Thanks again!
(5th December 2013) Email from Keith R Lingard (Kent)
Hi, For some time now I have been promising myself to look at the history of my birth place, Haslinden, so you can imagine my surprise to find myself featured in the class of 1953 at St James C of E Primary School. Someone must have a great memory identifying almost everyone. My teacher was Miss Haworth. I am in the middle of the very front row, to the left of David Carey, and was then known as Keith Robert Atkins. I guess my name is missing because at the end of that school year my mum remarried and we moved to London. I was born at 38 Warwick Street and lived there with my mum, Emily Atkins, Nan and Grandad called Emily & Robert (Bob) Smith & my mum’s sister, Dorothy before moving to 108 Jubilee Road in 1952. We attended regularly at the Independent Methodist Chapel Beaconsfield Road where my Grandad was a deacon and I have fond memories of the annual summer church outings and parades and somewhere I have a picture of myself carrying the bible in front of the Church banner which then was considered a privilege. My other fond memory was watching my Grandad play cricket behind Haslinden Old Road and the Quarry. I can still hear the wind whistling through the electric cables now and I remember that the pitch was made of concrete. Also, straight after school my friends and I would often walk down to the cotton Mills and jump in the large Vats of cotton and it was known for us to walk through the factory and pass the very large and noisy machinery (No health and safety then). The workers often gave us a drink and a pie. Sadly Nan died in 1953 but Grandad lived till the late 80’s. My mum now lives in Australia and this year she will be 91. Her sister died 8 years ago. One of my best friends lived on a Farm on the Haslingden Old Road. I have been married for 49 years and most of the time lived here in Kent. I would love to hear from anyone else in the photo.
Regards Keith R Lingard
I would love to make contact with Smith relatives who
lived/live in Haslingden.
Norman Smith was married to Gladys Rawlins.
They had 2 children:
Alan born 1944 and Irene born 1946 (children born in
Kind Regards
Carol Kennedy, Massachusetts
(9th October 2013) Email from Jim Haworth
Dear Mr Yorke
My daughter has drawn your blog to my attention, having found it by
googling John Haworth, Haslingden.
My fathers full name was John Thornley Haworth [1.7.1894 to 9.2.1952],
the Thornley coming from his mother who was a daughter of Samuel Thornley (Long
Sam) station sergeant at Haslingden Police Station. At my mother's
funeral the then Vicar referred to him as John Thomas (a guess on someone's part). The Rev Fergus James McBride MA Oxon (Lancaster Grammar School and
Queen's College, Oxford) had been a missionary in India for some years, and
retired to run a home for retired clergy in South East London. When I have
more time (after I've retired from being Secretary of the Oxford Chamber Music
Society) I mean to get back to my family history researches. I recognise a
number of the other people mentioned in your blog.
Best wishes
Jim Haworth (1929)
(3rd October 2013) Email from Marion Warn (Canada)
Hi there,
I wish to commend you on your write up on the
above. My Mum was born in Haslingden and we had a lot of family living there.
My cousin, Jack Hartley, if memory serves me right, was the manager of the
Co-operative Butcher`s shop on Deardengate. I see in your write up you mention
Jack`s Butcher`s and I am just wondering if that was my cousin Jack`s shop.
Just to find some information on him would be wonderful. My Mum loved her
home town and her brother`s were members of the brass band. She would relate so
many stories of growing up there.
I would appreciate any information.
I am sure that the Jack's butchers which Marion refers to would be the butchers in Higher Deardengate which I think was then owned by Jack (Williams?) and his brother worked with him. If anyone can help Marion with information regarding her cousin Jack Hartley will you kindly let me know and I will forward on to her.
(25th September 2013) Emails from Nadine Crabtree.
![]() |
This is Arthur Pickup with is wife. Nadine is asking what year is the bicycle? (please click over to enlarge). |
(25th September 2013 Email from ex pat John McGuire (Australia)
Hi Bryan,
I was going through some old photos the other day. They were
mostly family or holidays at Blackpool. Nothing of interest to anyone else
except maybe for the attached.
It is obviously a carnival float. My Mum, Annie Berry was
born in 1913 and she is on the float third from the viewers right. She seems
about 16 in this photo so I’m guessing it’s about 1930.
She was a parishioner at St James C of E., so it may be that
the carnival was a church event.
We are off on a caravan trip to Darwin next week and will be
away for 3 months but I will follow your blog on my I pad.
John McGuire
Dear Sir
I have recently been handed a photograph of young lads at school and
believe it to be one of George Pickup born Haslingden along with his sister
Edith Pickup. My grandmother and I would like you to take a look please and
see if you agree that it is Haslingden school.
I have just received a lot of photographs of my Pickup family from Haslingden and
this school one I am sure is George Arthur Pickup born 1873 – his father was
James Pickup from Haslingden who was a gas fitter and plumber.
Best wishes
Nadine Crabtree
![]() |
Can anyone please confirm whether or not this is the Haslingden School and also does anyone have any information on George Arthur Pickup b.1873. |
Also Nadine is requesting further information on the following photograph:
Dear Sir,
As part of my interest in family history, I have
wondered if there is any significance (remaining) in Haslingden for the name
My grandmother Alice Blackburn ne Sutherst was born
in Edenfield. Her birth certificate is registered in Haslingden Mar qtr
I would welcome any comment.
Thanking you in advance.
With regards,
Dennis Samuel Stones
Ex Bolton/Farnworth/New Bury
Now living in Australia
(9th August 2013) Email from David Shardlow
I have a medal (see pictures below) which commemorates the Coronation of Edward VII issued by the 6th Mayor of Haslingden G.A. Smith in 1902.
Can you tell me anything about it?. Regards - David Shadlow.
(9th August 2013) Email from Wadey with a couple of answers
I'm sure it's New Barn Farm, now the Cherry Tree Way estate at Helmshore,
they even called the cul de sac "New Barn" a mate lives there, I would say The
Bridge End is the lowest pub in Helmshore, not sure about the staircase
Spot, not sure but could it be the dance hall above the Co-Op ? The Liberal Club
dancing was downstairs, just a thought, keep up the good work
and Lynn
(9th August 2013) Email from Natalie Ciriello
Good Morning,
I have recently been delving into my family tree and have
found that my ancestor was the licensed victualler of the Black Bull Hotel in
Haslingden in 1919.
Having googled this for pictures and information all I could
find was a most recent picture, but was looking for an older one.
Do you know of any information or historical books that this
may appear in?
Kind Regards
Natalie Ciriello
(6th August 2013) Email from Ann Wolstenholme
I have just
found your wonderful Blogspot on Haslingden, I am trying to find out more about
my GGGGrandparents who farmed at Musden Head, James and Anne Haworth. I saw the
information booklet on Great House experimental Husbandry farm but it didn't mention anything about who looked after it, my late Aunt said it was a member of
the Haworth family. it would be nice to know more about my Ancestors. Regards
Anne Wolstenholme
(6th August 2013) Email from Sandra Kearsley (Bolton)
Dear Bryan,
Came across your web site looking for info on a farm in Helmshore, back in 1955 I think it was a pig farm belonged to my grandmothers brother George Thomas Bentley B.1884 on his wifes death cert in 1955 it says either New/lea/Low? Barn Farm, Helmshore can't make the lettering out even with a magnifying glass I was wondering if you could help? he was a excavator on the 1911 census I see you mention stone in helmshore.
Also I notice Bridge end pub would you know if this was at the bottom of a hill and did it have a winding staircase, my grandmother Polly Scrivener (nee Bentley) ran a pub bottom of helmshore 1900's not sure exact dates though would think between 1920/1930's.
They then moved to Bury around then to Bolton around 1935/6 which is where I live at present.
my grandmothers father Thomas Bentley ran the Horseshoe at featherstall from 1882 to 1896 he was millworker on the 1911 census, his wifes father George Rigg ran the same pub before thomas took over in 1882.
If you can help that would be great if not that's fine will keep on searching thank you for taking the time to read my e-mail.
Regards S kearsley
Came across your web site looking for info on a farm in Helmshore, back in 1955 I think it was a pig farm belonged to my grandmothers brother George Thomas Bentley B.1884 on his wifes death cert in 1955 it says either New/lea/Low? Barn Farm, Helmshore can't make the lettering out even with a magnifying glass I was wondering if you could help? he was a excavator on the 1911 census I see you mention stone in helmshore.
Also I notice Bridge end pub would you know if this was at the bottom of a hill and did it have a winding staircase, my grandmother Polly Scrivener (nee Bentley) ran a pub bottom of helmshore 1900's not sure exact dates though would think between 1920/1930's.
They then moved to Bury around then to Bolton around 1935/6 which is where I live at present.
my grandmothers father Thomas Bentley ran the Horseshoe at featherstall from 1882 to 1896 he was millworker on the 1911 census, his wifes father George Rigg ran the same pub before thomas took over in 1882.
If you can help that would be great if not that's fine will keep on searching thank you for taking the time to read my e-mail.
Regards S kearsley
(6th August 2013) Email from Brian Holden (Accrington)
Hi Bryan been looking through your blog and its very enjoyable, Though i'm an Accy lad, i used to go the Astoria occasionally, also in mid/ late 60s i used to go up Haslingden regular to a dance hall called the High Spot, no-one seems to remember this place? I seem to think it was up some stairs over what is the Liberal Club?? Had some good nights up yon, hope you can help with some facts? regards Brian.
(3rd July 2013) Email from Teresa Nelson (ex pat Australia)
Hi this is Teresa here Anne's sister (Anne Southon blog below this), I just thought I would correct some information here. My mother Annie Banks and Father Joseph Grieco owned the chippie which they bought from Sue and Albert Wood who were my aunt and uncle. We sold it in 1957 to migrate to Australia.
My mother Annie was born in Accrington and she met my father who was Italian, whilst he was interned in England after the war. There was four children living in the shop with our mum and dad.
My grandmother Joyce Woods lived in Booth Street, Michael used to go there a lot. Makes me wonder what kind of gossip was floating around at the time.
Cheers Teresa.
(20th June 2013) Email from Anne Southon (ex pat Australia)
My parents owned the chippie you talk of on Blackburn Road, that the Rudges later owned. They sold it in 1957 when we moved to Australia and I have been searching for any photos or information on it. I would love any information you can give me or any old photos etc. or information on where I can get them from. All I have is an old copy of an ad. that was shown at the pictures for supper at the cafe. Mr parents were called Grieco and I was born there.
Thanks Anne.
(13th June 2013) Email information from Arthur Keown
Hi Bryan,
This email is not about my final years at H.G.S. but concerns Jackie
Ramsbottom's research about the landslip at St. James's Church, Haslingden
On the day in question, for some reason that escapes me, I missed the
school bus to Helmshore for the train to Ramsbottom so I ran to Haslingden
To my surprise and horror I witnessed the result of the landslide. Yes, the
coffins were on the road surface and I don't think I slept that night. There was
evidence of
human remains. NOT A PRETTY SIGHT
(2nd June 2013) Email request information from Jade Chadwick
Dear Bryan,
I have recently come across your blog whilst trying to search for my Grandfather John Whalley who died over 55 years ago.
I have very little information on him but know that he is buried in Haslingden, has a brother called Jesse, and died in a car crash. He was married to Betty or maybe known as Elizabeth and her mother was called Ivy, and Ivy's surname was Mellor or she was related to Mellor's.
I am trying to find a photo of him for my father as he died when my father was only a few weeks old. By the way he worked at Ewood Bridge on the Gas.
If you can find or know any information on him, or know anyone that could get me for information, school photos anything let me know please. I am in desperate need.
I would be delighted to hear from you.
Kind Regards,
Jade Chadwick.
Update: 2nd June 2013 - Pete who knows the family well is already making contact with Jade with possible help.
Update: 2nd June 2013 - Jackie is offering to supply the details of the obituary and the inquest findings on Jade's Grandad etc.
Update: 5th June 2013 - Mary and Nigel have supplied further information for Jade. - Sadly to press no photo of her Grandad has been found
(28th May 2013) Email from Colin
Subject: Helmshore Conservative Club
Date: 27 May 2013 14:29
Hi Bryan
I came across your blog Haslingden Old and New (nice site / blog by the way) and was wondering if you could help me. I am trying to find out how old (approximately) is the building on Holcombe Rd that was once the Helmshore Conservative Club. I think it is No 397 and is now a private residence.
Would it be Victorian, Edwardian or maybe younger ?
Thank you in advance for your help and time.
Kind regards.
If anyone has any information to help Colin, please let me know at bryan.yorke@sky.com and I will forward it on to him.
(Response: from Jackie Ramsbottom and John Simpson 30th May 2013)
Jackie can now confirm that the building dates from 1892 when it was a new building built specifically for the Helmshore Conservative Club and was opened on the 8th April 1892 by George Wyndham MP.
also interesting:
"There was a Helmshore Conservative Club before the building in Holcombe Road, though am not sure where they met. It may have been in the old National School further along Holcombe Road. The building where John Mc Manus now lives was purpose built as the new Con Club and opened in 1892"
(from Wadey 30th may 2013) Must be Victorian, it's on your photo of the Wesleyan Chapel, I've a photo here
(28th May 2013) Email from Malcolm Pilkington (Inverness)
Request for information:
Dear Bryan Yorke,
I was browsing various Haslingden information and came across your reference to Jack Cordingley in 2009.
I am a step relative of Jack Cordingley through one of his aunties and have been looking for ways to regain contact with his family. Jack sold me my first car an Austin Healey Sprite a long time ago!
Would it be possible for you to pass on my contact details to the family?
I am Malcolm Pilkington, son of John Robert Pilkington and Grandson of George Pilkington who was married to Mary Jane Cordingley (1882-1968). We currently live in Nairn near Inverness and visit north Lancashire in the summer.
I last saw Jack and his wife in 1986 at the Elms Hotel, Morecambe.
I do hope you can help.
Malcolm Pilkington.
"I dont have any details on Jack Cordingley, but if anyone can help Malcolm with this information will they kindly pass details on to me at bryan.yorke@sky.com and I will then forward on to Malcolm."
(7th May 2013) Email from Terry Hissey requesting the following:
I wonder if you can assist at all, do you
know the Christian name of J T Haworth, Headmaster of St James’ Haslingden CofE School , Commanding Officer of the local
Home Guard and stalwart member of the Church Lads’
Terry Hissey
(9th May 2013) Response from John R. Edwards:
(9th May 2013) Response from John R. Edwards:
Re; J T Haworth
I remember John T Haworth (Jonty) from when I was at St James's School, and
being given the stick for misbehaving. On another note he was also responsible
for getting me to join the Church choir about '48-9 under choirmaster Fred
As a member of the choir the first funeral service I sang at, in
church and at the graveside, was Jonty's
Trinity Baptist 1948 |
Which includes this fabulous photo of members of the Trinity Baptist Church during 1948 (please click over photograph to enlarge). He has also listed some of the members which he knows in his email below:
Hi Bryan,
I just dug out this old photo that my mum (step-mum
actually - Mary Bury, née Diggle) gave me a few years ago.
It was taken in 1948 and is of the congregation of
Trinity Baptist church, which used to be on Blackburn Road. I attended there as
a child, but it was later demolished (and a petrol station built on the site)
when the two Baptist churches (Trinity and Ebenezer, on Bury Road, next to the
old Grammar school) united and became Haslingden Baptist.
I'm afraid I can't give many names - mum knew them
all, but unfortunately she has since died, so I can't ask.
Of the ones I remember from later years, some
relatives and some good friends of the family:
From the left, the woman to the top right of the
guy with the glasses to the right of the railing is Mary Hood (my dad's
There is a woman with the spike on the railing
right on her nose, the one behind her with the black hat is Jean Howarth, Mary's
cousin. To her left and down one row is Mary Barnes.
Go two to the right of the guy by the railings, one
up and back to the lady with the glasses and hat, then directly up to the guy
with jacket, tie, and crooked smile. That is my dad, Alan Bury.
To the top right of him is Bessie Howarth, wife of
Roland Howarth, who used to own Howarth's chemist's in the centre of Haslingden,
opposite the Midland Bank on the corner of Blackburn Road and Lower Deardengate.
I even worked there once as a summer job. He and dad were great friends.
Two to the left of dad, the guy with hat and
glasses, left hand side of his face partly covered, is his dad, my grandad,
Joseph Arnold Bury. Unfortunately, I never knew him, he died two years before I
was born. He was a deacon in the church, and used to own a printer's on
Blackburn Road, but more details I do not know.
Well, that's about all I can tell you.
All the best,
Adrian Bury
(24th April 2013) Email from Valerie Vicich (nee Hargreaves)
Hello Bryan
I am looking for the parents of my great-great grandfather William Hargreaves born Haslingden 1833.
He married Maria Holden at St James Church Dec 31st 1859.
The family later moved to Sheffield and then to Barrow-in-Furness
Valerie Vicich (nee Hargreaves)
Please contact me if you can help Valerie by clicking here
(19th April 2013) Email from Ann Taylor (Acre)
As part of my research into the local history of Acre and
Carterplace I am looking for historic images. I am wondering if anyone has any
old photos of Acre including the farms, buildings. people and Carterplace that
they would be happy to let me copy?
In addition the owners of the Sun Dragon Cantonese, which
you may know is what was 'Acre Garage' have said that they would like some
photos to display on their restaurant's walls, especially if they are ones of
Acre Garage.
If you are able to help I can either scan and print from your
original images or if you e-mail me high resolution images I can print
you can email to me at acrevillage@gmail.com and please pass
this message on to anyone you feel may be able to help.
(18th April 2013) Email from Keith Fitton (ex pat)
Hi Bryan
A fellow blogger has been in touch asking if I might remember a certain Rev Fergus McBride, a vicar in Haslingden in the late fifties he thinks (Fergus is his grandfather). I don't - but I said that I might ask around and see whether anyone else does. Is it worth an ask on your blog?
I hope you are
well.A fellow blogger has been in touch asking if I might remember a certain Rev Fergus McBride, a vicar in Haslingden in the late fifties he thinks (Fergus is his grandfather). I don't - but I said that I might ask around and see whether anyone else does. Is it worth an ask on your blog?
follow up 18th April 2013 - Jackie Ramsbottom has been able to find out that
follow up 18th April 2013 - Jackie Ramsbottom has been able to find out that
Rev McBride took over both parishes at that time. He had come to Lancashire to
be vicar at St James. Jackie is now in contact with Keith and his friend Nick and helping them with their research.
follow up 26th April 2013 - Just a update to say that since Keith and Nicholas's request there have been three positive replies with helpful information.
(12th April 2013) Email from Sandra Jew (Australia) requesting information about her dad "Alan (Bernie) Francis Taylor (b.1948)
Dear Mr Yorke,
I stumbled accross your Haslingden blog whilst researching my dad's family. My dad, Alan Francis Taylor (b. 1948) who passed away in 2002, was born in, and grew up in Haslingden. I do not have a lot of information; he was an only child and to my knowledge his parents died when he was young and he had a difficult upbringing. I have never met any of his relatives in the Haslingden area, and aside from my mother meeting an aunt of his, Betty Taylor, we have never had any contact with any of his family. I am just wondering if you would be able to give me any tips on where to start? I've done a bit of a family tree using pieces of existing information, and ancestry.com, and believe that a cousin of my dad's, Rita Hoolahan, appears in one of the school photos on your site! From your blog you seem to have so much knowledge and interest in the area, and it would be great if you could point me in the right direction for researching his extended family.
His father was Frank Taylor (I have no other details about him and this seems to be a very common name), and his mother, Winifred Eileen Taylor (nee Flynn). His maternal grandparents were George and Eleanor (nee Pelham), however, I believe that Eleanor re-married a Thomas Hoolohan/Hoolahan, and had a son, Thomas jnr, who married a Mary Hindle (possibly), and had four daughters - Margaret, Rita, Mary and Kathleen. His paternal grandparents were Walter and Mary.
Any advice on how to find out if any of his relatives are stil living and in the area, would be much appreciated.
Kind regards,
Sandra Jew
(Update 15th April 2013) Just a quick update to say that Sandra who has been requesting information about her dad "Alan "Bernie" Taylor, has now been contacted by three of her dads old friends, and also by Jackie who is trying to help her with her family history. - Please keep the information coming.
I stumbled accross your Haslingden blog whilst researching my dad's family. My dad, Alan Francis Taylor (b. 1948) who passed away in 2002, was born in, and grew up in Haslingden. I do not have a lot of information; he was an only child and to my knowledge his parents died when he was young and he had a difficult upbringing. I have never met any of his relatives in the Haslingden area, and aside from my mother meeting an aunt of his, Betty Taylor, we have never had any contact with any of his family. I am just wondering if you would be able to give me any tips on where to start? I've done a bit of a family tree using pieces of existing information, and ancestry.com, and believe that a cousin of my dad's, Rita Hoolahan, appears in one of the school photos on your site! From your blog you seem to have so much knowledge and interest in the area, and it would be great if you could point me in the right direction for researching his extended family.
His father was Frank Taylor (I have no other details about him and this seems to be a very common name), and his mother, Winifred Eileen Taylor (nee Flynn). His maternal grandparents were George and Eleanor (nee Pelham), however, I believe that Eleanor re-married a Thomas Hoolohan/Hoolahan, and had a son, Thomas jnr, who married a Mary Hindle (possibly), and had four daughters - Margaret, Rita, Mary and Kathleen. His paternal grandparents were Walter and Mary.
Any advice on how to find out if any of his relatives are stil living and in the area, would be much appreciated.
Kind regards,
Sandra Jew
(Update 15th April 2013) Just a quick update to say that Sandra who has been requesting information about her dad "Alan "Bernie" Taylor, has now been contacted by three of her dads old friends, and also by Jackie who is trying to help her with her family history. - Please keep the information coming.
(8th April 2013) Email and photos from Carrie Creamer Hart (Canada)
Carrie is seeking information about the names of the children in the photos. All three pictures would have been taken on Hillside Road in Haslingden around the 1952 or 1953 period. Anyone who remembers a woman named Kate Davies (born 1895 and died 1971) living on that road or her brother Sam Davies (who was connected thru 3 marriages to Hilditch, McCormack, and the Fallon families of Rawtenstall), any help would be greatly appreciated. Kate was the grandmother of my Mum who is in all three of the pictures in question.
So if anyone can help Carrie please let me have details or forward a email address so that I can forward to Carrie (Please send details here)
The photos are:
(16th May 2013) response from Mary Brown (nee Simms):
Hello Bryan,
I am writing about the photo on your blog from Carrie
Creamer Hart, it is the bottom photo of the three. I am stood at the back in
front of the lady and my sister Anne is sat on the front row in the middle, more
or less in front of me. I think the lady stood behind me is Vera Davies but we
are not sure who the other children are. We also think it is Meadows Avenue (the
next street to Hillside road) as that is where we lived.
Best wishes,
Mary Brown (was Sims)
(17th May 2013) response from Sheila Calder (Ex pat - Canada)
Just want you to know I love the stuff you have
done here. It brings
back a lot of memories. My grandfather was John Goldsworthy -
he was the herbalist on Church Street. Old shop is long gone now!
Sheila Calder.
(18th May 2013) follow up response from Shieila Calder (Ex pat - Canada)
Hi Bryan:
Thanks for your email. And in fact today I had an email from Carrie which I have just
replied to. I shall be in touch with her in the near future as we are having a family BBQ
next weekend and my brother or sister may have some information to share.
I have lived in Canada since 1966; locating to the Niagara Falls area about 23 years ago.
Incredibily there is an "Apothecary Shop" in Niagara on the Lake which is a museum
of sorts and could almost be my grandfather's shop (store front and inside too) right down
to the licorice sticks!!!!...I took my Uncle there when he came for a visit - it took him back many,
many years as he grew up in the store on Church Street.
All the best to you... Regards
(17th May 2013) response from Sheila Calder (Ex pat - Canada)
Just saw the pictures Carrie Cramer Hart had on your site.
The little girl pictured in the centre of the first photo is Adena Davies.
Her mother Vera pictured standing in the other photo. Adena had
a brother Norman and I believe that was also the father's name.
They lived on Jubilee Road where I knew Adena from.
Just saw the pictures Carrie Cramer Hart had on your site.
The little girl pictured in the centre of the first photo is Adena Davies.
Her mother Vera pictured standing in the other photo. Adena had
a brother Norman and I believe that was also the father's name.
They lived on Jubilee Road where I knew Adena from.
And I went to school with
Adena at Haslingden Secondary Modern.
I grew up on Hillside Road, leaving Haslingden in 1965.
I grew up on Hillside Road, leaving Haslingden in 1965.
back a lot of memories. My grandfather was John Goldsworthy -
he was the herbalist on Church Street. Old shop is long gone now!
Sheila Calder.
(18th May 2013) follow up response from Shieila Calder (Ex pat - Canada)
Hi Bryan:
Thanks for your email. And in fact today I had an email from Carrie which I have just
replied to. I shall be in touch with her in the near future as we are having a family BBQ
next weekend and my brother or sister may have some information to share.
I have lived in Canada since 1966; locating to the Niagara Falls area about 23 years ago.
Incredibily there is an "Apothecary Shop" in Niagara on the Lake which is a museum
of sorts and could almost be my grandfather's shop (store front and inside too) right down
to the licorice sticks!!!!...I took my Uncle there when he came for a visit - it took him back many,
many years as he grew up in the store on Church Street.
All the best to you... Regards
(26th March 2013) Email from Jane Thynne
Hello Bryan,
My dad (now 80) would love to find out more about the
Boys Home he went to in Haslingden during the 1930s. He was there from 1932
until war broke out in 1939. I think he said it was "Moorlands" or near there. I
know he went to primary school from there (next to Haslingden baths).
I hope you can help,
Best regards,
Jane Thynne
Response to above from Bryan Yorke.
Hello Jane,
Many thanks for your email, and I have now put your request for information on the Boys Home here on the blog. I do know where it is and the building is still there. It lies just off "Sandown Road" Haslingden towards the rear or East side of a newish (30 year old) housing estate and has been a private dwelling for a long number of years.
The building which you refer to as the "The Moorlands" was several hundred yards to the South East of the Boys Home. I do think that the buildings often referred to as the Moorlands could well have included the larger building which was originally the Workhouse. And the lower buildings further to the East which were the actual Moorlands Infirmary. Later on the combined (Workhouse and Infirmary) buildings formed what was to be the Rossendale General Hospital. The Rossendale General Hospital, has been officially closed now for about 3 years although it had partially closed from any major activity about 8 years or so).
The School you refer too will have been the Haslingden County Primary School.
(1st May 2013) follow up from Michael Mullaney
(19th April 2013) follow up from Dave Rothwell)
In response to Janet I wonder if her Dad knew my Uncle Richard (Dick) Beech. Uncle Dick was an Orphan and went to the boys home. I'm not sure of the years but it's likely to be around the same period. Uncle Dick was a Dunkirk veteran and in later years had the selling out shop on Blackburn Road and in the 60's was the manager at the small Co-op shop on the corner of Poplar Street near to the Grane mill.
kind regards,
Dave Rothwell.
Response to above from Bryan Yorke.
Hello Jane,
Many thanks for your email, and I have now put your request for information on the Boys Home here on the blog. I do know where it is and the building is still there. It lies just off "Sandown Road" Haslingden towards the rear or East side of a newish (30 year old) housing estate and has been a private dwelling for a long number of years.
The building which you refer to as the "The Moorlands" was several hundred yards to the South East of the Boys Home. I do think that the buildings often referred to as the Moorlands could well have included the larger building which was originally the Workhouse. And the lower buildings further to the East which were the actual Moorlands Infirmary. Later on the combined (Workhouse and Infirmary) buildings formed what was to be the Rossendale General Hospital. The Rossendale General Hospital, has been officially closed now for about 3 years although it had partially closed from any major activity about 8 years or so).
The School you refer too will have been the Haslingden County Primary School.
(1st May 2013) follow up from Michael Mullaney
Hi Bryan,
Re: The Boys Home.
As I understand it the Boys Home as it was known was an annex of the old
Moorlands Workhouse.
The government of the time decided that children who were orphaned should
wherever possible be moved away from the workhouse environment and given some
kind of normal family upbringing.
To this end The Boys Home was brought into play, whether built originally
for the task I know not and as it was divided into two it may very well have
housed girls in one half and boys in the other.
The children would live in the home with a "Housekeeper" and would live day
to day as normal a life as was possible under the circumstances. From there
they would be sent out to school or to work to learn a trade
in order to be able to support themselves when old enough to leave the
workhouse. They would come back home to the daily tasks any household would have to
carry out thus training to
keep a home of their own.
Haslingdens Boys Home was a very
small venture, some authorities like Rochdale built small villages known as Cottage
Estates where a great many orphan's lived as family's preparing for the outside
from where they could be adopted or leave when old enough.
Hope this is helpful.
Michael Mullaney.
(19th April 2013) follow up from Dave Rothwell)
In response to Janet I wonder if her Dad knew my Uncle Richard (Dick) Beech. Uncle Dick was an Orphan and went to the boys home. I'm not sure of the years but it's likely to be around the same period. Uncle Dick was a Dunkirk veteran and in later years had the selling out shop on Blackburn Road and in the 60's was the manager at the small Co-op shop on the corner of Poplar Street near to the Grane mill.
kind regards,
Dave Rothwell.
Dear Mr Yorke,
I am a granddaughter of Frederick Tattersall, MD of J H Birtwistle who lived at Westbourne, Helmshore. I am very interested in the history of the mill and the family, especially at present I
would like to know how my grandfather became the owner of the mill, as in earlier census records he is an employee elsewhere. If you could put me in touch with anyone who might be able to help me with this, or have any relevant information, I would be most grateful.
I have been very interested to read your web page and it obviously commands great interest both locally and from expats wherever they may be. I think the older we are, the more fascinating our history becomes!
Kind regards,
Christine Bailye. ( daughter of Margaret Newey, nee Tattersall).
Response to above from Bryan Yorke. Hello Christine, I will pass on your details to Jackie Ramsbottom of Haslingden Roots, It is possible she may be able to help you with the "family" side of things. In regards to finding out more about the actual Company. All I can suggest at the moment is that you may wish to try and contact John Willan of Ewood Bridge who was a director and the last manager serving alongside your grandad Frederick, I am sure he will know something about its history. Sorry no contact details for John. Hope someone may read this and be able to help you. It would be great to have some history of one of Haslingden's great factories. If anyone can help please contact me and I will ensure Christine gets the information. Thank you.
"Further responses have been made and posted on direct to Christine from both Jackie and Elizabeth"
(25th February 2013) Email from Eileen Ball (Wiltshire)
Hi Bryan
I have been tracing my family history for 20 years now and wish I had found your fantastic site much earlier! My paternal family names - back to the 18th century, include Tattersall, Hoyle. Haworth, Holt and many more - all Haslingden born and bred, so it has been a joy to wander through the old stories and photo's on your site.
The reason I found the site was that I was googling for Tap Stone House, Hud Hey Road, which was where Ernest Hoyle was living when he died in 1941. I was hoping I may find a photo of the house but didn't have any luck. On Google Earth, it looks like newer properties have been built where the house once stood.
Now I have found the site, I shall be checking back on a regular basis. Thank you so much for all the time and effort you have put into it.
Tap Stone House, Hud Hey Road |
Response to above by Bryan Yorke. Yes I do have a photo of Tap Stone House (filed: under Haslingden Local Snaps in the left hand section) which I took in 2003 and have included it here. There is also another photo taken from afar (in fact it was taken from up Higher Lane) and I have privately sent this to you. If anyone else can help Eileen with any further information, please let me know and I will email it to her.
(20th December 2012) Email from Phil Ridings.
Hi Bryan
wondering if you have any info on the building of the wall on Manchester Road, "we are on Woodside up above" and are currently in dispute with LCC as to who
repairs the wall and I am sure that I remember it being rebuilt when the road
was widened in the early 50s by HBC and remember Derek Kelly saying he had
worked on it, if this is the case then RBC or LCC will be responsible for its
maintenance but they have asked us to prove it so any info pictures or articles
would help.
Phil Ridings
Response to above by Bryan Yorke. The only thing I remember is that land above there was part of the original grounds of (Sir?) George Waddington, who was a JP and (I can still remember seeing him parking up his "big jag" outside of Clough End factory (Hud Hey) on most days, as I passed everyday on my way to School. It was sometime during the 50's. He was a main director of the Nicholas Worsley factories (eg: Hazel, Clough End and Rothwells etc), later that same land became the "Woodside" properties.
Response to above by Bryan Yorke. The only thing I remember is that land above there was part of the original grounds of (Sir?) George Waddington, who was a JP and (I can still remember seeing him parking up his "big jag" outside of Clough End factory (Hud Hey) on most days, as I passed everyday on my way to School. It was sometime during the 50's. He was a main director of the Nicholas Worsley factories (eg: Hazel, Clough End and Rothwells etc), later that same land became the "Woodside" properties.
(11th December 2012) Email from Dave Roughley.
Hi Bryan,
I am currently researching Wigan Town FC who were opponents of Haslingden
in the 1907-08 season. I have just been directed to your site and was wondering if you could tell
me where Haslingden FC played. This is not the later club, but the one playing
between 1905 and 1915. I have found a ground on the 1911 OS map, at Flax Moss,
marked as Cricket and Football Ground (top centre). Would this be the correct
one and if so what was it known as?
Dave Roughley.
(not finished yet, but well on its way)
(11th December 2012) Response to above from Bryan Yorke: Dave, yes you are right at that period the Town team did play at the Clarence Ground at Flaxmoss. The ground was situated slightly north west and to the rear of the Clarence Hotel and it was known locally as "The Clarence Ground". Today there are houses built where the ground was and it is called the Flaxmoss or Mayfield Estate. "Some good notes on all this are in the Haslingden book pages 83 and 84 authored by Chris Aspin and Derek Pilkington and Published by the Helmshore Local History Society. If anyone else can help Dave in his research please let me know.
(29th November 2012) from Dave Rothwell.
Dave has kindly sent in some recent photographs showing the demolition of the old Cordingley's building on the corner of Lower Deardengate and Warner Street. David also request that he would love to see any old pictures of the original Cordingleys building if anyone can help. The photos and his email is as follows:-
"Attached are some pictures of the demolition of Cordingleys Corner garage (for the last twenty years The Pine Shop) on Lower Deardengate. As the building was demolished I noticed part of one of Cordingleys old Fascia Boards had been uncovered. You can just see part of an 'I' and the letters 'RM' in one of the pictures - As far as I can remember It used to say ''Cordingleys The Old Firm". It would be great to see any old pictures of Cordingleys if anyone has some. (Click over any photos to enlarge)
(30th November 2012) added:
A very old advert for Cordingley's (The Old Firm) which was put within one of the Haslingden Town guides and kindly sent in by Clifford Hargreaves. (Click over to enlarge)
also a old photo of Cordingley's old car Showroom, kindly given by Jackie Ramsbottom. (Click over photo to enlarge)
(29th November 2012) from Dave Rothwell.
Dave has kindly sent in a photo showing his dad in his shop which was in Lower Deardengate, attached to the post office, in fact his shop was the original post office (see also photo below - showing the post office to the right hand side of the photo. Also he has attached a nice story about his dads days building the "balsa aeroplane" and the disaster, but also the start of a new venture:
Mr. Rothwell's Shop in Lower Deardengate |
"There is a tale to the balsa aircraft people may be interested in - .
My dad was in the RAF in the war and became interested in building and flying models in the late 40's. He decided he would start selling some models in the shop and that is why they are hung in the window (and why a furniture shop started selling toys as well).
Rothwell's Shop was the original post office as shown here |
Dad always told of going to York one
windy Sunday with other enthusiasts to a model flying display. He took
along a balsa model he had spent many hours making but as it was windy he
removed the wing to stop it blowing away, (the wings were always held on by
elastic bands in those days) and placed it under a tartan car rug. Along
came my mum and thinking Dad was being the perfect gent putting a rug out for
her - promptly sat on it.Needless to say that was the end of Dads Flying
for the day, he was not amused !
I have attached a picture of Dad behind the counter in the shop probably around 1950 surrounded by toys and model aircraft stuff. (Click over smaller photos to enlarge if required).
(30th November 2012) David has added the following:
More bits - Dad was also the Secretary of the Rossendale Motor Club for many
many years (if not always !). They used to meet at a clubroom at Fallbarn in
Rawtenstall a couple of tuesdays a month. The club newsletter was called 'The
Oilspout' which my dad used to write and then duplicate on the kitchen table on
an old Gestetner duplicator this being years before we all had computers and
printers !!
I have attached a picture which is of a Motor Club day out on Motorcycles probably about 1959 as I am on the far right and look about six. (Please click over photo to enlarge.
The other people are L/R:Stanley and Ona Morris who had the Gift shop on the parade at Waterfoot for many years and were friends of my Dad, my Mum Edith Rothwell,John Ebbrell (in motorcycle gear and white scarf) and his wife. John moved to London and became one of the main reporters on 'Motorcycle magazine'. My Dad moved him to London in his van and it was the first time they had ever been on a motorway and thought it was marvelous especially the Services !!!
Finaly either Barry or John Hinton with his wife. Barry and John looked very much alike so I'm not sure.
The second picture is of the 'Rossendale Enduro' which was a
sports event run each year by the club for motorcycles. It always started from
the large haulage company forecourt at Bentgate next to the Woolpack (now
Teams and riders came from all over the country to compete in this time trial which took them across moors, tracks and river fords to a finish late in the day. Many bikes were completely wrecked at the end of it. The Army always entered a team. The picture shows my Dad on the left scrutineering a scooter before the off helped by his pal Tom Hague who was a window cleaner in Haslingden for many years. This picture is probably around 1960.
That's all for now,
Many thanks again,
Dave R.
(26th November 2012 from Eddie Sheppard.
(22nd November 2012 from Lee Johnson
(14th November 2012) from Ann Whittaker J.P.
(29th October 2012) from Ann Southon (nee Grieco) from Australia.
(Response from Bryan) Hi Anne, I am aware of this one in the undermentioned photo which was next door to Harry Taylors butchers. When I was a child the owner was Mr and Mrs. Daniels, then as a teen and beyond it was Jack and Mary Stafford who had it, and then after them it was a Chinese chip shop, and I think the owner got ill and it was shut down and thats about( it as I remember. I am sure that if anyone out there does have a better photo of the chip shop maybe they will kindly contact me so that I can pass it on to you. This is the only one I have.
Also, thanks to Bob Stevens for reminding me about another chippy on Blackburn Road which was in the middle of the long row near to Railway Road. It was run by Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, and I remember on one side was Mr. Heap the Clogger and on the other side it was the Co-op. In fact thinking about it there was also Danny Rudges at the top of Prinny Hill. So I am to believe yours was the one at the top of Prinny Hill before Danny Rudge had it.
(25th October 2012) from John McGuire.
Hi Bryan,
Once again thank you for your interesting and informative site. I last saw my father in 1991( he was born in 1911) and he told me a story that I would like to verify.
I feel sure that some of your contributors would be able to provide more information on this. My father and his family lived on Pocket St. Behind the Top Church.
He related a story of a mass exodus of residents from there to the brand new housing estate of Long Shoot. This was brought about by the deterioration of the water pipes
And the subsequent lead poisoning which occurred. His most vivid memory was of a long procession of horse drawn flitting trucks moving with great ceremony along Bury Rd
to the new housing estate at Shoot. This, he recalled, being accompanied by cheering crowds which lined the way. Dad reckoned that it was Haslingden’s first slum clearance
project. I imagine this took place in the 1920’s. Any corroboration or otherwise would be appreciated.
Best regards,
John McGuire
(9th October 2012) from Jackie Ramsbottom Re: St. James Church and its wall collapsing.
Hi Bryan
Did some research on this a while ago and this small snippet of information came from the Haslingden Guardian from 8th February 1946. I will check the Haslingden Observer and see what report was in there and if more info will pass on.
The article states that whilst demolition of properties surrounding the Church Wall was taking place this incident happened and as you can read some graves collapsed and headstones were lost.
(9th October 2012) from Keith Fitton (Haslingden) Re: St James Church and Its wall collapsing.
Hi Bryan
Congratulations on the Haslingden blog - its a great read. Thought you might be interested in my latest blog entry reflecting on some of my early memories of the town specifically thinking about St James's church. I may have dreamt the episode about the churchyard wall collapsing! Maybe someone else remembers it? Here's the link:-
Keith Fitton
Hi Keith, I do remember something about it, several people told me the story about Coffins being exposed etc, but it would be great to receive some more positive information). I believe there were articles about it in the local press.
(5th October 2012 from Clifford Hargreaves - Re Haslingden Liberal Club. Bryan, Re the Liberal Club Haslingden. The dance club was run by Matt and Della ROBERTS who had twin daughters and I think another daughter.They had previously run a dance club at the old Liberal Club in Rawtenstall, where I attempted to learn to dance. Clifford Hargreaves.
(4th October 2012 from Phil Collins - Re Haslingden Liberal Club.
Bryan, I saw the note from Brian Holden re the old Liberal Club which was at the bottom of Park Street. I can't rememeber what the dance club was called before the place became the Buccaneers club. However I did attempt to learn to dance at the old Liberal Club for a short period. I think the people that gave the instruction were called Matt and Della Street. Two of their daughers also attended the classes and I think they were twins.
One of my friends told me about this website a couple of weeks ago. I have found it fascinating to look at the stuff that is presented especially that from David Rothwell.
Phil Collins
(30th September 2012 from Brian Holden - Re Haslingden Liberal Club. A email kindly sent in from Brian requesting further information on the "High Spot Dance Club" which was situated at the Liberal Club on Park Street, please let me know if you have any information or memories. Thanks.
(13th September 2012) from Bernadette Ainsworth
I have received the following email from Bernadette requesting information on the "Spout House". If anyone can help please contact me on: bryan.yorke@sky.com and I will gladly pass the information on to Bernadette.
"Good eveningI have just seen your website about the area of haslingden, i found it very interesting, i was looking to see if there were any old pictures or information about "spout house farm" which is in haslingden, my son is about to move in to this property, and would love to know anything about the history of this house, sometimes it was known as spout houses, and we believe that many yers ago it was a coaching house, it is situated on cribden end lane.Any help or info would be much appreciated.Thank you
Bernadette Ainsworth

(30th August 2012) from Ian Edmundson
Hi Bryan
I see from the Telegraph that Rhodes Boyson has died. He was born in Haslingden and went to the Grammar School. His father William was chairman of the governors of HGS when I started there in 1964.
(Ian, I did not personally know Sir Rhodes, although I did know his father William, we used to have meetings at his house on Colldale Terrace in the late 1960's.)
Sir Rhodes Boyson has died aged 87 after a long illness. A former headmaster with Dickensian mutton chop whiskers and gold fob watch, Boyson was an old-fashioned figure with trenchant views on the three Rs, morning assembly and the cane (among his claims to fame, he was the only white man ever to have beaten Frank Bruno, a former pupil).
Sir Rhodes was a teacher and headmaster before serving in parliament as MP for Brent North from 1974 to 1997.
(29th August 2012) from Linda Batty (nee foster).
Hello Bryan
My name is Lynda Batty and I was born in Rossendale General and lived first of all in Every St Haslingden, and then in the corner shop at the top of Every St - no. 173 Grane Rd until 1965 when I was 15. I have been doing some family history research since 2000 and as I now live away, and both my parents, although still alive, also live away, I don't get up to Lancashire as often as I would like. My name was Foster before I married and I have a brother Ray who is 5 years younger than me. Our father was Polish but was naturalised. He and my mother both worked in the cotton industry and we have fond memories of life in those early days. I have recently visited Oswaldtwistle Mills and the Helmshore Museum and the pungent smell of cotton fibre is so distinctive! My brother and I used to play along Waterside Rd - the 'Bottoms' we used to call it and sometimes ventured along to Carrs or walked up the little flags to the moor. My brother particularly remembers Todd Hall and we have both heard stories about it but want to know some actual history. Would you be able to provide us with any information, or guide us to where we might do some research?
Just to let you know that I have had a lot of contact with Jackie Ramsbottom and she has greatly helped me with my family research. My grandfather was Fred Hargreaves and my grandmother's maiden name was Lilian Nuttall. She had a sister Annice who was sadly burned aged 7 in 1902. Apparently they lived at Coal Hey then. I have heard the name but can't place where this is. Jackie found a newspaper article about Annice's death but at present is still researching where she is buried. She is not in Holden cemetery or St James's or Musbury. We now think it is either the Congregational Church opposite Coal Hey or the nearby Ebenezer Baptist church. I know the Ebenezer Baptist church on Bury Rd - is this the same one? Can you advise me about both churches near Coal Hey and how I might find out about burials there?
We would be very grateful.
Many thanks
Can anyone help Lynda with this if so please pass on information to me at: bryan.yorke@sky.com and I will gladly pass it on direct to Lynda. Thank you.

Hi Mog, Well it paid off because here is a photo of the Medics from Rising Bridge featuring Geoff Kenyon and the boys. Incredible really how this photo arrived, I was speaking to someone who was out yesterday with Bryan Webster and when I told them about him being in a group years ago, they phoned him and I spoke with Brian who kindly obliged with a photo.
(3rd August 2012) from John Sumner.
Hi Bryan
Through your blog can I appeal for any pictures or information on a row of houses off Laneside Rd.
They were set back off the road more or less opposite what is now Sizehouse village & backed on to Grane mill ??.
I think there was about 5 or 6 houses. I have now found out they were called the "Lonsdale Buildings".
My family had 3 of the houses in the row in the early 60s. I can recall them still being there in the late 60s early 70s although derelict ( we used to play in them instead of going to school).
(10th October 2012 - Jackie Ramsbottom has sent in the photo below which could well be the houses you mention in your email:
(11th October 2012 from Bryan Yorke)
Just noticed your second mail and glad to know that you can now confirm they are the "Lonsdale Buildings".
(11th October 2012 from John Sumner Hi Bryan
As soon as I saw the photo I knew, but just needed that confirmation to be 100% certain. Be nice if I could find a pic of the other 1/2 of the street. Also may be of interest to you.
At the bottom of the street slightly to the left there was a running spring which used to come from the fields which we used to drink from as kids.
(2nd August 2012) from John R. Edwards. Hi Bryan
As a boy going to St James' School, I passed Haslingden Fire Station in Regent St. every day. Sometimes, on the way home, there would be a fireman cleaning the station or the fire engine. Being an inquisitive child I used stop and watch and ask questions, eventually I was able to just go in and talk to the fireman - it was usually the same one, Mr Wade, one day during the school holidays he offered me a child's dream - a ride on the front seat of the engine. I was thrilled to bits as we went from the fire station all the way to the bus shed ( a couple of hundred yards) at the bottom of John St. to fill up the fuel tank. The engine was a Braidwood design carrying a wheeled escape on a Leyland chassis and it had a name plate inscribed 'Watson' just under the windscreen on the bonnet. There was also an Austin Towing Vehice housed at the back of the station, along with a towed fire pump. Sometimes when at home nearby, or out in the town, I would hear the siren sound and off I would run to the station to find out where the fire was (the first man into the station had to ring to Accrington to find out the address and repeat it, that's how I found out the address) and follow the engine, or sometimes, dash off to the site of the fire, if it was nearby, and beat the engine to it. A policeman would on occasion jump onto the engine at the Big Lamp, having run down from Hargreaves St. Police Station.
Sunday mornings was practice time and the firemen would put up the wheeled fire escape to the roof of the Public Hall. After drills or a fire the hose had to be dried in the tower, this was an almost hidden tower as the bottom of it was in the basement and didn't show above the roofline of the Public Hall.
Incidentally, these childhood activities didn't have the slightest influence on me joining the Fire Service years later, and at the selection interviews met Mr Wade's son Robert, and we both served at Accrington Fire Station for a while.
John R Edwards
(reply from Bryan Yorke - I remember Mr. Wade being the leading fireman, and also as a youngster was friendly with his son "Bobby" whom you refer to above. Although I havn't seen Bobby since being a teenager I did hear somewhere that he at one time was working on the "Antartic Exploration Ship". The family used to live on Brook Street just off Hud Hey and Mrs. Wade was a very well known piano teacher.)
(1st August 2012) from Andrea Fell (nee Jenkinson)
Hi Bryan
I was looking for old pictures of Haslingden and Helmshore, as I lived in Helmshore as a child.....from birth in 1971 to 1982. I was 11 when I moved out of the area, but my grandparents and great aunt still lived there until their deaths. They lived on Rising Bridge Road. My grandad was Joseph Jenkinson, who ran Rossendale Chain and Block, along with my great grandad, John Kay (his father in law). You mention a "Jack" that took over when my grandad retired.....I remember my grandad talking about him and I think he was called Jack Bell. My grandma, Dora Jenkinson (nee Kay) was the Sunday School teacher at Welsey Church in Haslingden and her sister Mary Kay, was the church organist......I think my Auntie Mary is in one of the photos in the Wesley Church and Panto photos. My mum, Mary Fell (nee Jenkinson), is helping to carry the "Primary" banner in the photo of the Walking Day walk. She went on to marry my dad (Brian Fell from Clitheroe) in 1970 at Welsey Church......just before the church closed and then was demolished.Sadly my grandad Joseph, died in 1999. My mum Mary, died in 2007 and my grandma Dora died in 2010. I think my Auntie Mary died in the 1980s, but I cannot remember when.I visited my grandparents every week and remember Kenyon's Bakery in the 1970s delivering to their house every week - the bread always smelt lovely in the van!Thank you for helping me remember lovely memories and good luck with your website in the future.
Andrea Fell
(from Bryan Yorke 1st August 2012)
Thanks so much for your email. I have very fond memories of all who you mention in particular Mrs. Jenkinson (your Gran), like you said she was the Sunday School teacher at the Wesley Church and a very lovely lady. I was especially saddened to hear that you lost your mother Mary in 2007, I knew Mary also from growing up in the Hud Hey area and also from our school days. I also remember her older sister Christine. I did also hear that Christine may have also passed away a few years back now. I can still remember Mary Kay also who played the organ. I can remember Mr. Jenkinson, a tall man who drove (I think!) a Jag.
I too remember that "Kenyons" confectioners mobile shop and your right about the "lovely aromas". It was on a Saturday morning when they came round Rising Bridge Road and Hud Hey and I couldn't wait to get my "ice buns" or their "so special" trifles.
It was great to hear from you.
and all the very best,
(31st July 2012) from Sandra Scott (ex pat from Perth, Australia)
Just want to say thanks for putting together such a great site - I've lived in Perth Australia these last 17 years, and before that travelled around a fair bit, and I never felt home-sick til I found your site! I was born and bred in haslingden, went to st Mary's infant school on bury rd then to hassy primary and hassy secondary modern - changed to hassy high in my third year - we lived at station brew out Blackburn rd for the first two years of my life so I have faint memories of the train station and Carr hall, then moved down to flaxmoss, then we later moved uptown to grane rd then Victoria st - I used to bemoan the demise of haslingden since the "new bypass" and the "modernization" of the town, so seeing your site warms my heart and stirs great memories of when we were kids running around the moors, along the railway lines and going "up street" with my mum to the vg after Woolworths moved on! Them were the days :)Thanks again for doing such a great job, much appreciated! Cheers Sandra Scott
(31st July 2012) from Sue Ashton (ex pat from Crete)
Hi Bryan I've just caught upon the blog after being away for a few months - still as interesting as ever! I noticed that David Rothwell added some photographs on the 4th May of various school trips. On picture 5 he has an "unknown" between Angela Maddocks and me - it's Carol Ramsbottom. I must say it's not a very flattering photograph of some of us!! RegardsSue Ashton
(27th July 2012) from Mrs. Ruth Lord.
Dear Bryan,
My good friend is an old boy of Haslingden Grammar School and he has been trying to recall where precisely the wartime summer camps were held, when boys and staff helped farmers by picking peas etc.
He thinks it was in the Bickerstaffe area and that they got there by train, walking from Ormskirk station.
This would have been about 1943.
I should be most grateful for any information such as the name and location of the farm(s) they worked on, so I can pass this on to my friend.
Thank you,
Ruth Lord (Mrs)
(25th July 2012) from Michael Mullaney
The next photograph taken from Haslingden Old Railway Station shows the view of the rear of Whittaker Terrace, Blackburn Road, Haslingden.
There were a great many examples in Haslingden of terraced properties built in this manner, adapted as they were to the natural slopes and terraces of the valley side. The terrace which was financed by the local firm of Whittakers Solicitors is divided horizontally. The upper section comprises of back-to-back houses, the front accessible from pavement level on Blackburn Road. The reare properties accessed by way of a cantilevered walkway from each end and a ginnel in the centre.
The lower section is of the back-to-earth design, that is, the back wall of the property was built into the natural rock. The lower properties were accessed by way of stone steps at each end and a steep stepped ginnel in the centre. Known as the 99 steps. This also acted as a short cut from the Top o’th Town for workers to the mills which ran along the valley bottom. Toilets were in the small lean-to at each end and in out buildings at the lower level. No property had any through ventilation.
The Bottom photograph: Corner of King Street and Chapel Street.
Wesleyan Chapel and Sunday School. Only a few slab gravestones mark the place where this Chapel and its small cemetary used to be.
Michael has kindly sent in lots of photographs, most of which are now filed within the "Photo Album" section in the left pane. There are some captions here which are to go with the photos in the "Photo Album". Trust you can match up OK. Also Michael has kindly sent in six photos of St. Marys RC Students now filed in the appropriate blog.
Here are some of the captions to go with his photos in the "Photo Album".
Lower Lane Photograph (Once one of the main routes into the town from the Kings Highway to the Parish Church. All roads started and ended at the Church, it was the visual focal point for miles around. Haslingden Brewery (Baxters) was opposite at the top of Spring Lane.
Back Pleasant Street Photo - Viewed from Bury Road through to Deardengate.
Built around 1750 these were back-to-back properties. They adjoined properties in Hindle Street. There was a natural drop between Hindle Street and Back Pleasant Street. At the far end of the terrace there were some cellar dwellings whilst at the top end the cellars were semi sunken. The two large stone supports sticking out from the middle of the row were there to support a large tank which would collect rainwater from the roof. The small lean-to originally housed two toilets for the residents.
Church Street, corner of Hargreaves Street Photo.The top property in this sorry looking block is The Bird in Hand public house. Teddy Berry the Marine Salvage Expert as was the official title, better known as rag tatters or rag and bone man lived in one of the shops. There was also a clogger’s shop Whiteside’s where you could still get handmade clogs up until the late 1950s. Across the street was Goldsworthy’s Herbalist shop. You could take a personal item from a sick person to him and he would diagnose the health issue and prescribe the appropriate herbs to return the patient to the best of health.
(25th July 2012) from John Sumner.
Hi Bryan
An aunt has asked me to appeal through your blog for any any information regarding a working mens club in Carrs village. I have attached her email....
I remember when I lived down Carrs. One of the neighbours showed me a photo in sepia of what used to be a workingmens club.
It was situated at the top of Smithies st. behind what was then a barn belonging to Cafferties farmers.It nestled on the hillside on sunnybank hill. In the war they dug trenches on that hill. I saw the remains of the foundations of the workingmens club.
There is no reference to this building anywhere that I know of.
I tried to find out long ago but there appears to be no photo`s of it other than the one I saw around early 50`s.the club or whatever must be about mid or early 18 century or even 17`th century. I have pondered about it ever since.
(23rd July 2012) John R. Edwards
A Snippet about "Victoria and Union Mills" and a guy called "William Robinson".
"When I worked ar Robinsons Union Mill, there was in the office of Mr Law, the manager, a curved "copperplate" used for printing, embossed with a line drawing of the Victoria and Union Mills below the logo Wm. Robinson (Haslingden) Ltd. 1894, this used to be used to print the letterheads for their business mail. The Victoria mill had burnt down many years before. The same fate happened to Union Mill, in the late 1960's - early 70's. I had left in 1965 and worked at Accrington Fire Station.
Just remembered - this snippet from my time there, as an apprentice tackler - I was not laid off when they were on short time.
One of the weavers was called William Robinson - really- who was partially deaf, he told me this tale; that when he went to sign on he was asked what his name was, when he said it, he was told, "no not where you work, what is your name?" He repeated it and they said "yes we know where you work, What is your name?".
John R. Edwards.
(20th July 2012) John Sumner
Through your blog can I appeal for any information regarding the shale bank on the playground at Rising Bridge.
I do know there was a brickyard there and thats why it go it's nickname the brickie.
No one seems to know much about it and wondered whether the two where connected or is it natural.
This has been an enigma for me for many years as it showed signs of working but for what?
Once again thanks for producing such a mine of information.
(reply- 20th July 2012): from Bryan Yorke. Thanks John. What I can tell you is that I was led to believe the Slag Heaps where the actual "spoils" from the tunnelling, when Nuttalls built the large diameter tunnel which is part of the mains tunneling for what carries the "drinking water" which comes from the Lake District and ends up in Manchester. I cant be exact on where it goes (the tunnel), although I did myself work on the "pipelines" over in Great Harwood and Altham", but I think it goes somewhere in the Stonefold areas and or under Cribden and joins another tunnel at Brynbella (Nr. Rawtenstall). I do hope there may be someone out there who could help you with the information you require.)
(reply - 21st July 2012: from John R. Edwards.
Hi Bryan
My uncle, Johnny O'Leary, worked on the Brynbella section, I remember him calling in our house regularly, on his way to and from the Swan Hotel on the corner of Church St/Big lamp. The shaft was dug opposite Union Rd. on Haslingden Rd. The one at Rising Bridge was indeed where the children's park is now and behind is the spoil heap.
Jimmy Ryan was a chap who used to go to the Trades Club who also told tales of the days when he used to work at Brynbella, and the scrapes he got out of - like the time he dropped a wheelbarrow full of materials down the shaft and promptly went to the nearest pub and claimed it as his alibi - a lesser punishment followed.
Here is a google link for the Haweswater Aquaduct: http://www.engineering-timelines.com/scripts/engineeringItem.asp?id=888
John R Edwards
(18th July 2012) Email received from Sandra Taylor (nee Lees)

Vine Grove Works, Commerce Street, (Booth Street?) Haslingden 1960's perhaps?
Dear Bryan
I wondered if you have any knowledge on the mill pictured above. It has been the home of Planned Maintenance (Pennine) Ltd for the last 30 years and before that to Rossendale Chain and block. It is situated directly below St James Church on the old part of Carrs. Strangely there is a rather large stone holding the place up inside that says 'Victoria Mill 1853' but no one has ever heard of a mill with that name in the area and thought you may be able to throw some light on it. I would be interested to know if it originally had a chimney and what was its original purpose.
I would like to say well done and thanks for a fabulous encylopedia of Haslingden's history. I was born at no 4 Regent Street opposite the Trades Club 50 years ago - the youngest of 4 children, 2 brothers Doug, Brian (Flogger) and sister Yvonne Lees. Our Mum and Dad, who have both passed away (Beryl and Jim Lees RAF WW2) rented the house off George Sagar and his wife who also owned the haberdashery shop at the top of Deardengate in the early 1970's. No 2 and 4 Regent Street are one and the same building have a long history starting off as the town Police Station and later becoming the Post Office. It was a School of Music according to the 1901 census.
Kind regards
Sandra Taylor (nee Lees)
Hi Sandra, I seem to have read somewhere that there was a "Paghouse" Mill on this site at one time, and also I feel I have somewhere a scan of a etching which appeared in the old "London Gazette" regarding a fire which was started by the Power Loom Riots. I will try and find this and post later (Now posted below). In more modern times I do remember the Rossendale Chain and Block having it and it was owned and managed by Mr. Kay and Mr. Jenkinson. Then later I noticed it was owned by Jack who had a "water pump" firm, and I think since Jack retired, his sons have taken over the works.
20th July 2012 - Also kindly received from Jacqueline Ramsbottom -
Hi Bryan
Just read the e.mail regarding Vine Mill and Victoria Mill on the website.
A few years ago I did some research for the people at Rossendale Chain and block and this was confirmed in Mike Rothwells Book on Industrial Heritage. I have scanned the relevant pages for you which may explain.
Have a picture somewhere from the 1950's but can't find it at the moment.


21st July 2012 Reply from Margaret Clegg (nee Gowers) from Dorset.
"Just been pleasently surprised by your blog, it's wonderful especially the photos and information about the shops in Dearndengate, which I have written about in my memoirs. I also included the ones at the top of the town across from the Original Big Lamp, the ones up Church street Regent Street and Bury Road not forgetting Marsden Square,Chaple Street Hindle street George Street and the rest. My name was Margaret Gowers and we lived at number 3 Bell Street, the top of the town was our playground. My memoirs have been written for my children and their children but your photos put add a different dimension to them. I would like to say hello to Sandra Taylor (Lees) I remember when she was born in fact I have just sent a photo of one of my younger brothers Colin which included Sandra and was taken in the back yard we shared with their family and the Dewhurst family. Happy days.
From Margaret Clegg nee Gowers now living in Dorset.
(18th July 2012) Email received from John Sumner.
Elsie berry was a family friend & I used to visit her house regularly.
I would have been about 12 - 13 at the time.
I can't remember why I used to go round think it may have been errands for my mother. Either to drop something off or pick something up.
All I recall is going round every week.
She lived on Peel St on the right near the bottom.
Your correspondent was correct about having a goitre on her neck but as i recall used to keep it covered with a headscarf.
If I remember correctly elsie always wore a headscarf but i'm not sure about that.
Elsies home was completely different to her shop as it was usually quite tidy but cluttered.
Lived in is the better description.
The one thing I do remember was the distinctive smell in her home. Wasn't a horrible smell but kind of sweet but sickly but it was always the same smell.
One thing was certain whenever I went round it was guaranteed you were made welcome & always insisted on making sure you had a cup of tea before you left.
Elsie as I recall always had time for everyone & enjoyed a good chat.
We lost contact when we moved away from Haslingden & often wondered about her.
Strange how the mention of a name brings back memories.
(25th May 2012) from Mog Stevenson (ex pat from Kent)
Received this email from Mog, requesting information on the late Geoff Kenyon's Rock Band, and any information would be well received. Hello Bryan. Been reading you in Haslingden old and New. An old friend of mine. Geoff Kenyon sang in a band from Haslingden about 1964/65 time. He lived at Rising Bridge at the time. Sadly Geoff passed away a couple of months ago but I cant see any information regarding him in your info. I remember seeing them play at the Con in Accrington and I believe he sang The Byrds/Dylans Mr Tamborine Man. Do you remember his or the band he played in.
Thanks for your time. Mog Stevenson.
(21st May 2012) from Alan Robinson
Alan has got fond memories of Carrs, where he grew up, and he has kindly sent in four photos of family members etc. The top photo is: Peter and Janice Robinson taken on Commerce Street. The 2nd down is Hazel Robinson (was Greenwood) on the right whilst Pat Robinson is on the left. The third down is: Hazel Robinson and son Peter taken on Commerce Street. And the bottom photo is Hazel & Glen at Lamberts Mill and can possibly be presumed its something to do with a Ladies Cricket Team, because they can be seen holding a bat. I will shortly file these photos under the Carrs Blog.


(17th May 2012) from Dave Rothwell.
Hi Bryan - Just a couple of (starter Pictures) of the demolition of the old TMM Research factory in Helmshore to make way for new housing.I am sure they will be of interest to ex employees of the factory who have perhaps moved away.When I lived in Helmshore (1960-1963) I used to pal out with a lad who's father was a research scientist employed there. He was forever constructing intricate models of textile machinery on the family dining table. He also built a very nice canoe which I still possess ! They moved away but maybe he reads the blog. The lads name was Peter Cole and they lived on Broadway opposite the old wooden pavilion on the Grammar School playing fields ( the school at that time still being on Bury Road).Will send more updates as the work progresses.Very kind regards,Dave Rothwell

(8th May 2012) from Bryan Gudgeon,
Hello Bryan, I was told about the Haslingden Old and New site yesterday. You have an email from an Ian Warburton asking for a 'before the fire " picture of the school. I saw the picture he describes, about 5 years ago, on the wall in the Head Teacher's office, at an open day for old pupils. I went back a few days later with my camera....picture attached.
During my time there, about 1941 to 1948, the groundfloor wall to the left of the centre of the picture, with the 3 small windows was not there. There was just a low wall about 'sitting-on' height. If anyone wants a higher quality version of the picture ( 7 Mbytes ) I will send them one. ............Bryan Gudgeon. (If you do want a larger resolution please contact: bryan.yorke@sky.com
Response from Bryan Yorke 8th May 2012 - Thanks Bryan for managing to get this and now save it for posterity, thats really great sending this in, and I along with Ian and many more will be and are "chuft to bits" to see this. What a beautiful work of art! and hats off to the draughtsman or Architect responsible.. As I mentioned in my mail back to you I attended the same school from about 1953 for the next 10/11 years. And the area you mention was then also just a small low wall of sitting height and we would climb over or go through the front side into a open sort of area with iron stantions, which sort of propped up the heads office above it. Also the area to the left did not exists, probably this is what the new plans referred too. Because has I remember you went up the steps which by the way were facing the "Church" in a North direction and then this was a small flagged play area which at the top uppermost boundary had a little "nook" of about one metre wide and about 12ft long. You can click here if you wish to view a larger resolution.(4th May 2012) Dave Rothwell -
Has kindly sent in the following photos which are now included in the photo album.
Top photo: St James C of E School trip to Coventry Cath around 1963/64 - Pictured in centre is David Clayton with left Pamela Barlow and right Roger Woods and just seen in the background facing camera with a striped dress is Judith Brooks who's dad was the Rossendale Education Officer.2nd photo down: St James Cof E trip to Liverpool and although I dont know the childrens names at the top of the slope you can see left the St. James C of E headteacher Mr. Lloyd and the senior class teacher Mr. (Cyril?) Grimes.
3rd photo down: St James C of E trip to Liverpool and Birkenhead in 1964 - I cant remember all the names but kneeling l/r is John Riley whose dad had Rileys grocers on Manchester Road and Stewart Smith, Standing l/r 3rd from left Roger Woods, 6th from left Ian Hargreaves, 7th Phillip Collins, 8th John Dakin.
4th photo down: Haslingden Grammar School Camp at Tenby in 1968 and shows l/r: David Clayton, John Clayton, Stewart Smith, Roger Woods and back to camera is Derek Sowerby.
Fifth and bottom: Haslingden Grammar School Camp approx 1968 and l/r John Clayton, Roger Woods, Angela Maddox, Carol Ramsbottom, Susan Ashton (nee Wardle) and looking in from the rh side is Ian Edmondson.

(2nd May 2012) Email from John McGuire - Victoria, Australia.
Hi Bryan,
I have been reading the Blog for the past few years and the articles have been very interesting and nostalgic. I attended college in Bolton with John Entwistle of the Swinging Hangmen and later at Haslingden Grammar with John R
Edwards (which article did he contribute to the blog?). I also went to St Mary’s RC with John Bedford, thanks for the school photos John. My great Aunt and Uncle Mary and George Horlock rate a mention in the article about Carrs village.
The purpose of this email is to relate a story told to me by that legendary rag and bone man, Georgie Berry.
Georgie was my great Uncle and I used to visit him in his Church St house. By that time of course Teddy had taken over the business. I last visited him just before emigrating to Australia in 1964 (Could someone provide more details of the fire in which Chris Reid asserts Georgie died)..He recalled his glory days tatting in Haslingden and his arch rival Ezra Mahoney. Ezra Marney ,as he was known in the local patois, had a yard in a paddock between the top church and Spring lane. He stabled his donkey there.
Their rivalry for the local trade was intense and Georgie was exhilarated to read in the Free Press one day that Ezra Marney had fallen over a wall at his yard and sustained a broken neck from which he eventually died. Needless to say he was bitterly disappointed when he later found out that Marney’s donkey was also named Ezra and it was the donkey and not the man that had died.
Keep up the good work,
John McGuire
2 Mulkarra Drive,
Chelsea, Victoria 3196
(30th April 2012) Email from Graham Sumner
Dear Bryan,
I have just come across your blog Haslingden Old and New. The part that interested me the most was the section about Haslingden St. James Church Lads’ Brigade.
I can tell you that the Haslingden St. James Church Lads’ Brigade was started on the 20th December 1901.
As a member of the Church Lads' and Church Girls' Brigade Historical Group, who is researching the Brigade in the Blackburn Diocese and Church Lads’ Brigade War Memorials, I would like to ask you for some assitance.
I have a copy of a booklet about the St. James C.L.B. which was written by Jack Whittaker, and in this he mentions a Roll of Honour to members of the Company who served during the 1914 – 1918 war, which was in the Company Headquarters. Do you know if this Roll of Honour still exists or if there is a photograph of it of which I could obtain a copy?
Also mentioned in the booklet is an Officer called J. T. Haworth who had been the Head teacher of St. James school, could you by any chance tell me what his names where.
I would also be interested in any more information about St. James C.L.B. and or copies of any photographs.
I also remember John Stanton, although I was a member of the Church Lads’ Brigade in Preston.
Yours Faithfully,
Graham Sumner.
(30th April 2012) Email from Mike Duckworth
Hi there My name is Mike Duckworth, i'm researching my family tree and looking back at our family and at the time of the 1881 census my ancestors worked as cotton workers, they lived in bacup but i think worked in haslingden maybe at the duckworth clough mill,i read your blog about it and saw pictures (what could be family members) and was wondering if maybe you could help me out and name workers that worked or maybe owned the place, as nearly all family members worked in the same place.... any help would be a great help thanks alot mike
If you can help you can email Mike direct on: mikey_78uk@hotmail.com if you want to check out the Duckworth Clough Mill Blog please click here.
(18th April 2012) Email from Sue Ashton (nee Wardle) of Crete
Hi Bryan
I have just been reading the email from Ian Warburton on the Haslingden blog, where he says about a picture - "after the fire", dated 8th February 2012, has been printed back to front (that one had me baffled for a while ! ! )". So I flipped it over and how right he is! I thought my memory had been failing me until then as to where the infant department was. The zebra crossing which is now on the left convinced me. I have attached a copy of the flipped image.
Sue Ashton
(13th April 2012) Email kindly received from Ian Warburton who is also trying to obtain a photo of the Haslingden St. James C of E School.
Bryan, hi it's Ian Warburton. I, like you, am desperate to find photographs of Haslingden St James' School before the fire. They are very rare. I spent some of the best days of my life in that building, at primary school, church functions, Sunday school, youth club, walking days, carnivals, etc. and it is really frustrating that there is no record of it. By the way the Jackie Ramsbottom and Brian Smith photo on the web-site, "after the fire", dated 8th February 2012, has been printed back to front (that one had me baffled for a while ! ! ) The best picture I ever saw was an architects impression of the building which was hanging on the wall in the new school corridor a few years ago. It captured the building perfectly. It was drawn as if hovering over Blackburn Road looking down at an angle showing the whole front side of the school. It was about 3 foot by 2 foot in size. I have enquired at the school and nobody knows where it's gone. Anyway good luck with your search. Mine will never cease. Best Regards, Ian Warburton
(13th April 2012) Email kindly received from Dick Bateman of Chapel-en-le-Frith. In regards to Miss Mary Nevin teacher at Haslingden St. Marys School in the early 1920s.
"Hi there, I've enjoyed your blog - well done! One name brought me to it, that of Miss Nevin, the young teacher pictured with the class "in the early 1920s". If it's the Miss Mary Nevin I think it is, she was born in Accrington in 1903, and was my Infants 2 teacher at St Mary's RC Primary School in Worthing, Sussex in 1957. The fact that I reported to my Mum one day that Miss Nevin had read a story to us all about Peter Pan and Captain "Hoook" - rhyming it with Luke - would seem to indicate that she was one and the same. That's not how we pronounced it in Sussex!Anyway, I realise that you are unlikely to know anything more about Miss Nevin, but thought I'd share this with you, just so that you know that such resources as yours bear fruit in very unexpected places!
Best wishes
Dick Bateman (Born and brought up in Worthing, now in Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire)
(9th April 2012) Email kindly received from Angela Hall originally from Carrs. Now included within the Carrs Village Blog: (9th April 2012)
Hi Bryan, I lived at No.21 Commerce Street in 1962/64. I was married to Harry Moore whose mother lived at 48 Blackburn Road, Haslingden. Harry's brother, Bernard Moore and his wife, Barbara lived at No.9. They had a son, Phillip. My daughter, Jackie was born at the same time as Kash and Madge's son. Kash, and we used to walk up Prinny Hill to take the babies to the clinic. Mr & Mrs. Robinson lived next door with their granddaughter. I enjoyed reading about the village and reminiscining. - Angela Hall.
(1st April 2012) Photos of Haslingden Cricket Club & also a photo of Haslingden Co-op Store, Townsend Street.
If you click on the links below, there is a couple of photos kindly sent in by John Bedford.
The first one is of Co-op Shop, Townsend Street, c1926. Left to right: R.A HAWORTH, D.M DEWHURST and M A TITHERINGTON (larger version click here)
And the second photo is of Haslingden Cricket Club Team c1927. (larger version click here)
Back Row: Dick Trickett (Treasurer, Fred Kay, Arthur Blackburn, Leslie Warburton, Albert Rhodes, Dick Watson, Franc Edwards (professional), Walter Pilkington (Scorer)
Front Row: Francis McWade, George Haworth, Jimmy Brierly, Ted Riley, Billy Lees, Jimmy Ashworth (captain).
(16th Mar 2012 update of 7th Feb 2012) Haslingden Darts Tournament
I have just added a photo from a Haslingden Darts Tournament, kindly sent in by Jennifer Gavan. (information update: 16th March 2012 as follows:) John Bedford has kindly informed me that it was the 1973-74 team knockout between the Crown and The Great Tree and that the Crown won five-two. It was played at the Workers! - He has also named all the players that night. filed under photo album in left column or to check out the full list of players: from the left: Pete Hayworth, Bobby Lewis, unknown, Arthur Sedgewick, John Castley, Alan Collinson, Mick Machell, Billy Whitcombe, Derek Whittaker, Tony Morley, Jim Pilling (at the back), John Pritchard, Steve Gordon and John Bedford.
(Tuesday March 6th 2012) Email from Anne Astling"Can we help Anne to find information about her great uncle George Henry Tupling whom taught at Haslingden Grammar School between 1908-1943. Any information would be gratefully received by Anne. Her contact details are within the mail below or alternatively contact me and I will gladly pass on any information.
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2012 4:22 PM
Subject: Haslingden grammar school
Dear Bryan Yorke,
Bob Dobson has given me your email address subsequent to a study day of the Federation for Lancashire Local History at Lancaster the other weekend which was "in appreciation of George Henry Tupling" who was my great uncle. GHT taught at Haslingden from 1908-1943, and I understand you run a website for the school. It may be that you have among your contacts there are individuals who remember him. It would be lovely to have some reminiscences of him: I believe he was well thought of - though I am aware that he could also be quite severe on occasion. I would like to have a "rounded portrait" of him!
Family historian: Taplen-Tupling One-Name Study (www.ttons.org.uk )
(Guild of One-Name Studies www.one-name.org )
Author of "Tapestry: the story of a Victorian businessman" ( a biography of Thomas Tapling 1818-1882) published 2010
Co-author of "The Village on the Hill: a glimpse of Victorian Wrawby" published 2000
Editor of "Wrawby at War 1914-1918" published 2010
Hello Anne,
Many thanks for your email and it will be a great pleasure to include this request within the blog and hopefully someone may come back with information that will help you.
Have you by any chance a photograph I could include? if so this would be very welcome. I have gone through all my photos on the HGS but dont seem to be able to find any of GHT but I know for a fact there must be lots about.
Also I would just like to add, that I dont actually run a website for the HGS and to be honest with you I dont know if they do have a website. In relation to the HGS content within my blog (Haslingden Old and New) it is just odd bits and pieces, together with kind contributions sent in by ex pupils of the HGS with some kind donated photos etc.
Hope we get some help for you.
Kind regards,
(Response: from Arthur Keown on 30th May 2013)
Although lacking in some detail, maybe this will give Anne some pleasure from a person who was in the final year of Dr. Tupling at H.G.S.,
Although I am now 83, I remember with affection the contribution of Dr. Tupling to the academic life of the school. At that time he taught me over a period of about two years before he left and I will always remember the love and depth of his subject. As a teacher of History, he inspired his pupils and H.G.S. was very fortunate to have such a kind and inspiring person and a gifted teacher for such a long period of time.
I think Anne will find a photo of Dr. Tupling on one of the early photos.
Please Bryan, I should be pleased if you will forward this email to Anne Astling,
Best Wishes, Arthur.
(9th Feb 2012) Email from Louise Whaley.
Can we help Louise to find information on the late Mayor Gertrude Warburton or any of her relations? If you do have any information will you kindly contact me by email (bryan.yorke@sky.com) so that I can forward the information to her, thank you.
"Mrs Gertrude Warburton was the Mayor of Haslingden during 1961/62 and she was my great aunt. I'm trying to find out more about our family tree and her life in particular. I'm wondering if a note could be posted on your blog to see if anyone remembers her and has memories (good or bad) that they could post. I have extremely vague memories of when I met her when I was a baby but I think she died soon after. What I don't know is about her family. Do I have other relatives?
I wonder if you are able to assist?
Many thanks in advance
Kind regards
Louise Whaley
Added (9th February 2012) from Bryan Yorke.
Hello Louise,
Many thanks for getting in touch and yes I have now gladly put a request on the blog for information on Gertrude or her family.
I was very privileged to have been on the last Haslingden Borough Council of which Alderman Gertrude was also a member, in fact the photo of the full Council of which you can see her sat at the front on the far left hand side, can be seen by clicking here.
I do remember that she was also a County Councillor for a good number of years, and also perhaps even more important, she was also one of the very few who was granted the "Freedom of the Borough".
She did live for a long time in the Well Bank area of Haslingden.

10th February 2012: Email received from Tony Nelson:
Dear Bryan
We really enjoyed your photos of Haslingden and the railway. My mother (Doreen Rush) was evacuated to Haslingden during the war from Salford and was looking for her old house which was near/in Mill Street opposite the railway sidings. We think the cottages/terraced houses may have been knocked down now. The family worked at the mill which was close by. If you have any ideas please get in touch.
Thank you,Tony Nelson
response (10th Feb 2012):
Hi Tony, I think the area where you mean is Carr Hall Street, which is a row of terraced houses and they are still there today. I havnt got a close up of CHS but have managed to find a distant photo taken from Higher Lane towards Hud Hey. You will notice the old Corporation Yard (sadly in ruins these days) and immediately behind and running paralell you can just make out CHS. Also I have included a photo from Patrick Baker which shows a Bentley Car. Well this photo was actually taken outside a house in Carr Hall Street, and the factory behind is what was Clough End Mill, Hud Hey Road, Haslingden and I think this maybe the Mill you refer to. Also ask her if she remembers Mrs. Porters Shop on the corner of CHS and Hud Hey, she made fabulous pies and custards.
Following on I am now wondering if it is Back Carr Mill Street, you mean, because these have definately been knocked down and were near the sidings (see photo on the left with white arrow showing were Back Carr Mill Street was. This being the case the closest mill would have been Carr Mill (textiles (in the 40s and then Mascos - Felt (during the late 50s and 60s, and then Shepherd Bros timber from the mid 60s and during the 70s.)or could it have still been the Clough End Mill has outlined above, because this is still only perhaps 100 yards from the properties. I do remember before the houses where knocked down: there was Mr and Mrs. Knight up in the corner, and also on the same row, was little Annie Rowe who tragically died in the floods, and there was also a Polish guy called Andrew in another of the houses. Cant remember who was in the other house. Sadly no photos...
A email yesterday received from Sue Ashton in Crete, kindly offering her memories of No.1 Deardengate. I will shortly include this within the Deardengate West Blog, thanks Sue.....Hi Bryan
I have been re-reading your blog from February 2009 eg:
"Starting at No.1 Deardengate (Market Place End on the West Side), I remember this in my childhood as a wool/haberdashary sort of shop and was run by Miss Dawson. (see photo top right), then later probably within the 1970s, it was taken over by Michael Kay who partnered with Syd & Pat Barnes when they had it has Top O'Th Town Studio and they sold paintings and did picture framing etc from here.""I have a vague recollection of going to that shop in my childhood - around 50 years ago, late 50s, early sixties - and I think it was being run by Elsie Berry. I think she had moved from Lower Deardengate. I remember going up a few steps and seeing her sitting at her sewing machine - she had, in my child's mind, a huge neck - I think I heard it was a goitre but I don't know how true that is. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm mistaken. My mother used to buy her knitting wool there - she used to have it "put away" and then collect it a few balls at a time, as needed. You can't imagine being able to do that nowadays, can you!Keep up the good work with the blog - I pass many a winter evening here in Crete reading it and reminiscing about my younger days!"Regards
Sue AshtonAnd here is another email kindly received today from Michael Carr (Doctor Carr's son), thanks Mike, I will add to the Doctors Blog shortly.
"Good afternoon Bryan.
I grew up in Haslingden and lived there until 1966 when at the age of eight the family moved to the North East.
So why my discord to you? – well my father was a doctor and had his practice in Haslingden at No.4 Helmshore Road.
He may also be remembered for being the local Conservative Councillor and we have many press cuttings from his days; it seemed the local papers were plastered with his picture all the time or maybe we were just a big nepotistic! Lol!
My father, alas died some ten years ago at the age of 85 and now rests quietly on a hillside in Southern Eire. Mother was/is some twenty years younger than may Dad and still lives happily there.
Being such a young child alas I don’t have many memories but a few ….
· Getting into trouble for picking tar out of the cobbled street and pocketing it
· Fr McCloughlin the local Parish Priest (still alive)
· Dr Henry Leahy – also from Eire – he also had a practice in Haslingden – I know he retired back there.
· Cordingley’s Garage – my favourite haunt (still car mad to this day)
· Holland’s Pies
· The swimming pool
There you are…. thanks for the memories.
Take Care"
Mike.12th June 2011 1122hrs: added mail from John Taylor:Good Morning
Re the area of Deardengate below, just before the British Legion was Mill's toy shop in the late 50's. Also Sue Ashton is right Elsie Berry did run a wool shop in lower Deardengate and the notable think was the absolute 'tip' it was how she every found anything was a marvel, but she did !
(My parents had 'Taylor's Corner Cafe' at 101 Deardengate till the early 60's then my father owned 'The Disk' at 28 Deardengate till 1975) You have had info from my brother 'snighole' !!!!
I was at Haslingden Secondary Modern 1959 to 1963 !
Kind regards
John************************************************************************************12th June 2011 1119hrs: added mail from Victoria Nuttall:
Hi Bryan
I have been looking through your website and have found it really interesting. I live on Blackburn Road and have delved into the history of my house. The only thing I cant find out is whether my house has/had a cellar. We have been carrying out some internal work and discovered 3 stone steps under the main staircase, I want to carry on digging but the other half is a little less enthusiastic. I have looked through all the old pictures of Blackburn Road on your site hoping I might see an old piccie of my house, but none there!
I live at number 175 (it is midterraced of about 5 - elevated from the road, on the left going into Haslingden) would you remember if they had coal doors/chutes to the front of the houses?
many thanks for any info you could give
Vicky ********************************************************************************* 9th June 2011 1902hrs: added a photo from 1911 of Britannia Mill (Weavers Decorations) (from Clifford Hargreaves).
(Click here to see photo) and accompanied with this mail:
Hi Bryan, My sister and I are not sure, but the smallest of the two boys on the front row could possibly be be our father, as he bears a strong resemblance to photos of him when he was in the army.We do know he worked in the cotton industry before the war and the date fits.
Clifford. *****************************************************************************10th January 2012 0837hrs: Here is a email from Chris Reid, with some of his memories of helping out Teddy Berry on the Rag & Bone Cart: Hi Bryan my name is chris reid i went to school and lived in haslingden from 1963/4 to about 1976, i used to help drive and work the last rag and bone cart in haslingden which belonged to Teddy Berry. his son and daughter are both still living in haslingden i believe. his daughter shirley (nuttal) still lives on sunny bank street his son Duncan i am not sure of his current address. I am sure they may have some valueable photos as their grandad george used to have a shop on church st next to the bird in hand pub. where the shop burnt down and george died in the fire. They also had stables that linked from the rear of the shop to what is the landleague. i am afraid all i have is memories. As there was no mention of the last rag and bone man i thought i throw my bit.scholl from 1967-71 i have tried through other sites to get a reunion but no luck so far. if i bring any more memories to mind i will let you know. great site.
chris reid
the photo of the horse and cart loaded with fruit and veg may well have been taken next to the blacksmiths just of hud hey rd i think it was opposite what was sheperds wire factory, the blacksmith was called Bert Marsden. shepherds allso ran a woodyard.
January 20th 2012 - 1432hrs: Email received from Chris Read with some of his Haslingden Memories:If you came up hargreaves st with the police stn on your right at the corner of the street was the old Craven Heifer pub, accross the rd was Mr fittons grocers shop. i think the big lamp was actually placed in ivanovics garden on flaxmoss, it was the same people who made candlewick bedspreads on what was the back of the thorn. i frequented the broken jaw many times. just for the carrs village info, accross from the police station at the bottom junction of hargreaves st which was a boxing /training gym at the time, was a sort of second hand shop, where the people were called norman and may davies who had a daughter called gillian, they moved to carrs i think from birmingham area, norman was joiner by trade.
all the best
January 31st 2012 - 0743hrs: Email received from Rosa in Italy with some Haslingden Memories (Rosa lived in Carr Hall Street as a child)hello, it's rosa, i just about remember all the shops mentioned on blackburn rd.esp.the fruit shop with the hanging banans and grapes and the smell of fish.also the parrafin shop with mr.fred.and of course all the sweet shops,just about remember the chemist's. on deardengate the clarks shoeshop was it not next to the butchers near the co-op,the coalmerchant on blackburn rd.that then moved to church st.a mr.davidson who used to deliver.next was there a flower and fruit shop,mum used to get our flower posies there for the whitsunday processions.then later at the end of the row there was a father and son run shop,where we used to buy jeans and bellbottom pants.
I have attached a picture of Dad behind the counter in the shop probably around 1950 surrounded by toys and model aircraft stuff. (Click over smaller photos to enlarge if required).
(30th November 2012) David has added the following:
Rossendale Motor Club approx c1959 |
I have attached a picture which is of a Motor Club day out on Motorcycles probably about 1959 as I am on the far right and look about six. (Please click over photo to enlarge.
The other people are L/R:Stanley and Ona Morris who had the Gift shop on the parade at Waterfoot for many years and were friends of my Dad, my Mum Edith Rothwell,John Ebbrell (in motorcycle gear and white scarf) and his wife. John moved to London and became one of the main reporters on 'Motorcycle magazine'. My Dad moved him to London in his van and it was the first time they had ever been on a motorway and thought it was marvelous especially the Services !!!
Finaly either Barry or John Hinton with his wife. Barry and John looked very much alike so I'm not sure.
Rossendale Enduro c1960 |
Teams and riders came from all over the country to compete in this time trial which took them across moors, tracks and river fords to a finish late in the day. Many bikes were completely wrecked at the end of it. The Army always entered a team. The picture shows my Dad on the left scrutineering a scooter before the off helped by his pal Tom Hague who was a window cleaner in Haslingden for many years. This picture is probably around 1960.
That's all for now,
Many thanks again,
Dave R.
(26th November 2012 from Eddie Sheppard.
I am researching family history and found that a relative of my wife (Betty
Entwistle)was born at Bentley House in 1861.I would be interested in visiting
the site and wondered if you could provide directions.I think it may be
accessible from Calf Hey car park but would be grateful for any help you can
provide regarding location or the history of Bentley House and its
former residents.
Kind Regards
Eddie Sheppard
(response from Bryan Yorke)
Hello Eddie,
Thanks for your mail and I will gladly send you
directions of how to get there from Calf Hey Car Park. I will send this to you
when I get back home later today.
In regards to its history etc, all I know is whats
already printed within the blog. I will later add your request to the blog and
lets hope someone may have more detailed information for you.
In regards to tracking down your wife's ancestors,
you may wish to contact Jackie Ramsbottom who runs Haslingden Roots as she is
well into this and especially with early Graners. Her email is:
Good luck with it all,
Good luck with it all,
(22nd November 2012 from Lee Johnson
Hello Bryan
I am a history student currently studying at UCLan in Preston and I am leading a small group of students in creating story boards about St. Peter's, Laneside to be a permenant display in the entrance hall to their community centre.
Whilst researching the town of Haslingden I have come across your blogspot site and I thought I would contact you. I was wondering if you have any photo's of the Church or School/Community Centre that could be of use to my team.
I look forward to hearing from you
Kind regards
Lee Johnston
(Response: If anyone can help please send details through to me at this email address, and I will then forward on to Lee, thank you in anticipation)
I am a history student currently studying at UCLan in Preston and I am leading a small group of students in creating story boards about St. Peter's, Laneside to be a permenant display in the entrance hall to their community centre.
Whilst researching the town of Haslingden I have come across your blogspot site and I thought I would contact you. I was wondering if you have any photo's of the Church or School/Community Centre that could be of use to my team.
I look forward to hearing from you
Kind regards
Lee Johnston
(Response: If anyone can help please send details through to me at this email address, and I will then forward on to Lee, thank you in anticipation)
(14th November 2012) from Ann Whittaker J.P.
Hi there, Just had to write and let you know how much I enjoy this
blog, it takes me back to so many good times of my childhood in the 1950's. My
grandfather James Gilmartin had a painter and decorators shop at 22 Regent
Street, next door was a ladies hairdressers, Mrs. Page and further up on the
corner was Mrs. Winterbottom's (sweet shop) I think. These were across the road
from the now St. James primary school. I remember the houses that were pulled
down to accomodate this. Does anyone have a better picture than this of the
shops in Regent Street... or indeed remember my grandfather? His sons are John,
James and Bernard and my mum was the only daughter, Margaret.
Ann has also sent in these two photos from Regent Street, which both have the background of her grandfathers shop. Can anyone help with a more complete photo of the shops, thank you.
(8th November 2012) from Keith Riley (Ontario, Canada)
I am researching my family from Haslingden. My
grandfather Ernest Ion Riley emigrated in 1902 his father John Riley and
Mother Nancy Ann Ramsbottom appears in the 1891 census but I can't find them
after that. John Riley was an assitant school headmaster in 1891 but I don't
know what school that would have been. Any suggestions. I have been in touch
with Jacqueline Ramsbottom but would be appreciated any further help or direction.
Keith Riley
ST. Catharines Ontario Canada
613 902 5201
Response: I was going to recommend you contact Jackie, has she is very much into family research, and sure she may be able to help you. So thats great you've already made contact. And I am pleased also as a addition to include your request on this blog and I just hope you get some helpful information.
Response from Ann Whittaker J.P (dated: 14th November 2012)
Response from Ann Whittaker J.P (dated: 14th November 2012)
Hi Bryan,
Sent the email below to Keith Riley (8th November 2012) but I have received a delivery notification failure for the email address. I wondered if you could forward it to him or post it on the blog?
I have a great interest in family history, particularly of Haslingden where I was born. I viewed your post on the Haslingden old and new website regarding your Riley ancestors and took it upon myself to do some digging! (Hope you don't mind!). John Riley (1858) was indeed a school teacher. He married Nancy Ann Ramsbottom at the parish church on 28th April 1881. The couple had two children, Ernest Jon (1885) and Mary A (1883).
Nancy Ann Riley (nee Ramsbottom) died in 1900 and would therefore not appear on any census records after 1891. Her father was William Henry Ramsbottom, a respected coal dealer who followed his trade in Haslingden for many years.
John Riley's father - Robert Riley was an innkeeper by trade. The only record I can find for John Riley (1858), after the 1891 census is a John Riley as a patient in the workhouse, living on his own account and not as a pauper but his occupation is listed as 'innkeeper'. It may be a link....then again... it might not!
Maybe some of this will help...not too sure... let me know if I can assist you further...
Best regards...
Ann Whittaker J.P.
Sent the email below to Keith Riley (8th November 2012) but I have received a delivery notification failure for the email address. I wondered if you could forward it to him or post it on the blog?
I have a great interest in family history, particularly of Haslingden where I was born. I viewed your post on the Haslingden old and new website regarding your Riley ancestors and took it upon myself to do some digging! (Hope you don't mind!). John Riley (1858) was indeed a school teacher. He married Nancy Ann Ramsbottom at the parish church on 28th April 1881. The couple had two children, Ernest Jon (1885) and Mary A (1883).
Nancy Ann Riley (nee Ramsbottom) died in 1900 and would therefore not appear on any census records after 1891. Her father was William Henry Ramsbottom, a respected coal dealer who followed his trade in Haslingden for many years.
John Riley's father - Robert Riley was an innkeeper by trade. The only record I can find for John Riley (1858), after the 1891 census is a John Riley as a patient in the workhouse, living on his own account and not as a pauper but his occupation is listed as 'innkeeper'. It may be a link....then again... it might not!
Maybe some of this will help...not too sure... let me know if I can assist you further...
Best regards...
Ann Whittaker J.P.
(29th October 2012) from Ann Southon (nee Grieco) from Australia.
Hi Bryan
Love the site , My parents Annie and Joseph Grieco used to own the chippie
on Blackburn Road Haslingden and I was wondering if there are any old photos of it
to be had. I was actually born there we came to Australia in 1957 and have no
photos of that time. Hope you can help
Regards Anne
(Response from Bryan) Hi Anne, I am aware of this one in the undermentioned photo which was next door to Harry Taylors butchers. When I was a child the owner was Mr and Mrs. Daniels, then as a teen and beyond it was Jack and Mary Stafford who had it, and then after them it was a Chinese chip shop, and I think the owner got ill and it was shut down and thats about( it as I remember. I am sure that if anyone out there does have a better photo of the chip shop maybe they will kindly contact me so that I can pass it on to you. This is the only one I have.
Also, thanks to Bob Stevens for reminding me about another chippy on Blackburn Road which was in the middle of the long row near to Railway Road. It was run by Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, and I remember on one side was Mr. Heap the Clogger and on the other side it was the Co-op. In fact thinking about it there was also Danny Rudges at the top of Prinny Hill. So I am to believe yours was the one at the top of Prinny Hill before Danny Rudge had it.
31st October 2012 from Martin Molloy.
Hi Brian,
Grieco's chippy was next to Abbots butchers and Bramwell's fish shop.
Can't remember Ann but her brother Michael was in the scholarship class of 1957
at St. Mary's Junior School Haslingden and then he left or emigrated with his family?
Cheers Martin Molloy.
Grieco's chippy was next to Abbots butchers and Bramwell's fish shop.
Can't remember Ann but her brother Michael was in the scholarship class of 1957
at St. Mary's Junior School Haslingden and then he left or emigrated with his family?
Cheers Martin Molloy.
7th November 2012 Mike Hogan (Southern France)
Hello Bryan,
Your blog is getting more and more
I remember Michael Grieco very well as he was my best pal. He
lived just behind the chip shop that you write about but I don’t remember that
it belonged to his family. I used to walk with him to his house on my way home
from school (I lived on Booth Street near the railway station). His mother was
Mediterranean looking and spoke very little English but there was no father or
sister. Maybe they had already emigrated.
Then one Friday afternoon we called at his house and his
mother told him to say goodbye to me as they were moving to Australia in a
couple of days. I recall being very shocked and a bit sad.
That was the last I saw of Michael. Many years later I was
told that one of the Dunleavy brothers was working at a factory in Australia
and Michael was working there also. He recognised the Haslingden accent and
talked about his memories of the town, but that is all I heard.
(25th October 2012) from John McGuire.
Hi Bryan,
Once again thank you for your interesting and informative site. I last saw my father in 1991( he was born in 1911) and he told me a story that I would like to verify.
I feel sure that some of your contributors would be able to provide more information on this. My father and his family lived on Pocket St. Behind the Top Church.
He related a story of a mass exodus of residents from there to the brand new housing estate of Long Shoot. This was brought about by the deterioration of the water pipes
And the subsequent lead poisoning which occurred. His most vivid memory was of a long procession of horse drawn flitting trucks moving with great ceremony along Bury Rd
to the new housing estate at Shoot. This, he recalled, being accompanied by cheering crowds which lined the way. Dad reckoned that it was Haslingden’s first slum clearance
project. I imagine this took place in the 1920’s. Any corroboration or otherwise would be appreciated.
Best regards,
John McGuire
(9th October 2012) from Jackie Ramsbottom Re: St. James Church and its wall collapsing.
Hi Bryan
Did some research on this a while ago and this small snippet of information came from the Haslingden Guardian from 8th February 1946. I will check the Haslingden Observer and see what report was in there and if more info will pass on.
The article states that whilst demolition of properties surrounding the Church Wall was taking place this incident happened and as you can read some graves collapsed and headstones were lost.
(9th October 2012) from Keith Fitton (Haslingden) Re: St James Church and Its wall collapsing.
Hi Bryan
Congratulations on the Haslingden blog - its a great read. Thought you might be interested in my latest blog entry reflecting on some of my early memories of the town specifically thinking about St James's church. I may have dreamt the episode about the churchyard wall collapsing! Maybe someone else remembers it? Here's the link:-
Keith Fitton
Hi Keith, I do remember something about it, several people told me the story about Coffins being exposed etc, but it would be great to receive some more positive information). I believe there were articles about it in the local press.
(5th October 2012 from Clifford Hargreaves - Re Haslingden Liberal Club. Bryan, Re the Liberal Club Haslingden. The dance club was run by Matt and Della ROBERTS who had twin daughters and I think another daughter.They had previously run a dance club at the old Liberal Club in Rawtenstall, where I attempted to learn to dance. Clifford Hargreaves.
(4th October 2012 from Phil Collins - Re Haslingden Liberal Club.
Bryan, I saw the note from Brian Holden re the old Liberal Club which was at the bottom of Park Street. I can't rememeber what the dance club was called before the place became the Buccaneers club. However I did attempt to learn to dance at the old Liberal Club for a short period. I think the people that gave the instruction were called Matt and Della Street. Two of their daughers also attended the classes and I think they were twins.
One of my friends told me about this website a couple of weeks ago. I have found it fascinating to look at the stuff that is presented especially that from David Rothwell.
Phil Collins
(30th September 2012 from Brian Holden - Re Haslingden Liberal Club. A email kindly sent in from Brian requesting further information on the "High Spot Dance Club" which was situated at the Liberal Club on Park Street, please let me know if you have any information or memories. Thanks.
(13th September 2012) from Bernadette Ainsworth
I have received the following email from Bernadette requesting information on the "Spout House". If anyone can help please contact me on: bryan.yorke@sky.com and I will gladly pass the information on to Bernadette.
"Good eveningI have just seen your website about the area of haslingden, i found it very interesting, i was looking to see if there were any old pictures or information about "spout house farm" which is in haslingden, my son is about to move in to this property, and would love to know anything about the history of this house, sometimes it was known as spout houses, and we believe that many yers ago it was a coaching house, it is situated on cribden end lane.Any help or info would be much appreciated.Thank you
Bernadette Ainsworth

(30th August 2012) from Ian Edmundson
Hi Bryan
I see from the Telegraph that Rhodes Boyson has died. He was born in Haslingden and went to the Grammar School. His father William was chairman of the governors of HGS when I started there in 1964.
(Ian, I did not personally know Sir Rhodes, although I did know his father William, we used to have meetings at his house on Colldale Terrace in the late 1960's.)
Sir Rhodes Boyson has died aged 87 after a long illness. A former headmaster with Dickensian mutton chop whiskers and gold fob watch, Boyson was an old-fashioned figure with trenchant views on the three Rs, morning assembly and the cane (among his claims to fame, he was the only white man ever to have beaten Frank Bruno, a former pupil).
Sir Rhodes was a teacher and headmaster before serving in parliament as MP for Brent North from 1974 to 1997.
(29th August 2012) from Linda Batty (nee foster).
Hello Bryan
My name is Lynda Batty and I was born in Rossendale General and lived first of all in Every St Haslingden, and then in the corner shop at the top of Every St - no. 173 Grane Rd until 1965 when I was 15. I have been doing some family history research since 2000 and as I now live away, and both my parents, although still alive, also live away, I don't get up to Lancashire as often as I would like. My name was Foster before I married and I have a brother Ray who is 5 years younger than me. Our father was Polish but was naturalised. He and my mother both worked in the cotton industry and we have fond memories of life in those early days. I have recently visited Oswaldtwistle Mills and the Helmshore Museum and the pungent smell of cotton fibre is so distinctive! My brother and I used to play along Waterside Rd - the 'Bottoms' we used to call it and sometimes ventured along to Carrs or walked up the little flags to the moor. My brother particularly remembers Todd Hall and we have both heard stories about it but want to know some actual history. Would you be able to provide us with any information, or guide us to where we might do some research?
Just to let you know that I have had a lot of contact with Jackie Ramsbottom and she has greatly helped me with my family research. My grandfather was Fred Hargreaves and my grandmother's maiden name was Lilian Nuttall. She had a sister Annice who was sadly burned aged 7 in 1902. Apparently they lived at Coal Hey then. I have heard the name but can't place where this is. Jackie found a newspaper article about Annice's death but at present is still researching where she is buried. She is not in Holden cemetery or St James's or Musbury. We now think it is either the Congregational Church opposite Coal Hey or the nearby Ebenezer Baptist church. I know the Ebenezer Baptist church on Bury Rd - is this the same one? Can you advise me about both churches near Coal Hey and how I might find out about burials there?
We would be very grateful.
Many thanks
Can anyone help Lynda with this if so please pass on information to me at: bryan.yorke@sky.com and I will gladly pass it on direct to Lynda. Thank you.

Hi Mog, Well it paid off because here is a photo of the Medics from Rising Bridge featuring Geoff Kenyon and the boys. Incredible really how this photo arrived, I was speaking to someone who was out yesterday with Bryan Webster and when I told them about him being in a group years ago, they phoned him and I spoke with Brian who kindly obliged with a photo.
(3rd August 2012) from John Sumner.
Hi Bryan
Through your blog can I appeal for any pictures or information on a row of houses off Laneside Rd.
They were set back off the road more or less opposite what is now Sizehouse village & backed on to Grane mill ??.
I think there was about 5 or 6 houses. I have now found out they were called the "Lonsdale Buildings".
My family had 3 of the houses in the row in the early 60s. I can recall them still being there in the late 60s early 70s although derelict ( we used to play in them instead of going to school).
(10th October 2012 - Jackie Ramsbottom has sent in the photo below which could well be the houses you mention in your email:
(11th October 2012 from Bryan Yorke)
Just noticed your second mail and glad to know that you can now confirm they are the "Lonsdale Buildings".
(11th October 2012 from John Sumner Hi Bryan
As soon as I saw the photo I knew, but just needed that confirmation to be 100% certain. Be nice if I could find a pic of the other 1/2 of the street. Also may be of interest to you.
At the bottom of the street slightly to the left there was a running spring which used to come from the fields which we used to drink from as kids.
(2nd August 2012) from John R. Edwards. Hi Bryan
As a boy going to St James' School, I passed Haslingden Fire Station in Regent St. every day. Sometimes, on the way home, there would be a fireman cleaning the station or the fire engine. Being an inquisitive child I used stop and watch and ask questions, eventually I was able to just go in and talk to the fireman - it was usually the same one, Mr Wade, one day during the school holidays he offered me a child's dream - a ride on the front seat of the engine. I was thrilled to bits as we went from the fire station all the way to the bus shed ( a couple of hundred yards) at the bottom of John St. to fill up the fuel tank. The engine was a Braidwood design carrying a wheeled escape on a Leyland chassis and it had a name plate inscribed 'Watson' just under the windscreen on the bonnet. There was also an Austin Towing Vehice housed at the back of the station, along with a towed fire pump. Sometimes when at home nearby, or out in the town, I would hear the siren sound and off I would run to the station to find out where the fire was (the first man into the station had to ring to Accrington to find out the address and repeat it, that's how I found out the address) and follow the engine, or sometimes, dash off to the site of the fire, if it was nearby, and beat the engine to it. A policeman would on occasion jump onto the engine at the Big Lamp, having run down from Hargreaves St. Police Station.
Sunday mornings was practice time and the firemen would put up the wheeled fire escape to the roof of the Public Hall. After drills or a fire the hose had to be dried in the tower, this was an almost hidden tower as the bottom of it was in the basement and didn't show above the roofline of the Public Hall.
Incidentally, these childhood activities didn't have the slightest influence on me joining the Fire Service years later, and at the selection interviews met Mr Wade's son Robert, and we both served at Accrington Fire Station for a while.
John R Edwards
(reply from Bryan Yorke - I remember Mr. Wade being the leading fireman, and also as a youngster was friendly with his son "Bobby" whom you refer to above. Although I havn't seen Bobby since being a teenager I did hear somewhere that he at one time was working on the "Antartic Exploration Ship". The family used to live on Brook Street just off Hud Hey and Mrs. Wade was a very well known piano teacher.)
(1st August 2012) from Andrea Fell (nee Jenkinson)
Hi Bryan
I was looking for old pictures of Haslingden and Helmshore, as I lived in Helmshore as a child.....from birth in 1971 to 1982. I was 11 when I moved out of the area, but my grandparents and great aunt still lived there until their deaths. They lived on Rising Bridge Road. My grandad was Joseph Jenkinson, who ran Rossendale Chain and Block, along with my great grandad, John Kay (his father in law). You mention a "Jack" that took over when my grandad retired.....I remember my grandad talking about him and I think he was called Jack Bell. My grandma, Dora Jenkinson (nee Kay) was the Sunday School teacher at Welsey Church in Haslingden and her sister Mary Kay, was the church organist......I think my Auntie Mary is in one of the photos in the Wesley Church and Panto photos. My mum, Mary Fell (nee Jenkinson), is helping to carry the "Primary" banner in the photo of the Walking Day walk. She went on to marry my dad (Brian Fell from Clitheroe) in 1970 at Welsey Church......just before the church closed and then was demolished.Sadly my grandad Joseph, died in 1999. My mum Mary, died in 2007 and my grandma Dora died in 2010. I think my Auntie Mary died in the 1980s, but I cannot remember when.I visited my grandparents every week and remember Kenyon's Bakery in the 1970s delivering to their house every week - the bread always smelt lovely in the van!Thank you for helping me remember lovely memories and good luck with your website in the future.
Andrea Fell
(from Bryan Yorke 1st August 2012)
Thanks so much for your email. I have very fond memories of all who you mention in particular Mrs. Jenkinson (your Gran), like you said she was the Sunday School teacher at the Wesley Church and a very lovely lady. I was especially saddened to hear that you lost your mother Mary in 2007, I knew Mary also from growing up in the Hud Hey area and also from our school days. I also remember her older sister Christine. I did also hear that Christine may have also passed away a few years back now. I can still remember Mary Kay also who played the organ. I can remember Mr. Jenkinson, a tall man who drove (I think!) a Jag.
I too remember that "Kenyons" confectioners mobile shop and your right about the "lovely aromas". It was on a Saturday morning when they came round Rising Bridge Road and Hud Hey and I couldn't wait to get my "ice buns" or their "so special" trifles.
It was great to hear from you.
and all the very best,
(31st July 2012) from Sandra Scott (ex pat from Perth, Australia)
Just want to say thanks for putting together such a great site - I've lived in Perth Australia these last 17 years, and before that travelled around a fair bit, and I never felt home-sick til I found your site! I was born and bred in haslingden, went to st Mary's infant school on bury rd then to hassy primary and hassy secondary modern - changed to hassy high in my third year - we lived at station brew out Blackburn rd for the first two years of my life so I have faint memories of the train station and Carr hall, then moved down to flaxmoss, then we later moved uptown to grane rd then Victoria st - I used to bemoan the demise of haslingden since the "new bypass" and the "modernization" of the town, so seeing your site warms my heart and stirs great memories of when we were kids running around the moors, along the railway lines and going "up street" with my mum to the vg after Woolworths moved on! Them were the days :)Thanks again for doing such a great job, much appreciated! Cheers Sandra Scott
(31st July 2012) from Sue Ashton (ex pat from Crete)
Hi Bryan I've just caught upon the blog after being away for a few months - still as interesting as ever! I noticed that David Rothwell added some photographs on the 4th May of various school trips. On picture 5 he has an "unknown" between Angela Maddocks and me - it's Carol Ramsbottom. I must say it's not a very flattering photograph of some of us!! RegardsSue Ashton
(27th July 2012) from Mrs. Ruth Lord.
Dear Bryan,
My good friend is an old boy of Haslingden Grammar School and he has been trying to recall where precisely the wartime summer camps were held, when boys and staff helped farmers by picking peas etc.
He thinks it was in the Bickerstaffe area and that they got there by train, walking from Ormskirk station.
This would have been about 1943.
I should be most grateful for any information such as the name and location of the farm(s) they worked on, so I can pass this on to my friend.
Thank you,
Ruth Lord (Mrs)
(25th July 2012) from Michael Mullaney
The next photograph taken from Haslingden Old Railway Station shows the view of the rear of Whittaker Terrace, Blackburn Road, Haslingden.
There were a great many examples in Haslingden of terraced properties built in this manner, adapted as they were to the natural slopes and terraces of the valley side. The terrace which was financed by the local firm of Whittakers Solicitors is divided horizontally. The upper section comprises of back-to-back houses, the front accessible from pavement level on Blackburn Road. The reare properties accessed by way of a cantilevered walkway from each end and a ginnel in the centre.
The lower section is of the back-to-earth design, that is, the back wall of the property was built into the natural rock. The lower properties were accessed by way of stone steps at each end and a steep stepped ginnel in the centre. Known as the 99 steps. This also acted as a short cut from the Top o’th Town for workers to the mills which ran along the valley bottom. Toilets were in the small lean-to at each end and in out buildings at the lower level. No property had any through ventilation.
The Bottom photograph: Corner of King Street and Chapel Street.
Wesleyan Chapel and Sunday School. Only a few slab gravestones mark the place where this Chapel and its small cemetary used to be.
Michael has kindly sent in lots of photographs, most of which are now filed within the "Photo Album" section in the left pane. There are some captions here which are to go with the photos in the "Photo Album". Trust you can match up OK. Also Michael has kindly sent in six photos of St. Marys RC Students now filed in the appropriate blog.
Here are some of the captions to go with his photos in the "Photo Album".
Lower Lane Photograph (Once one of the main routes into the town from the Kings Highway to the Parish Church. All roads started and ended at the Church, it was the visual focal point for miles around. Haslingden Brewery (Baxters) was opposite at the top of Spring Lane.
Back Pleasant Street Photo - Viewed from Bury Road through to Deardengate.
Built around 1750 these were back-to-back properties. They adjoined properties in Hindle Street. There was a natural drop between Hindle Street and Back Pleasant Street. At the far end of the terrace there were some cellar dwellings whilst at the top end the cellars were semi sunken. The two large stone supports sticking out from the middle of the row were there to support a large tank which would collect rainwater from the roof. The small lean-to originally housed two toilets for the residents.
Church Street, corner of Hargreaves Street Photo.The top property in this sorry looking block is The Bird in Hand public house. Teddy Berry the Marine Salvage Expert as was the official title, better known as rag tatters or rag and bone man lived in one of the shops. There was also a clogger’s shop Whiteside’s where you could still get handmade clogs up until the late 1950s. Across the street was Goldsworthy’s Herbalist shop. You could take a personal item from a sick person to him and he would diagnose the health issue and prescribe the appropriate herbs to return the patient to the best of health.
(25th July 2012) from John Sumner.
Hi Bryan
An aunt has asked me to appeal through your blog for any any information regarding a working mens club in Carrs village. I have attached her email....
I remember when I lived down Carrs. One of the neighbours showed me a photo in sepia of what used to be a workingmens club.
It was situated at the top of Smithies st. behind what was then a barn belonging to Cafferties farmers.It nestled on the hillside on sunnybank hill. In the war they dug trenches on that hill. I saw the remains of the foundations of the workingmens club.
There is no reference to this building anywhere that I know of.
I tried to find out long ago but there appears to be no photo`s of it other than the one I saw around early 50`s.the club or whatever must be about mid or early 18 century or even 17`th century. I have pondered about it ever since.
(23rd July 2012) John R. Edwards
A Snippet about "Victoria and Union Mills" and a guy called "William Robinson".
"When I worked ar Robinsons Union Mill, there was in the office of Mr Law, the manager, a curved "copperplate" used for printing, embossed with a line drawing of the Victoria and Union Mills below the logo Wm. Robinson (Haslingden) Ltd. 1894, this used to be used to print the letterheads for their business mail. The Victoria mill had burnt down many years before. The same fate happened to Union Mill, in the late 1960's - early 70's. I had left in 1965 and worked at Accrington Fire Station.
Just remembered - this snippet from my time there, as an apprentice tackler - I was not laid off when they were on short time.
One of the weavers was called William Robinson - really- who was partially deaf, he told me this tale; that when he went to sign on he was asked what his name was, when he said it, he was told, "no not where you work, what is your name?" He repeated it and they said "yes we know where you work, What is your name?".
John R. Edwards.
(20th July 2012) John Sumner
Through your blog can I appeal for any information regarding the shale bank on the playground at Rising Bridge.
I do know there was a brickyard there and thats why it go it's nickname the brickie.
No one seems to know much about it and wondered whether the two where connected or is it natural.
This has been an enigma for me for many years as it showed signs of working but for what?
Once again thanks for producing such a mine of information.
(reply- 20th July 2012): from Bryan Yorke. Thanks John. What I can tell you is that I was led to believe the Slag Heaps where the actual "spoils" from the tunnelling, when Nuttalls built the large diameter tunnel which is part of the mains tunneling for what carries the "drinking water" which comes from the Lake District and ends up in Manchester. I cant be exact on where it goes (the tunnel), although I did myself work on the "pipelines" over in Great Harwood and Altham", but I think it goes somewhere in the Stonefold areas and or under Cribden and joins another tunnel at Brynbella (Nr. Rawtenstall). I do hope there may be someone out there who could help you with the information you require.)
(reply - 21st July 2012: from John R. Edwards.
Hi Bryan
My uncle, Johnny O'Leary, worked on the Brynbella section, I remember him calling in our house regularly, on his way to and from the Swan Hotel on the corner of Church St/Big lamp. The shaft was dug opposite Union Rd. on Haslingden Rd. The one at Rising Bridge was indeed where the children's park is now and behind is the spoil heap.
Jimmy Ryan was a chap who used to go to the Trades Club who also told tales of the days when he used to work at Brynbella, and the scrapes he got out of - like the time he dropped a wheelbarrow full of materials down the shaft and promptly went to the nearest pub and claimed it as his alibi - a lesser punishment followed.
Here is a google link for the Haweswater Aquaduct: http://www.engineering-timelines.com/scripts/engineeringItem.asp?id=888
John R Edwards
(18th July 2012) Email received from Sandra Taylor (nee Lees)

Vine Grove Works, Commerce Street, (Booth Street?) Haslingden 1960's perhaps?
Dear Bryan
I wondered if you have any knowledge on the mill pictured above. It has been the home of Planned Maintenance (Pennine) Ltd for the last 30 years and before that to Rossendale Chain and block. It is situated directly below St James Church on the old part of Carrs. Strangely there is a rather large stone holding the place up inside that says 'Victoria Mill 1853' but no one has ever heard of a mill with that name in the area and thought you may be able to throw some light on it. I would be interested to know if it originally had a chimney and what was its original purpose.
I would like to say well done and thanks for a fabulous encylopedia of Haslingden's history. I was born at no 4 Regent Street opposite the Trades Club 50 years ago - the youngest of 4 children, 2 brothers Doug, Brian (Flogger) and sister Yvonne Lees. Our Mum and Dad, who have both passed away (Beryl and Jim Lees RAF WW2) rented the house off George Sagar and his wife who also owned the haberdashery shop at the top of Deardengate in the early 1970's. No 2 and 4 Regent Street are one and the same building have a long history starting off as the town Police Station and later becoming the Post Office. It was a School of Music according to the 1901 census.
Kind regards
Sandra Taylor (nee Lees)
Hi Sandra, I seem to have read somewhere that there was a "Paghouse" Mill on this site at one time, and also I feel I have somewhere a scan of a etching which appeared in the old "London Gazette" regarding a fire which was started by the Power Loom Riots. I will try and find this and post later (Now posted below). In more modern times I do remember the Rossendale Chain and Block having it and it was owned and managed by Mr. Kay and Mr. Jenkinson. Then later I noticed it was owned by Jack who had a "water pump" firm, and I think since Jack retired, his sons have taken over the works.
20th July 2012 - Also kindly received from Jacqueline Ramsbottom -
Hi Bryan
Just read the e.mail regarding Vine Mill and Victoria Mill on the website.
A few years ago I did some research for the people at Rossendale Chain and block and this was confirmed in Mike Rothwells Book on Industrial Heritage. I have scanned the relevant pages for you which may explain.
Have a picture somewhere from the 1950's but can't find it at the moment.
21st July 2012 Reply from Margaret Clegg (nee Gowers) from Dorset.
"Just been pleasently surprised by your blog, it's wonderful especially the photos and information about the shops in Dearndengate, which I have written about in my memoirs. I also included the ones at the top of the town across from the Original Big Lamp, the ones up Church street Regent Street and Bury Road not forgetting Marsden Square,Chaple Street Hindle street George Street and the rest. My name was Margaret Gowers and we lived at number 3 Bell Street, the top of the town was our playground. My memoirs have been written for my children and their children but your photos put add a different dimension to them. I would like to say hello to Sandra Taylor (Lees) I remember when she was born in fact I have just sent a photo of one of my younger brothers Colin which included Sandra and was taken in the back yard we shared with their family and the Dewhurst family. Happy days.
From Margaret Clegg nee Gowers now living in Dorset.
(18th July 2012) Email received from John Sumner.
Elsie berry was a family friend & I used to visit her house regularly.
I would have been about 12 - 13 at the time.
I can't remember why I used to go round think it may have been errands for my mother. Either to drop something off or pick something up.
All I recall is going round every week.
She lived on Peel St on the right near the bottom.
Your correspondent was correct about having a goitre on her neck but as i recall used to keep it covered with a headscarf.
If I remember correctly elsie always wore a headscarf but i'm not sure about that.
Elsies home was completely different to her shop as it was usually quite tidy but cluttered.
Lived in is the better description.
The one thing I do remember was the distinctive smell in her home. Wasn't a horrible smell but kind of sweet but sickly but it was always the same smell.
One thing was certain whenever I went round it was guaranteed you were made welcome & always insisted on making sure you had a cup of tea before you left.
Elsie as I recall always had time for everyone & enjoyed a good chat.
We lost contact when we moved away from Haslingden & often wondered about her.
Strange how the mention of a name brings back memories.
(25th May 2012) from Mog Stevenson (ex pat from Kent)
Received this email from Mog, requesting information on the late Geoff Kenyon's Rock Band, and any information would be well received. Hello Bryan. Been reading you in Haslingden old and New. An old friend of mine. Geoff Kenyon sang in a band from Haslingden about 1964/65 time. He lived at Rising Bridge at the time. Sadly Geoff passed away a couple of months ago but I cant see any information regarding him in your info. I remember seeing them play at the Con in Accrington and I believe he sang The Byrds/Dylans Mr Tamborine Man. Do you remember his or the band he played in.
Thanks for your time. Mog Stevenson.
(21st May 2012) from Alan Robinson
Alan has got fond memories of Carrs, where he grew up, and he has kindly sent in four photos of family members etc. The top photo is: Peter and Janice Robinson taken on Commerce Street. The 2nd down is Hazel Robinson (was Greenwood) on the right whilst Pat Robinson is on the left. The third down is: Hazel Robinson and son Peter taken on Commerce Street. And the bottom photo is Hazel & Glen at Lamberts Mill and can possibly be presumed its something to do with a Ladies Cricket Team, because they can be seen holding a bat. I will shortly file these photos under the Carrs Blog.
(17th May 2012) from Dave Rothwell.
Hi Bryan - Just a couple of (starter Pictures) of the demolition of the old TMM Research factory in Helmshore to make way for new housing.I am sure they will be of interest to ex employees of the factory who have perhaps moved away.When I lived in Helmshore (1960-1963) I used to pal out with a lad who's father was a research scientist employed there. He was forever constructing intricate models of textile machinery on the family dining table. He also built a very nice canoe which I still possess ! They moved away but maybe he reads the blog. The lads name was Peter Cole and they lived on Broadway opposite the old wooden pavilion on the Grammar School playing fields ( the school at that time still being on Bury Road).Will send more updates as the work progresses.Very kind regards,Dave Rothwell
(8th May 2012) from Bryan Gudgeon,
During my time there, about 1941 to 1948, the groundfloor wall to the left of the centre of the picture, with the 3 small windows was not there. There was just a low wall about 'sitting-on' height. If anyone wants a higher quality version of the picture ( 7 Mbytes ) I will send them one. ............Bryan Gudgeon. (If you do want a larger resolution please contact: bryan.yorke@sky.com
Response from Bryan Yorke 8th May 2012 - Thanks Bryan for managing to get this and now save it for posterity, thats really great sending this in, and I along with Ian and many more will be and are "chuft to bits" to see this. What a beautiful work of art! and hats off to the draughtsman or Architect responsible.. As I mentioned in my mail back to you I attended the same school from about 1953 for the next 10/11 years. And the area you mention was then also just a small low wall of sitting height and we would climb over or go through the front side into a open sort of area with iron stantions, which sort of propped up the heads office above it. Also the area to the left did not exists, probably this is what the new plans referred too. Because has I remember you went up the steps which by the way were facing the "Church" in a North direction and then this was a small flagged play area which at the top uppermost boundary had a little "nook" of about one metre wide and about 12ft long. You can click here if you wish to view a larger resolution.(4th May 2012) Dave Rothwell -
Has kindly sent in the following photos which are now included in the photo album.
Top photo: St James C of E School trip to Coventry Cath around 1963/64 - Pictured in centre is David Clayton with left Pamela Barlow and right Roger Woods and just seen in the background facing camera with a striped dress is Judith Brooks who's dad was the Rossendale Education Officer.2nd photo down: St James Cof E trip to Liverpool and although I dont know the childrens names at the top of the slope you can see left the St. James C of E headteacher Mr. Lloyd and the senior class teacher Mr. (Cyril?) Grimes.
3rd photo down: St James C of E trip to Liverpool and Birkenhead in 1964 - I cant remember all the names but kneeling l/r is John Riley whose dad had Rileys grocers on Manchester Road and Stewart Smith, Standing l/r 3rd from left Roger Woods, 6th from left Ian Hargreaves, 7th Phillip Collins, 8th John Dakin.
4th photo down: Haslingden Grammar School Camp at Tenby in 1968 and shows l/r: David Clayton, John Clayton, Stewart Smith, Roger Woods and back to camera is Derek Sowerby.
Fifth and bottom: Haslingden Grammar School Camp approx 1968 and l/r John Clayton, Roger Woods, Angela Maddox, Carol Ramsbottom, Susan Ashton (nee Wardle) and looking in from the rh side is Ian Edmondson.
(2nd May 2012) Email from John McGuire - Victoria, Australia.
Hi Bryan,
I have been reading the Blog for the past few years and the articles have been very interesting and nostalgic. I attended college in Bolton with John Entwistle of the Swinging Hangmen and later at Haslingden Grammar with John R
Edwards (which article did he contribute to the blog?). I also went to St Mary’s RC with John Bedford, thanks for the school photos John. My great Aunt and Uncle Mary and George Horlock rate a mention in the article about Carrs village.
The purpose of this email is to relate a story told to me by that legendary rag and bone man, Georgie Berry.
Georgie was my great Uncle and I used to visit him in his Church St house. By that time of course Teddy had taken over the business. I last visited him just before emigrating to Australia in 1964 (Could someone provide more details of the fire in which Chris Reid asserts Georgie died)..He recalled his glory days tatting in Haslingden and his arch rival Ezra Mahoney. Ezra Marney ,as he was known in the local patois, had a yard in a paddock between the top church and Spring lane. He stabled his donkey there.
Their rivalry for the local trade was intense and Georgie was exhilarated to read in the Free Press one day that Ezra Marney had fallen over a wall at his yard and sustained a broken neck from which he eventually died. Needless to say he was bitterly disappointed when he later found out that Marney’s donkey was also named Ezra and it was the donkey and not the man that had died.
Keep up the good work,
John McGuire
2 Mulkarra Drive,
Chelsea, Victoria 3196
(30th April 2012) Email from Graham Sumner
Dear Bryan,
I have just come across your blog Haslingden Old and New. The part that interested me the most was the section about Haslingden St. James Church Lads’ Brigade.
I can tell you that the Haslingden St. James Church Lads’ Brigade was started on the 20th December 1901.
As a member of the Church Lads' and Church Girls' Brigade Historical Group, who is researching the Brigade in the Blackburn Diocese and Church Lads’ Brigade War Memorials, I would like to ask you for some assitance.
I have a copy of a booklet about the St. James C.L.B. which was written by Jack Whittaker, and in this he mentions a Roll of Honour to members of the Company who served during the 1914 – 1918 war, which was in the Company Headquarters. Do you know if this Roll of Honour still exists or if there is a photograph of it of which I could obtain a copy?
Also mentioned in the booklet is an Officer called J. T. Haworth who had been the Head teacher of St. James school, could you by any chance tell me what his names where.
I would also be interested in any more information about St. James C.L.B. and or copies of any photographs.
I also remember John Stanton, although I was a member of the Church Lads’ Brigade in Preston.
Yours Faithfully,
Graham Sumner.
(30th April 2012) Email from Mike Duckworth
Hi there My name is Mike Duckworth, i'm researching my family tree and looking back at our family and at the time of the 1881 census my ancestors worked as cotton workers, they lived in bacup but i think worked in haslingden maybe at the duckworth clough mill,i read your blog about it and saw pictures (what could be family members) and was wondering if maybe you could help me out and name workers that worked or maybe owned the place, as nearly all family members worked in the same place.... any help would be a great help thanks alot mike
If you can help you can email Mike direct on: mikey_78uk@hotmail.com if you want to check out the Duckworth Clough Mill Blog please click here.
(18th April 2012) Email from Sue Ashton (nee Wardle) of Crete
Hi Bryan
I have just been reading the email from Ian Warburton on the Haslingden blog, where he says about a picture - "after the fire", dated 8th February 2012, has been printed back to front (that one had me baffled for a while ! ! )". So I flipped it over and how right he is! I thought my memory had been failing me until then as to where the infant department was. The zebra crossing which is now on the left convinced me. I have attached a copy of the flipped image.
Sue Ashton
(13th April 2012) Email kindly received from Ian Warburton who is also trying to obtain a photo of the Haslingden St. James C of E School.
Bryan, hi it's Ian Warburton. I, like you, am desperate to find photographs of Haslingden St James' School before the fire. They are very rare. I spent some of the best days of my life in that building, at primary school, church functions, Sunday school, youth club, walking days, carnivals, etc. and it is really frustrating that there is no record of it. By the way the Jackie Ramsbottom and Brian Smith photo on the web-site, "after the fire", dated 8th February 2012, has been printed back to front (that one had me baffled for a while ! ! ) The best picture I ever saw was an architects impression of the building which was hanging on the wall in the new school corridor a few years ago. It captured the building perfectly. It was drawn as if hovering over Blackburn Road looking down at an angle showing the whole front side of the school. It was about 3 foot by 2 foot in size. I have enquired at the school and nobody knows where it's gone. Anyway good luck with your search. Mine will never cease. Best Regards, Ian Warburton
(13th April 2012) Email kindly received from Dick Bateman of Chapel-en-le-Frith. In regards to Miss Mary Nevin teacher at Haslingden St. Marys School in the early 1920s.
"Hi there, I've enjoyed your blog - well done! One name brought me to it, that of Miss Nevin, the young teacher pictured with the class "in the early 1920s". If it's the Miss Mary Nevin I think it is, she was born in Accrington in 1903, and was my Infants 2 teacher at St Mary's RC Primary School in Worthing, Sussex in 1957. The fact that I reported to my Mum one day that Miss Nevin had read a story to us all about Peter Pan and Captain "Hoook" - rhyming it with Luke - would seem to indicate that she was one and the same. That's not how we pronounced it in Sussex!Anyway, I realise that you are unlikely to know anything more about Miss Nevin, but thought I'd share this with you, just so that you know that such resources as yours bear fruit in very unexpected places!
Best wishes
Dick Bateman (Born and brought up in Worthing, now in Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire)
(9th April 2012) Email kindly received from Angela Hall originally from Carrs. Now included within the Carrs Village Blog: (9th April 2012)
Hi Bryan, I lived at No.21 Commerce Street in 1962/64. I was married to Harry Moore whose mother lived at 48 Blackburn Road, Haslingden. Harry's brother, Bernard Moore and his wife, Barbara lived at No.9. They had a son, Phillip. My daughter, Jackie was born at the same time as Kash and Madge's son. Kash, and we used to walk up Prinny Hill to take the babies to the clinic. Mr & Mrs. Robinson lived next door with their granddaughter. I enjoyed reading about the village and reminiscining. - Angela Hall.
(1st April 2012) Photos of Haslingden Cricket Club & also a photo of Haslingden Co-op Store, Townsend Street.
If you click on the links below, there is a couple of photos kindly sent in by John Bedford.
The first one is of Co-op Shop, Townsend Street, c1926. Left to right: R.A HAWORTH, D.M DEWHURST and M A TITHERINGTON (larger version click here)
And the second photo is of Haslingden Cricket Club Team c1927. (larger version click here)
Back Row: Dick Trickett (Treasurer, Fred Kay, Arthur Blackburn, Leslie Warburton, Albert Rhodes, Dick Watson, Franc Edwards (professional), Walter Pilkington (Scorer)
Front Row: Francis McWade, George Haworth, Jimmy Brierly, Ted Riley, Billy Lees, Jimmy Ashworth (captain).
(16th Mar 2012 update of 7th Feb 2012) Haslingden Darts Tournament

(Tuesday March 6th 2012) Email from Anne Astling"Can we help Anne to find information about her great uncle George Henry Tupling whom taught at Haslingden Grammar School between 1908-1943. Any information would be gratefully received by Anne. Her contact details are within the mail below or alternatively contact me and I will gladly pass on any information.
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2012 4:22 PM
Subject: Haslingden grammar school
Bob Dobson has given me your email address subsequent to a study day of the Federation for Lancashire Local History at Lancaster the other weekend which was "in appreciation of George Henry Tupling" who was my great uncle. GHT taught at Haslingden from 1908-1943, and I understand you run a website for the school. It may be that you have among your contacts there are individuals who remember him. It would be lovely to have some reminiscences of him: I believe he was well thought of - though I am aware that he could also be quite severe on occasion. I would like to have a "rounded portrait" of him!
Family historian: Taplen-Tupling One-Name Study (www.ttons.org.uk )
(Guild of One-Name Studies www.one-name.org )
Author of "Tapestry: the story of a Victorian businessman" ( a biography of Thomas Tapling 1818-1882) published 2010
Co-author of "The Village on the Hill: a glimpse of Victorian Wrawby" published 2000
Editor of "Wrawby at War 1914-1918" published 2010
Hello Anne,
Many thanks for your email and it will be a great pleasure to include this request within the blog and hopefully someone may come back with information that will help you.
Have you by any chance a photograph I could include? if so this would be very welcome. I have gone through all my photos on the HGS but dont seem to be able to find any of GHT but I know for a fact there must be lots about.
Also I would just like to add, that I dont actually run a website for the HGS and to be honest with you I dont know if they do have a website. In relation to the HGS content within my blog (Haslingden Old and New) it is just odd bits and pieces, together with kind contributions sent in by ex pupils of the HGS with some kind donated photos etc.
Hope we get some help for you.
Kind regards,
(Response: from Arthur Keown on 30th May 2013)
Although lacking in some detail, maybe this will give Anne some pleasure from a person who was in the final year of Dr. Tupling at H.G.S.,
Although I am now 83, I remember with affection the contribution of Dr. Tupling to the academic life of the school. At that time he taught me over a period of about two years before he left and I will always remember the love and depth of his subject. As a teacher of History, he inspired his pupils and H.G.S. was very fortunate to have such a kind and inspiring person and a gifted teacher for such a long period of time.
I think Anne will find a photo of Dr. Tupling on one of the early photos.
Please Bryan, I should be pleased if you will forward this email to Anne Astling,
Best Wishes, Arthur.
(9th Feb 2012) Email from Louise Whaley.
Can we help Louise to find information on the late Mayor Gertrude Warburton or any of her relations? If you do have any information will you kindly contact me by email (bryan.yorke@sky.com) so that I can forward the information to her, thank you.
I wonder if you are able to assist?
Many thanks in advance
Kind regards
Louise Whaley
Added (9th February 2012) from Bryan Yorke.
Hello Louise,
Many thanks for getting in touch and yes I have now gladly put a request on the blog for information on Gertrude or her family.
I was very privileged to have been on the last Haslingden Borough Council of which Alderman Gertrude was also a member, in fact the photo of the full Council of which you can see her sat at the front on the far left hand side, can be seen by clicking here.
I do remember that she was also a County Councillor for a good number of years, and also perhaps even more important, she was also one of the very few who was granted the "Freedom of the Borough".
She did live for a long time in the Well Bank area of Haslingden.

10th February 2012: Email received from Tony Nelson:
Dear Bryan
We really enjoyed your photos of Haslingden and the railway. My mother (Doreen Rush) was evacuated to Haslingden during the war from Salford and was looking for her old house which was near/in Mill Street opposite the railway sidings. We think the cottages/terraced houses may have been knocked down now. The family worked at the mill which was close by. If you have any ideas please get in touch.
Thank you,Tony Nelson
response (10th Feb 2012):
Hi Tony, I think the area where you mean is Carr Hall Street, which is a row of terraced houses and they are still there today. I havnt got a close up of CHS but have managed to find a distant photo taken from Higher Lane towards Hud Hey. You will notice the old Corporation Yard (sadly in ruins these days) and immediately behind and running paralell you can just make out CHS. Also I have included a photo from Patrick Baker which shows a Bentley Car. Well this photo was actually taken outside a house in Carr Hall Street, and the factory behind is what was Clough End Mill, Hud Hey Road, Haslingden and I think this maybe the Mill you refer to. Also ask her if she remembers Mrs. Porters Shop on the corner of CHS and Hud Hey, she made fabulous pies and custards.
Following on I am now wondering if it is Back Carr Mill Street, you mean, because these have definately been knocked down and were near the sidings (see photo on the left with white arrow showing were Back Carr Mill Street was. This being the case the closest mill would have been Carr Mill (textiles (in the 40s and then Mascos - Felt (during the late 50s and 60s, and then Shepherd Bros timber from the mid 60s and during the 70s.)or could it have still been the Clough End Mill has outlined above, because this is still only perhaps 100 yards from the properties. I do remember before the houses where knocked down: there was Mr and Mrs. Knight up in the corner, and also on the same row, was little Annie Rowe who tragically died in the floods, and there was also a Polish guy called Andrew in another of the houses. Cant remember who was in the other house. Sadly no photos...
A email yesterday received from Sue Ashton in Crete, kindly offering her memories of No.1 Deardengate. I will shortly include this within the Deardengate West Blog, thanks Sue.....Hi Bryan
I have been re-reading your blog from February 2009 eg:
"Starting at No.1 Deardengate (Market Place End on the West Side), I remember this in my childhood as a wool/haberdashary sort of shop and was run by Miss Dawson. (see photo top right), then later probably within the 1970s, it was taken over by Michael Kay who partnered with Syd & Pat Barnes when they had it has Top O'Th Town Studio and they sold paintings and did picture framing etc from here.""I have a vague recollection of going to that shop in my childhood - around 50 years ago, late 50s, early sixties - and I think it was being run by Elsie Berry. I think she had moved from Lower Deardengate. I remember going up a few steps and seeing her sitting at her sewing machine - she had, in my child's mind, a huge neck - I think I heard it was a goitre but I don't know how true that is. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm mistaken. My mother used to buy her knitting wool there - she used to have it "put away" and then collect it a few balls at a time, as needed. You can't imagine being able to do that nowadays, can you!Keep up the good work with the blog - I pass many a winter evening here in Crete reading it and reminiscing about my younger days!"Regards
Sue AshtonAnd here is another email kindly received today from Michael Carr (Doctor Carr's son), thanks Mike, I will add to the Doctors Blog shortly.
"Good afternoon Bryan.
I grew up in Haslingden and lived there until 1966 when at the age of eight the family moved to the North East.
So why my discord to you? – well my father was a doctor and had his practice in Haslingden at No.4 Helmshore Road.
He may also be remembered for being the local Conservative Councillor and we have many press cuttings from his days; it seemed the local papers were plastered with his picture all the time or maybe we were just a big nepotistic! Lol!
My father, alas died some ten years ago at the age of 85 and now rests quietly on a hillside in Southern Eire. Mother was/is some twenty years younger than may Dad and still lives happily there.
Being such a young child alas I don’t have many memories but a few ….
· Getting into trouble for picking tar out of the cobbled street and pocketing it
· Fr McCloughlin the local Parish Priest (still alive)
· Dr Henry Leahy – also from Eire – he also had a practice in Haslingden – I know he retired back there.
· Cordingley’s Garage – my favourite haunt (still car mad to this day)
· Holland’s Pies
· The swimming pool
There you are…. thanks for the memories.
Take Care"
Mike.12th June 2011 1122hrs: added mail from John Taylor:Good Morning
Re the area of Deardengate below, just before the British Legion was Mill's toy shop in the late 50's. Also Sue Ashton is right Elsie Berry did run a wool shop in lower Deardengate and the notable think was the absolute 'tip' it was how she every found anything was a marvel, but she did !
(My parents had 'Taylor's Corner Cafe' at 101 Deardengate till the early 60's then my father owned 'The Disk' at 28 Deardengate till 1975) You have had info from my brother 'snighole' !!!!
I was at Haslingden Secondary Modern 1959 to 1963 !
Kind regards
John************************************************************************************12th June 2011 1119hrs: added mail from Victoria Nuttall:
Hi Bryan
I have been looking through your website and have found it really interesting. I live on Blackburn Road and have delved into the history of my house. The only thing I cant find out is whether my house has/had a cellar. We have been carrying out some internal work and discovered 3 stone steps under the main staircase, I want to carry on digging but the other half is a little less enthusiastic. I have looked through all the old pictures of Blackburn Road on your site hoping I might see an old piccie of my house, but none there!
I live at number 175 (it is midterraced of about 5 - elevated from the road, on the left going into Haslingden) would you remember if they had coal doors/chutes to the front of the houses?
many thanks for any info you could give
Vicky ********************************************************************************* 9th June 2011 1902hrs: added a photo from 1911 of Britannia Mill (Weavers Decorations) (from Clifford Hargreaves).
(Click here to see photo) and accompanied with this mail:
Hi Bryan, My sister and I are not sure, but the smallest of the two boys on the front row could possibly be be our father, as he bears a strong resemblance to photos of him when he was in the army.We do know he worked in the cotton industry before the war and the date fits.
Clifford. *****************************************************************************10th January 2012 0837hrs: Here is a email from Chris Reid, with some of his memories of helping out Teddy Berry on the Rag & Bone Cart: Hi Bryan my name is chris reid i went to school and lived in haslingden from 1963/4 to about 1976, i used to help drive and work the last rag and bone cart in haslingden which belonged to Teddy Berry. his son and daughter are both still living in haslingden i believe. his daughter shirley (nuttal) still lives on sunny bank street his son Duncan i am not sure of his current address. I am sure they may have some valueable photos as their grandad george used to have a shop on church st next to the bird in hand pub. where the shop burnt down and george died in the fire. They also had stables that linked from the rear of the shop to what is the landleague. i am afraid all i have is memories. As there was no mention of the last rag and bone man i thought i throw my bit.scholl from 1967-71 i have tried through other sites to get a reunion but no luck so far. if i bring any more memories to mind i will let you know. great site.
chris reid
the photo of the horse and cart loaded with fruit and veg may well have been taken next to the blacksmiths just of hud hey rd i think it was opposite what was sheperds wire factory, the blacksmith was called Bert Marsden. shepherds allso ran a woodyard.
January 20th 2012 - 1432hrs: Email received from Chris Read with some of his Haslingden Memories:If you came up hargreaves st with the police stn on your right at the corner of the street was the old Craven Heifer pub, accross the rd was Mr fittons grocers shop. i think the big lamp was actually placed in ivanovics garden on flaxmoss, it was the same people who made candlewick bedspreads on what was the back of the thorn. i frequented the broken jaw many times. just for the carrs village info, accross from the police station at the bottom junction of hargreaves st which was a boxing /training gym at the time, was a sort of second hand shop, where the people were called norman and may davies who had a daughter called gillian, they moved to carrs i think from birmingham area, norman was joiner by trade.
all the best
January 31st 2012 - 0743hrs: Email received from Rosa in Italy with some Haslingden Memories (Rosa lived in Carr Hall Street as a child)hello, it's rosa, i just about remember all the shops mentioned on blackburn rd.esp.the fruit shop with the hanging banans and grapes and the smell of fish.also the parrafin shop with mr.fred.and of course all the sweet shops,just about remember the chemist's. on deardengate the clarks shoeshop was it not next to the butchers near the co-op,the coalmerchant on blackburn rd.that then moved to church st.a mr.davidson who used to deliver.next was there a flower and fruit shop,mum used to get our flower posies there for the whitsunday processions.then later at the end of the row there was a father and son run shop,where we used to buy jeans and bellbottom pants.